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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1366 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Heins, J., degree, 1022 Heinz, D. M., degree, 1027 Heinzman, R. H., degree, 113 Heiser, B. A., fellowship, 340 resignation, g8i Heisler, F. B., appointment, 57 declination, 109 Heisler, J. E., Jr., fellowship, 342, 1094 Heist, Arlene B., degree, 114 Heist, C. E., degree, 257 Heist, P. A., degree, 114 Heitmeier, D, E., degree, 1228 Hejna, D. R., degree, 273 Heki, H. R., degree, 126 Helbing, R. W., degree, 1221 Helbling, F., appointment, 770 Held, F. J., certificate, 496 Held, H. W., certificate, 292 Heldt, C. R., Jr., degree, 1239 Helfand, S., degree, 26g Heifenberger, Doris I., diploma, 1247 Helffrich, S. A., degree, 1235 Helfinstine, R. j . , lease, 187 Helicopter, Institute of Aviation, gift, 1169 Hellberg, Hildur C , appointment, 790 Helleberg, Angelene D., appointment, 98 See also Camp, Mrs. Angelene H. Helleny, TafRe, degree, 274 Heller, J. L., appointment, 322, 362, 373, 557, Heller, L., degree, 433 Heller, L. W., degree, 1217 Heller, M. M., degree, 372 Heller, R., degree, 859 Heller, W. R., appointment, 1135 Helligas, Ruth M., degree, 851 Hellmann, R. J., degree, 436 Hellmer, L. A., appointment, 542, 567, 1071 Hellwig, G. C , degree, 1033 Helm, D. W-, degree, 460 Helm, M, S., appointment, 381, 610, 1144 degree, 1200 Helmericks, Ralph Edward, appointment, 762 Helmericks, Ralph Edward, Jr., degree, 277 Helms, Mrs. Pearl M., appointment, 733 Helmuth, D. N., degree, 1241 Helper, M. M., degree, 456 fellowship, 426 Helwig, Floy, appointment, 797 Hematology Research Foundation, gift, 68 Hemingway, Vera L., degree, 116 Hemken, R. W., degree, 1214 Hemmens, Elizabeth S., appointment, 956 declination, 109 degree, 1246 Hemmings, A. W., Jr., degree, 467 Hemodynamics, effect of stress and diet, . research, gift, 909 Hemp, R. J., degree, 444 Hempel, R. W., degree, 1020 Hemstreet, T. M., degree, 459 Henberger, J. C-, degree, 116 Hench, L. P., degree, 467 Henderson, Bettie J., appointment, 760 Henderson, D. M., appointment, 562 Henderson, G. W., degree, 274 Henderson, H. E., degree, 934 Henderson, J. E., degree, 1033 Henderson, J. W., degree, 1211 Henderson, K. B., appointment, 629, 1142 Henderson, L. M., appointment, 37%>> 55^, Henderson, Melvin, appointment, 577 salary adjustment, 1056 Henderson, Morris, degree, 268 Henderson, Margaret R., appointment, 718 Henderson, Margaret W., degree, 259 Henderson, P. B., resignation, 304 Henderson, Mrs. Syble, appointment, 739 Henderson, W. E., degree, 454 Henderson County, soil map, purchase, 1163 Hendey Machine Corp., purchase, 305 1140 1142 Heating, cont'd contracts, cont'd microanalytical laboratory, 1082 minor alterations and remodeling, 18 Natural History Building, 810, 1130 Noyes Laboratory, 950 Physical Plant Service Building, 1126 Physical Plant Service Building Annex, President's House, 5 Research and Educational Hospitals addition, 940, 1050 Student and Staff Apartments, 8, 406 Veterinary Medicine Building, 996 Electrical Engineering Building, total cost, 367 Heaton, H. C , degree, 444 Heaton, M. R., degree, 1201 Heaton, Martha H,, appointment, 567 Heavey, F. G., degree, 1235 Hebrank, E. F., appointment, 385, 613, 1147 Hechtman, R. A., resignation, 344 Heck, Betty J., degree, 1024 Heck, C. V., appointment, 684 Heck, Delma-Jane, degree, 1026 Heckel, E. P., and Associates, contract, 65 Heckel, N. J., appointment, 59, 881 Heckenbach, W. E., degree, 459 Hecker, A,, degree, 274 Hecker, R. C , appointment, 377, 1013 Hecker & Co., bid, 176 Heckert, Floweree, appointment, 662, 1088 Heckert, L. F., degree, 1214 Heckert, R. E., degree, 930 Heckler, T. M., degree, 1022 Heckmann, H. R., degree, 1030 Heda, Mrs. Edythe A., appointment, 7S6 Hedges, R. A., degree, 1200 Hedlund, E. C , degree, 157 Hedmark, H. L., degree, 1243 Hedrick, W. R., degree, 441 Hedtke, H. R., degree, 444 Heep, H. F., contract, 65 Heeschen, D. S., degree, 449 Heffernan, Patricia A., appointment, 392, 720 Heffernan, Stella C., degree, 112 Hefner, H. M., degree, 277 Hefner, T. D., degree, 1022 Hefter, F. M., degree, 2223 Hegarty, B, V., degree, 467 Hegeler, E. C , degree, 856 Heggemeier, Margaret M., degree, 438 Heggerty, Theresa G., litigation, legal services, payment, 945 Hegie, Mrs. Lucy S., appointment, 718 Hegland, Mrs. Virginia, appointment, 153, 955 Hegstom, R. H., degree, 1223 Heicke, R. H., appointment, 732 Heidenreich, C. R., degree, 1250 fellowship, 426 Heider Electric Supply Co., purchase, 1260 Heidinger, R. C , degree, 119 Heifers, Animal Science, purchase, 481 Heifetz, P., degree, 860 Heil, R. W., degree.. 122 Heilman, Ann E., appointment, 98, 715, 720, 1154 Heiman, D. E., degree, 122 Heiman, R. S., degree, 1236 Heimbeck, E. B., degree, 1248 Heimberger, Mrs. Marjorie E., appointment, 75i Heimburger, RF F., appointment, 252, 872 cancellation, 1055 Hein. E. J., degree, 1230 Hein, Mrs. Minnie S., appointment, 788 Heine, E. C , Jr., degree, 123 Heinin, Lydia K., appointment, 797 Heininger, R. C , degree, 1226 Heino. Helen E., resignation, 256 Heinrich, R. £., degree, 1022 410
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