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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1365 Hauk, D., appointment, 785 Haynes, C. W., & Co., contract, 177, 329. Hauk, Lois C , degree, 470 949» 1083, 1183 Haultain, H. E. T., purchase, 960 Haynes, E. DM degree, 113 Hauptman t M., degree, 1243 Haynes, Mrs. Jane R., appointment, 383 Hause, C. I., degree, 1226 degree, 259 Hauser, H, W., degree, 1025 Haynes, M. K., degree, 117 Hauser, R. L., degree, 1226 fellowship, 341 Hauserman, F. B., appointment, 1141 Haynes, O. R., degree, 447 degree, 850 Haynes, T. M., degree, 849, 931 fellowship, 340, 1090 fellowship, 343 Hausman, L. A., certificate, 173 Haynie, J. J., degree, 464* 1210 Hausrath, A. H., appointment, 373, 618 Haynsworth, Emilie, resignation, 45 degree, 442 Hays, Blanche L., appointment, 762 Hausrath, Mrs. Mary E., appointment, 1143 Hays, C. H., degree, 857 Hauss, J. C , degree, 864 Hays, C. K., appointment, 748 Havard, Patricia A., degree, 1230 Hays, Dorothy E., degree, 1225 Havel, J. J., degree, 124, 442 Hays, E. M., Plumbing & Heating Co., conHavemann, R. V., degree, 1218 tract, 8, 406, 410 Haven, Mrs. Merle, appointment, 744 addition, 211, 298, 997 Haven, W. D., degree, 444. 1204 Hays, R. E., degree, 1237 Havener, Mrs. Roberta E., appointment, 736 Hays, Ray L., appointment, 834 Havens, Betty B., degree, 1223 degree, 931 Havens, C. S., appointment, 665 Hays, Robert L., degree, 1025 Havens, Fairie L., degree, 276 Hayward, G. E., degree, 1221 Havens, J. T., degree, 273 Hay ward, H. N., appointment, 38, 606, 610, Haverland, E. M., degree, 452 , 834 , Haviland, H. F., Jr., appointment, 302 leave of absence, 1047, 1097 decimation, 304 Hayward, J. A., Jr., degree, 1223 Haviland, T. N., resignation, 182 Hayward, J. C , Jr., fellowship, 1090 Havlik, G. M., degree, 1030 declination, 1096 Havranek, J. C,, appointment, 955 Hayward, J. S., degree, 126 Havranek, R. C-, degree, 1248 Hazard, F. E., degree, 860 Hawes, H. C , member of advisory commitHazelkorn, H. N., degree, 469 tee, 416 Hazelton, W. T., certificate, 817 Hawes, "W. D., certificate, 496 Hazen, K. M., degree, 1027 Hawk, Helen M., appointment, 747 Hazlet, E. E., degree, 120, 1018 Hawkins, Annola J., degree, 458 Hazleton, H. A., appointment, 676, 715 Hawley, H. W., degree, 1026 authority to sign name of President of Hawley, Mrs. Natalie L., appointment, 749 Board, 287, 1042 Haworth, C. O., degree, 1028 Hazlett, Joan L., appointment, 788 Haworth, C. T., degree, 277 Hazlett, Olive C , appointment, 564 Haworth, F. B., appointment, 38, 626. 1142 Hazlett, W. H., appointment, 58, 879 Haworth, L. L., degree, 1202 Hazzard, Mrs. Florence, appointment, 776 Head, growth, research, gift, 911 fellowship, 343, 1094 Headlund, J. P., degree, 1216 Hawse, O. C., degree, 438 Heady, E. O., appointment, 363, 376 Hawthorne, E. W., Jr., degree, 476 Heal, Nancy, degree, 1237 Hawthorne, Rosene, appointment, 736 Heald, T. R., appointment, 756 Hawver, Dorothy J., degree, 454 Health education, curriculum, 79, 128 Haxby, Mrs. Barbara, appointment, 761 Health education program, funds, gift, 1167 Haxel, J. P., degree, 1232 Health Service, budget, Chicago Professional Hay, D. J.f degree, 128 Colleges, 675, 779 Hay, Helen M., appointment, 98, 620 Hay, L. E., certificate, 13 2 Chicago Undergraduate Division, 716, 804 Hay, R. C , appointment, 580 Urbana-Champaign departments, 547* 73^ .leave of absence, 1047 X-ray equipment, appropriation, 995 purchase, 1161 salary adj ustment, 1057 Healy, E. R., degree, 447 Hay, R. E.. Jr., degree, 157 Healy, Mrs. Hazel M., appointment, 777 Hay, R. W., degree, 450 Healy, J. H., degree, 436 Hay, W. W., appointment, 608, 1141 fellowship, 43, 339 degree, 160 Healy, M. J., degree, 1024 Hayase, S., degree, 264 Healy, R. G., degree, 1235 Hayashi, M., degree, 122 Healy, W. A., degree, 1237 Hayden, A. A., degree, 1223 Heaney, N. S., appointment, 51, 872 Hayden, D. B., appointment, 54, 875 Heaps, J. M., degree. 1032 Hayden, E. C , appointment, 180, 611 ! Hearn, Mrs. June M., appointment, 153, 557 Hayer, J. C , degree, 1239 Hearn, W. R., fellowship, 303, 426, 1091 Hayes, C. Eileen, appointment, 73 5 Heart research, gift, 1171? 1172 Hayes, D. t Appliance Store, purchase, 24" Heater, E. F., appointment, 60s Hayes, Genevieve P., degree, 120 Heath, Frances L., degree, 1027 Hayes, H. M., appointment, 746 Heath, Marilyn K., degree, 456 Hayes, J. C , degree, 443 Heath, R. D., degree, 1234 Hayes, Joan R., degree, 466 Heatherman, E., appointment, 799 Hayes, Margaret A., degree, 271 Heathman, Jessie E., appointment, 600, 602 Hayes, W. B., lease, 5 Hayes, W. E., degree, 1218 salary adjustment, 1060 Hayes, W. P., appointment, 243, 382, 561 Heating, contracts, Agronomy Greenhouse adHayes Custom Kitchen House, purchase, 183 dition, 28 Hayes Scientific Appliances, purchase, 233. Animal Genetics Building addition, 300 Animal Sciences Laboratory, 1074 393. 480 East Chemistry Building, 150 412, 503 Haygood, R. C , degree, 271 John Street, property at 601 East, 997 Haymes, S. M., degree, 1223 Lincoln Avenue Residence, 76 Hayn, G. W., degree, 1223
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