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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Gurnett, Elsie G., degree, 847 Gurolnick, H. W., certificate, 292 Gurvey, J. A., appointment, 50, 870 Gusman, J. H., degree, 1022 Gustafson, C. R., degree, 127 Gustafson, E. O., degree, 1233 Gustafson, Florence G., degree, 269 Gustafson, G. L., degree, 1020 Gustafson, L. MM appointment, 834 degree, 434 Gustafson, R. E., degree, 1020 Gustafson, Warren A., degree, 160 Gustafson, Wesley A., appointment, 98, 872 Gustafson, Winthrop A., degree, 1216 Gustafson, W. E., degree, 851 Guth, W. F., degree, 277 Guthrie, Bernice B., degree, 456 Guthrie, F. E., degree, 262 Guthrie, Helen Z., degree, 847 Guthrie, R. A., degree, 1207 Gutman Store Fixture Co., purchase, 63 Gutmann, L., degree, 1236 Gutmann, P. M., fellowship, 1092 declination, 1096 Gutnayer, J. M., appointment, 721 Gutowsky, H. S., appointment, 557 Gutstadt, A. M,, degree, 452 Gutstadt, M, J,, degree, 1241 Guy, C. C , appointment, 58, 879 Guy, Mrs. Clementyne, appointment, 761 Guy, P . R-, degree, 117 Guy, G, V-, appointment, 37 degree, 433 Guy, Martha, appointment, 774 Guy, S, J., certificate, 206 Guzel, Bernice, appointment, 780 Guziel, C. P., degree, 1018 Gwathmey, R., painting, purchase, n 17 Gwin. L. W., Drilling Co., purchase, 62 Gwinn, Kathryn M., resignation, 842 Gyarfas, K„ appointment, 878 resignation, 842 Gylfe, Mildred J., degree, 1244, 1245, 1249 Gymnasium Annex, residence hall, budget, 671, 777 Gynecology, See Obstetrics and Gynecology. Haag, D. O., degree, 467 Haas, Catherine, appointment, 793 Haas, P . T., degree, 277 Haas, J. S., appointment, 337, 684, 834 Haas, Lewis, appointment, 98, 690, 925 Haas, Lloyd, degree, 1028 Haase, E., appointment, 51, 337, 690, 872, 977 Ilabbcrton, W., appointment, 558 Haber, Ruth, appointment, 785 Habicht, E. W., degree, 267 Hack, E. R., degree, 1023 Hack, Mrs. Florence G., appointment, 732 Hacker, D. S., degree, 270 Hacker, R. F., degree, 452 Hackerson, J. V., degree, 1214 Hackerson, Mrs. Margaret W., appointment, 735 Hackett, P. F., degree, 274 Hackett, R. P., appointment, 723 Hackleman, J. C , appointment, 582, 603 salary adjustment, 1057 Hackleman, J. K., degree, 1030 Hackman, Martha 1-., appointment, 664 Haddad, G. J., certificate, 292 Haddaway Coal Co., purchase, 953, 975, 1051 Haddon Craftsmen, Inc., purchase, 982 Haeberlin, J. B., Jr., appointment, 229, 302, 681 Haegele, F. L., degree, 857 Haegele, J. R., degree, 113 Haerr, A. R., degree, 275 Haesemeyer, R. E., degree, 1234 Haessly, Mrs. Bernice, appointment, 748 Haessly, Charlotte M., appointment, 751 Hafeez, M. A., degree, 1249 Hafermann, Ruth L., degree, 454 1361 Haffner, J. W., fellowship, 1094 declination, 1138 Hagaman, Gloria J., degree, 1025 Hagan, A. S., Jr., degree, 1246 Hagan, Audrey N., fellowship, 1093 Hagan, C. B., appointment, 387, 566, 1149 Hagan, Mrs. Mabel R., appointment, 624, 630, 632, 1005 Hagan, P. R., degree, 277 Hagberg, E. W., degree, 461 Hagemann, L. J., member of advisory committee, 178 Hagen, E. E., appointment, 37, 379. 625, 969, 1005 Hagen, E. M., certificate, 132 Hagen, Mrs. Fannie A., appointment, 786 Hagen, R., appointment, 801 Hagen. W. A., degree, 1032 Hagenbach, W. P., fellowship, 339 Hagenback, Mrs. Ruth L., appointment, 767 Hager, A, J., degree, 858 Hager, G. J., degree, 862 Hager, Winifred J., degree, 112 fellowship, 341 Haggerty, C. E., degree, 1209 Haggerty, T. J., member of advisory committee, 365, 1177 Haglund, L. H., degree, 128 Hagner, A. F., appointment, 562 Hagopian, A., degree, 462 Hague, Stella, appointment, 555 Hahn, A. L., resignation, 427 Hahn, E. L., appointment, 510, 617 degree, 431 Hahn, H. I)., degree, 447 Hahn, P. B., certificate, 206 Hahn, R. E., degree, 277 Hahn, W. C , degree, 857 Hahn, Wanda P., degree, 1238 Hahne, Helen J., degree, 1229 Hahne, L. J., appointment, 874 Haigler, F. H., Jr., degree, 1246 Hail Loss Research Committee, contract, 395 Hain, Lois B., appointment, 803 Haines, Aleyne C , appointment, 180, 834 degree, 159 Haines, G. P., degree, 1026 Haines, H. W., appointment, cancellation, 45 Haines, Mrs. Minnie, appointment, 770 Haines, P. M., degree, 1241 Haines, R. P., appointment, 390, 723 Haines, W, H., appointment, 47, 868 Haines, W. T., appointment, 586, 597 salary adjustment, 1059 Haines Boulevard, property at 601, lease, 132 Hajduk, A. A., degree, 470, 1246 Hajic, E. J., fellowship, 1092 Hakman, N., appointment, 510 Halbe, H. H., certificate, 1176 Hale, C. J., degree, 447 Hale, E. A., appointment, 379 Hale, G., Jr., degree, 459 Hale, J. R., degree, 1233 Hale, O. P. T., degree, 1233 Hale, W. H., appointment, 1086 Hales, R. J., appointment, 741 Haley, D. C . degree, 1027 Halfpenny, P. F., degree, 450 Hall, A. L., Jr., degree, 458, 1207 Hall, A. S., appointment, 379, 1142 degree, 437 Hall, B. V., appointment, 571 leave of absence, 292 Hall, Betty T., appointment, 881 Hall, Carl R.. degree, 267 Hall, Cletus R,, degree, 1213 Hall, Clifford R., Jr., degree, 128 Hall, Catherine, appointment, 761 Hall, P . M.. appointment, 543, 600 Hall, P . S., appointment, 777 degree, 128 Hall, E. E., degree, 1201 Hall, E. G., degree, 1239
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