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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1370 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Holt, Patricia J., degree, 1236 Holtman, E. A., appointment, 662 Holtzblatt, D., certificate, 496 Holtzman, J., degree, 1228 Holub, L. A., appointment, 58, 880 Holz, K. W., degree, 1033 Holzbeierlein, R. H., degree, 452 Holzem, Beatrice M., degree, 452 Holzinger, J. R., degree, 267 Homan, T., R., degree, 1220 Home advisers, budget, 599 Home Economics, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 70, 530 budget, 591, 748 salary adjustments, 1059 summer session, 384, 1146 gift, award, Spanish-American War Veterans Auxiliary, 66, 904, 1165 china, 1168 clothes dryer, 1169 scholarship. Godley, R. W., 165 Kroger Co., 904 head of department, appointment, 495, 1043 housing, statement of J. K. Morris, 142 kitchen cabinets and sinks, purchase, 183 remodeling in Bevier Hall, appropriation, 148 scholarships, regulations, amendment, 324 Home Economics Cafeteria, revolving account, 594, 749 Home Economics Education, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 484 budget, 631 Home Economics Extension, honor medals, purchase, 233 Home Insulation Co., purchase, 982 Home Management House, china, gift, 1168 Homer, R. J., certificate, 1034 Homerding, Joyce L., degree, 1230 Home Research Center, improvements, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 71 Homrighous, M. E., degree, 435 Hon, D. V., degree, 859 Hone, S. B., degree, 1029 Honea, R. C , Jr., degree, 161 Hong, R., degree, 456 Honig, J., degree, 1210 Honig, \V. M., degree, 1236 Honn, Janice R., degree, 863 Honn, Marjorie L., appointment, 753 Honorary degrees, regulations, 326 Honor medals, Home Economics Extension, purchase, 233 Honors, graduation, Library School, 1177 Honors Day, budget, 552 Hood, Shirley, degree, 1228 Hoogasian, G., degree, 1241 Hoogasian, J. K., degree, 1233 Hook, J. N., appointment, 382, 559, 632, 1144 Holden, A. B., degree, 1030 Holden, Jean D., degree, 1030 Holden, L. B,, appointment, 51 Holden, M. E., degree, 864 Holden, Mrs. Margaret G., appointment, 799 Holden, Odette M., degree, 452 Holder, G. E., gift, 905 Holder Motor Sales, purchase, 164 Hole, J. L., degree, 268 Holin, Dorothy A., degree, 1215 Holinger, P. H., appointment, 684 member of advisory committee, 243 Holl, J. W., degree, 450 Holl, Zelma C , appointment, 732 Holladay, Mrs. Dee M., appointment, 391, Hollahan, J. F., degree, 462 Holland, D., degree, 1248 Holland, Gloria J., degree, 272 Holland, J. J., certificate, 173 Holland, P., Jr., degree, 1032 Holland, Thelma M., degree, 1207 Hollander, L. D., degree, 1235 Hollander, Mrs. Laura, appointment, 781 Holleb, C. M., Jr., degree, 274 Hollenberg, A. H.f appointment, 363, 381 Hollender, A. R-, appointment, 54, 875 Hollender, M., appointment, 57, 878 Hollensbe, R. J., degree, 265 Holley, J. M., degree, 850 Holley, J. W., resignation, 45 HolHday, Olive J., degree, 434 Hollinger, F. W., degree, 471 fellowship, 106 resignation, 182 Hollingsed, J. C., degree, 116 HolHngsed, Martha M., degree, 1024 Hollingsed, T. J., degree, 1033 Hoilingshead, Maud D., degree, 847 Hollis, Mary A., degree, 852 Hollis, R. M., degree, 262 Holloway, Naomi R., degree, 440 Holly, J. A., degree, 1218 Holly, Vivian L., diploma, 1247 Holm, T, H., degree, 445 Holman, Elizabeth A,, degree, 1223 Holman, J. L., degree, 1233 Holmberg, Claryce L., degree, 847 Holmberg, L. A., degree, 1215 Holmes, E. B., degree, 1212 Holmes, H. B., I l l , degree, 117 Holmes, Mrs. Helen H., appointment, 750 Holmes, J., Jr., degree, 857 Holmes, Lila E., degree, 124 Holmes, Nancy R., degree, 452 Holmes, R. M. ( certificate, 1034 Holmes, R. W., appointment, 51, 872 Holmes, Rose M., degree, 465 Holmes, Virginia M., degree, 1223 Holmgren, H. M., degree, 1239 Holmgren, Nelda, fellowship, 106 Holmquist, G. V., degree, 128 Holmsten, H. R., certificate, 132 Holonyak, N., Jr., decree, 1218 Holroyd, Deloris, appointment, 798 Holsapple, R. W., degree, 448 Holshouser, D. P., appointment, 98, 510, 612 degree, 1015 Holsinger, G. G., degree, 864 Hoist, D. W., degree, 1239 Holstine, Lois M.. degree, 456 Holston, J). F., degree, 446 Holston, Rose-Marie, degree, 1245 Holt, A. H., appointment, 38 Holt, A, S., appointment, 977 Holt, Alice E,, appointment, 1135 Holt, C. A., degree, 258 Holt, Mrs. Doris S., member of committees, 287, 288 Holt, H. W. ( appointment, 384, 645 Holt, M., degree, 1200 Holt, Mrs. Mellie G., appointment, 751 722 Hooks, C. O., degree, 1214 Hooks, Mildred R., degree, 1230 Hooper, J., certificate, 173 Hootman, V. H., degree, 1232 Hooton, D. E., degree, 1241 Hoover, C. K., degree, 857 Hoover, D. H., appointment, 626 Hoover, E. A., degree, 1228 Hoover, G, K., degree, 269 Hoover, G. R., degree, 1239 Hoover, Mrs. Georgia E., appointment, 784 Hoover, H. M., appointment, 49, 870 Hoover, R. L., degree, 452 Hoover, Ruth, appointment, 364, 387 Hoover, Mrs. Virginia A., appointment, 738 Hoover, W. J., degree, 1215 Hopkins, B. S., appointment, 556 Hopkins, C. G., agricultural scholarship, gift, 1,165 Hopkins, C. I., Jr., degree, 443 Hopkins, D. L., appointment, 390, 717, 1151 Hopkins, Dorothy R., degree, 462
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