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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Hirst, R. V., certificate, 206 Hirtzer, H. J., degree, 446, 1204 Hirtzer, Mrs. Patricia L., appointment, 765 Hiscock, Elva A., appointment, 682 Hiscocks, G. A., fellowship, 1089* Hise, Ella E., degree, 847 Hise, J. C , degree, 123 Hise, W. C , degree, 123, 434 Hiser, B. E., degree, 461 Hiser, J. W., degree, 1019 Hiser, Joy A., degree, 454 Hislop, A. Q., appointment, 757 Hiss, F. W., appointment, 50, 871 Hissett, E. C-, appointment, 697 fellowship, 106 Histology, See Dental Histology and Veterinary Anatomy and Histology. History, budget, 563, 742 summer sessions, 383, 1145 fellows, 342, 1093 head of department, appointment, 490 Sachar prize, gift, 66 History of University, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 69, 483 Hitch, T. D., degree, 1033 Hitchcock, R. L,, certificate, 132 Hitchens, E. R., degree, 1015 Hitt, W. H., degree, 1033 Hitz, A., estate, title of Alhambra experiment field, transfer, 952 Hitzman, D. O., appointment, 1139 degree, 1013 Hixon, Sylvia, appointment, 736 Hixson, E. E., degree, 1241 Hixson, R. J., purchase, 523 Hjort. G. C , degree, 1237 Hladik, F. R., degree, 1029 Hlavka, G. E., appointment, declination, 45 Hlinka, C. F., degree, 1221 Hnetynka, Blanche, appointment, 804 Hoadley, W. E., Jr.-, member of advisory committee, 417 Hoag, Mrs. Lois, appointment, 777 Hoag, M. W., appointment, 756 Hoage, Alethia A, L., degree, 118 Hoban, G. R., degree, 1223 Hobart Sales Agency, purchase, 353 Hobbs, E. F., degree, 461 Hoch, C. L., appointment, 735 Hochmuth, Marie K., appointment, 388, 570 Hochschild, G. P., appointment, 38, 564 Hockman, J. L., degree, 267 Hockman, Ruth E., degree, 456 Hocutt, M, G., degree, 1241 Hodge, G. M., Jr., appointment, 1053 degree, 275, T013 Hodge, Mrs. Lorraine, appointment, 766 Hodge, Velva L., appointment, 784 Hodges, C. A., Jr., degree, 847 Hodges, J, W., degree, 1207 Hodges, N. D., appointment, 181, 545 declination, 843 lease, 187 Hodgson, Ruth A., appointment, 593 Hoefling, Frances, appointment, 792 Hoeflinger, A. J., degree, 448 Hoekstra, J. C , degree, 467 Hoel, W. J., appointment, 38, 98, 386 resignation, 375 Hoelscher, G. W., member of advisory committee, 365. i!77 Hoelscher, R. P., appointment, 322, 612 Hoelscher, W. R., degree, 452 Hoeltgen, M. M,, appointment, 54, 875 Hoelzel, Irene V., degree, 1212 Hoen, A., & Co., Inc., purchase, 1163 Hoener, L. G., degree, 451 Hoepfner, Maria J., degree, 113 Hoerner, G. J., degree, 462 Hoersch, V. A., appointment, 385, 565. I 1 47 Hofer, J. C., degree, 1230 Hoff, G. C., degree, 27s 1369 Hoff, Mrs. Lucille, appointment, 791 HofF, R. W., fellowship, 1091 declination, 1096 Hofnng, Betty R., degree, 1024 Hoffing, M. J., degree, 456 Hoffman, C. B., member of advisory committee, 416 Hoffman, D. B., degree, 1028 Hoffman, Mrs. Emeline J., appointment, 745 Hoffman, H. H. ; appointment, 56, 878 Hoffman, J, G., Jr., degree, 850 Hoffman, J. J., fellowship, 106 Hoffman, J. VV\, appointment, 611 Hoffman, Joyce C., degree, 465 Hoffman, M., certificate, 132 Hoffman, M. E., jr., degree, 1205 Hoffman, N. C , degree, 467 Hoffman, Patricia J., degree, 274 Hoffman, R. J., degree, 459 Hoffman, Mrs. Ruth, appointment, 780 Hoffman, S. J., appointment, 55, 877 Hoffman, S. W., degree, 1028 Hoffman, T, C., degree, 466 Hoffman, W. O., degree, 272 Hoffman, W, S., appointment, 56, 877 Hoffman-La Roche, Inc., contract, 1062 gift, 908, 1169 Hoffmann, A. E., appointment, 302 Hoffmann, E. H., Jr., degree, 1234 Hoffmeister, D. F., appointment, 571, 572 Hoffnagle, J. J., degree, 452 Hofman, Q. N., degree, 1237 Hofmann, H., painting, purchase, 1117 Hofmann, J. A., degree, 1028 Hofrichter, F. C., appointment, 58, 880 Hofstetter, Luella S., degree, 852 Hofto, J. R., degree, 850 Hogan, J. D., appointment, 376, 636 Hogan, R. E., degree, 454 Hogan, W. H., certificate, 77 Hoganson, A. C , degree, 274 Hoganson, Jacquelyn C., degree, 269 Hogbin, Finley H., degree, 433 Hogg, M. W\, appointment, 626, 1053 resignation, 1055 Hognestad, E., appointment, 834 degree, 264 Hogue, A. R., appointment, 98, 563 resignation, 1194 Hogue, Louise K., degree, 116 Hohenboken, A. K., member of advisory committee, 178 Hohlman, R. J., degree, 459 Hohmann, E. P., degree, 277 Hohn, F. E., appointment, 38, 385, 565 Hokans, A. E., degree, 1241 Hoke, R. E., certificate, 1034 Holabird and Root and Burgee, architectural and engineering services, Biochemistry, alterations and equipment installation, 596 Biology Building, first unit, 248 Boiler House, remodeling, 172 Educational Laboratories Building, 248 Law Building, 248 minor improvements in Chicago, 89 Physical Medicine addition, 89 Psycho-Educational Clinic Division, 248 Research and Educational Hospitals, remodeling, 1132 replacement of elevators, 923 gift, 300 Holaday, A. G., appointment, 559 * book, printing, 1037 Hoibert, James Ranson, member of advisory committee, 178 Hoibert, James Roberts, degree, 1214 Holcomb, D. F., degree, 1211 fellowship, 343, 1094 declination, 1096 Holcomb, J. I., Manufacturing Co., purchase, 393 Holcombe, J. C , degree, 1026
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