UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1380]

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Howard, L. F., degree, 467 Howard, L. L. ( appointment, 926 Howard, L. N., fellowship, 1094 declination, 1096 Howard, Mrs. Lillian, appointment, 789 Howard, Marilyn A., degree, 1229 Howard, Mary R., degree, 1236 Howard, Phyllis M., degree, 1224 Howard, R. W., degree, 446 Howard, W. A., appointment, 385 degree, 434 fellowship, 342 resignation, 928 Howard, W. C , degree, 433 Howard, W. LT) degree, 462 Howard's Appliance Store, purchase, 280, Howarth, J. A., degree, 1221 Howarth, K. R., degree, 1241 Howd, M. C , Jr., degree, 930 Howden, J. A., degree, 1241 Howe, Mrs. Dorothy, appointment, 798 Howe, F. E., degree, 1224 Howe, J. L., degree, 1024 Howe, M. C.j appointment, 38, 638, 653 Howe, M. Priscilla, appointment, 736 Howe, Q., appointment, 1177, 1192 Howe, W. J., degree, 123 Howell, D. W., degree, 1033 Howell, J. E., degree, 1234 Howell, James G., degree, 858 Howell, John G., degree, 113 Howell, L. Z., Co., purchase, 1116 Howell, M., appointment, 777 Howerter, S. C., degree, 445 Howey, Anna K., degree, 454, 1201 Howland, W. L., degree, 471 Howser, R. E., degree, 864 Howser, W. D., degree, 445 Hoyman, H. S., appointment, 640 Hoyne, A. L., appointment, 55, 876 Hoyt, Mrs. Mary, appointment, 798 Hoyt, R. L., degree, 1244 Hrdy, R. J., degree, 1022 Hrubant, E., degree, 1214 Hrubecky, H. F., degree, 26 3 Hruby, Emily, degree, 1230 Hsieh, G. J., degree, 269 Hsieh. Wen-fhao, degree, 1013 Hsu, Ming Po, degree, 160 Hu, H. C., appointment, 153, 611 degree, 930 resignation, 928 Hu, Shih-Chiow, degree, 119 Hu, Shih-ru, degree, 112 Hu, Sien-Tsin, degree, 158 Hua, L. K., appointment, 364, 385, 564, 1005 cancellation, 1055 resignation, 1008 Huang, Shu-shan, degree, 1012 Huang, Tzu-Chuen, degree, 441 Hubbard, A. W., appointment, 387, 641, 1148 Hubbard, J. D., degree, 1237 Hubbard, L. L., degree ; 122 Hubbard, Mary O., resignation, 513 Hubbard, P. G., Jr., degree, 431 Hubbard, Rowena, degree, 432 Hubbartt, D. S-, degree, 466 Hubbell, F. M., degree, 276, 464, 1210 Hubbell, Sally J., degree, 1230 Hubble, C. J., appointment, 671 Hubble, R. H., degree, 261 Huber, H. D. t degree, 1239 Huber, Marie, appointment, 752 Huber, Mary J., appointment, 805 Huber, Ramona, appointment, 752 Huber, W. E., degree, 1019 Huber, W. G., degree, 1243 Hubka, Betty R., appointment, 383 degree, 1 o 12 fellowship, 1093 Hubler, Dorothy H., degree, 471 Huckstadt, R. A., degree, 1221


Housing, cont'd federal aid, preparation of plans, application, 971 report, 990 request, 96*6 funds, preliminary plans, 1187 release, 208, 823 research project, annexation to city of Urbanaand to Urbana-Champaign Sanitary District, 326 appropriation, 196, 227 balance reappropriated, 485, 487 architectural services, 196 authorization, 196, 226 bond issue, 817 bids, 886 legal services, 326 resolution authorizing, 887 contract, general work, 312, 358 rejection of bids, 313 landscaping, 312, 951, 1081 site improvements, 312 utilities installations, 501 dedication of streets, 501 estimated cost and allocation of funds, revisions, 27 loan, extension of amortization period, 313 location, 196 nursery stock for landscaping, purchase, 1065 revenue bonds, deposit agreement, 1004 sanitary sewer, 827 residence properties, additional, purchase, 2, 76, 77 payments in lieu of taxes, 920 repairing and redecorating, funds, 3 Saunders residence, purchase, referred to Executive Committee, 33 staff, budget, 672, 777 survey, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 530 employment of architects, 490 recommended, 404 temporary, budget, 672, 777 emergency exits to buildings, 328 fuel oil, purchase, 20 gas service, 237 lawn repairs, 330 oil distribution system, contract, 197 engineering services, 20 remodeling, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 487 sanitary sewer, contract, 227, 411 ( 507 service, 330 sidewalk surfacing, 810 walks and drives, 02 veterans units, transfer of title to University, request, 26 See also Student and Staff Apartments. Housing & Home Finance Agency, contract, 1062 Housing Division, budget, 548, 670, 739, 77$ Houston, B. B., Jr., fellowship, 1094 Houston, Lillian J. M., degree, 1201 Houston, Nancy, appointment, 632, 642 Houston, R. K., degree, 862 Housworth, Amy, appointment, 794 Houtchens, J. H., degree, 277 Houvouras, E. T., degree, 1205 Hovde, Dorothy M., degree, 440 Hovde, Helen J., appointment, 718, 1152 Hovey, Mrs. Margaret P., gfift, 1173 Howard, Angeline A., appointment, 56, 687, 795, 834 gift, 911 Howard, C. B., certificate, 132 Howard, H. M., degree, 1215 Howard, J. A., appointment, 38, 624 Howard, J. R., degree, 449, 1208 Howard, Janice H., degree, 455 Howard, Mrs. Jessie, appointment, 542 Howard, L. B., appointment, 13, 589 lease, 238