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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Hopkins, F, W,, certificate, 1035 Hopkins, J. D,, degree, 463 Hopkins, Nancy A., degree, 1239 Hopkins, T. P., appointment, 373, 560 resignation, 843 Hopp, R- H., degree, 1209 Hoppe, E. T., appointment, 785 Hopper, Mrs. Ruth, appointment, 740 Hopper, W-, degree, 1022 Hoppin, C. F., degree, 863 Hopson, E. C , degree, 443 Horan, A. J., purchase, 1163 Horenberger, J. H., degree, 116 Horgen, Margaret J., degree, 1020 Horin, R. F., degree, 467 Horin, W. K., degree, 265 Horman, L. G., degree, 1018 Hormell, Dorothy L., degree, 1024 Hormones, research, gift, IT68 Horn, A. C , Corp., contract, 420 Horn, C. E., appointment, 765 Horn, Mrs. Doris T., appointment, 769 degree, 456 Horn, H. W., appointment, 610 Horn, L. R., degree, 1028 Hornacek, Rose L., appointment, 719, 1153 Hornbaker, Mrs. Dorothy L., appointment, 734 Hornbaker, W. R,, degree, 1027 Home, Mary C , appointment, 780 Hornecker, J. D., degree, 1235 Horner, R. A., degree, 859, 1203 Horowitz, Grace, appointment, 98 resignation, 109 Horowitz, M. A., appointment, 38, 657 Horowitz, Rachel L., appointment, 1053 resignation, 1195 Horrell, C. W., degree, 438 Horrocks, J. E., appointment, 1143 Horses, program of education and research, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 484 Horsfall, \V. R., appointment, 561 Horst, E. F., degree, 1033 Horticultural farm, adjoining land, purchase, ig6, 226, 242 offer withdrawn, 289 Horticulture, advisory committee, 178 appropriation, balance reappropriated, 70, 530 budget, 594, 749 salary adjustments, 1060 summer session, 384 equipment, appropriation, 80, 148 fellows, 342 purchase, automobile, 235 boiler, 235 laboratory furniture, 938 laboratory table, 163 microscopes, 164, 1064 tractor, 280 truck, 280 remodeling, appropriation, 148 research, gift, copper fungicides, 1167 orchard nutrition studies, 165 vegetable crops, 165 storage rooms, construction, 482 tractor and truck equipment, appropriation, 191 . . 1371 Hosek, E. F., certificate, 496 Hoskin, D. L., degree, 276 Hoskins, W. R., degree, 1222 Hospital and medical service, budget, 672 insurance, plan, 504 referred to Finance Committee, 10, 77 recommendations, 86 policy and procedures, 199 Hospital Equipment Corp., purchase, 279, 481 Hospital malpractice liability insurance, Chicago Professional Colleges, purchase, 1163 Hospital Pharmacy, purchase, air-conditioning equipment, 233 intravenous supplies, 234 vitamins, 163 revolving accounts, 699, 788 Hospitals, See McKinley Hospital and Research and Educational Hospitals. Hossfeld, G. J., degree, 1218 Hostetter, Marie M., appointment, 647, 1146 Hostetter, W. R., degree, 1214 Hostettler, Aleen A., degree, 114 Hostettler, F. E., appointment, 800 Hosticka, F. J., degree, 473 Hostie, J. F., degree, 1224 Hostinsky, Lois A., degree, 431 Hotchkiss, C. T., appointment, 98, 119 Hott, R. F., appointment, 735, 775, 776 Hottes, C. F., appointment, 555, 582 Hotuiz, J. K., degree, 849 Hotze, W. A., degree, 1232 Houchens, Josie B., appointment, 647, 660 Houck, F. W., appointment, 801 Houck, H. L., degree, 1232 Hough, Mrs. Ellen M., appointment, 769 Hough, Emma S., degree, 120 Hough, J. L., appointment, 383, 562, 1145 Hough, M. J., appointment, 874 Hough, Mary L., certificate, 132 Hough, W. D., degree, 1234 Houghton, W, E., Jr., degree, 1237 Houlihan, Patricia L., degree, 1245 Houpt, Janette, degree, 461 House, A. S., appointment, 389, 1150 House, E. A., Jr., degree, 128 House, H. M., certificate, 1046 House, Marilyn I., degree, 1215 House of Representatives, legislation, appropriation bills for 1949-1951, 527 civil service amendments, 528 Medical Center Commission, appropriation for land acquisition, 529 Research and Educational Hospitals, change in name, vetoed by Governor, 528 Retirement System, increase in employee contributions, 529 School Code, amendment, 529 University civil service, change in administration, 421 Houses, modular design, study of planning principles, 525 Housing, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 71 architectural services, 195 Chicago, agreements with Medical Center Commission, 1188, 1261 apartment building adj acent to campus, construction endorsed by University, 6 architectural services, 78, 145, 991 estimated costs and loans, review, 966 financial information, summary, 6 financing, T97, 311, 402 land, acquisition, 136 action rescinded, 313 appropriation, 7 legal services, 99 * loan, application, 7 plans and specifications, funds, 967 report, 136, 289, 402 coin-operated home laundry machines, installation, contract, 1063 Horticulture Field Laboratory, appropriation, equipment, 499 remodeling, 407, 970 balance reappropriated, 486 consulting engineer, services, contract, 984 storage rooms, construction, 482 Hortin, C. L., degree, 847 Hortin, G. C , certificate, 206 Horton, V. R., degree, 1241 Horvath, S. C , degree, 1028 Horvitz, V. S., degree, 456, 1223 Horwich, W. M., certificate, 206 Horwitt, M. K., appointment, 47, 867 Horwitz, H., appointment, 50, 870 Horwitz, I. D., appointment, 252, 685, 1192 Hosch, Mrs. Florence I., appointment, 659
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