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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Gassel, M., degree, 933 Gasser, E. B., degree, 1241 Gas service, housing projects, contract, 237, 501 Gassmann, G. W., degree, 1241 Gassmann, H., degree, 461 Gast, C. F., Co., purchase, 233 Gastrointestinal hormones, research, gift, 908 Gasul, B. M., appointment, 55, 876 Gates, C , contract, 503 Gates, E. C , degree, 1244 Gates, F. E., Marble & Tile Co., contract, 237 Gates, M. F., degree, 1022 Gatewood, L. C , appointment, 48, 868 Gatewood, R. J., degree, 1239 Gathercoal, E. N., appointment, 697 Gatto, F., appointment, 804 Gatto, P., appointment, 780 Gatziolis, W. T,, degree, 1235 Gaudio, F. J., degree, 864 Gaudlitz, R. T., degree, 1226 Gauger, J. F., Jr., degree, 1232 Gauguin painting, gift, 190 Gaumer, G. R., degree, 1221 Gausman, H. W., degree, 1204 Gaustad, L, S., certificate, 496 Gavin, C. E., degree, 1228 Gavze, Mary A., appointment, 803 Gawin, A. J., degree, 1016 Gawlik, C. J . , degree, 1221 Gawrusik, P. J., degree, 1022 Gay, A., degree, 1237 Gay, Peggy J., degree, 458 Gayeski, r . N., degree, 125 Gaynes, R, P., degree, 1022 Gaysowski, J., Jr., degree, 268 Gazarek, C. V., appointment, 795 Gearien, J. E., appointment, 97, 6QS Gebhart, H. C , appointment, 547 Gedvilas, L. L,, appointment, 724 Geery, R. R., degree, 85S Gehl Brothers Manufacturing Co., purchase, 1161 Gehrke, Helen, appointment, 800 Geiger, E. Elizabeth, appointment, 989, 1046, 1053 Geiger, J. H., degree, i2?j Geiger, Margot Y,, degree, 1026 Geisler, H. J., degree, 267 Geisler, Jean M., degree, 124, 853 Geissendoerfer, J. T., appointment, 383. 510, 5fi3 T- • • rt exchange professor at Queens university, 818 leave of absence, 292 Geissler, W. W., degree, 267 Geist, R. B., degree, 1207 Geister, J. H., degree, 465 Geldard, Mrs. Winifred B., appointment, 390. 724, 1152 Gelderman, Mrs. Jane F., appointment, 97 resignation, 513 Geller, A. H., certificate, 496 Geller, H. C., degree, 43 2 fellowship, 340, 1090 Gelms, K. J., degree, 1236 Gembara, E. S., degree, 467 Gemeny, Ada L., degree, 460 Gempler, E. B., degree, 268 General Aniline and Film Corp., gift, TG6, 906, 1166 Ozalid Division, purchase, 131, 353 General Assembly, legislation affecting the University, report, 506, 526 scholarships, amendment of law, 52S vetoed by Governor, 529 regulations, changes, 819 visit, appropriation, 314 General Cable Corp., purchase, 281 General Chemical Co., purchase, 353' 480, 1161 General Chemical Stores, purchase, acids, 353, 900, 937, 1259 1351 j ; ; j I i General Chemical Stores, cont'd purchase, cont'd apparatus, 1161 chemicals, 280, 480, 1161 ether, 234 glassware, 25, 183, 394, 480, 900, 1063. 1259 laboratory apparatus, 62, 480 laboratory supplies, 1160 laboratory ware, 62, 279, 900 nitrogen, 902 storage building, 1163 tubing, 900 General Electric Co., contract, 249, 826 purchase, 63, 64, 1063, 1064, 1116 General Electric Supply Corp., purchase, 130, 307 General Electric X-Ray Corp., purchase, 1003 General Engineering Drawing, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 70, 484 budget, 612, 756 summer sessipn, 383, 1145 Chicago Undergraduate Division, 722, 805 equipment, appropriation, 995 head of department, appointment, 322 purchase, blueprint dryer, 522 process printer, 353 tables, 62 General Insurance Co., purchase, 522, 1261 General Meters & Controls Co., purchase, 163 General Mills, Inc., gift, 906 General Motors, stock, purchase, 210 Detroit Diesel Engine Division, purchase, 163 General Paving Co., contract, 90, 175, 3 1 additiou, 297 General Policy Committee, members, 288 requested to attend meeting of advisory committee to Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations, 816 use of University premises for political meetings, study, 1069 General Radio Co.. purchase, 183, 184 General Studies Division, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 70, 484 budget, 558, 742 purchase, lathe and accessories, 234 Generating equipment, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 486 contract, 249 Generator, purchase, Physical Medicine, 394 Physics Betatron, 1064 Geninatti, J. M., degree, 1207 Genise, L, T., degree, 1218 Genovese, Lorraine, appointment, 783 Gentry, D. L., appointment, 423, 624 Gentry, R. E., degree, 861 Genung, E. N., appointment, 741 Genung, M. W., appointment, 770 Genung, N. W., degree, 267 Geography, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 484 budget, 562, 742 summer session, 383, 1145 fellows, 34I> I 0 93 graduate curriculum, reorganization, 1072, head of department, appointment, 149 remodeling and equipment, appropriation, *75 Geology, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 70, 484 budget, 562, 742 summer session, 383, 1145 fellows, 341, J 093 gift, fellowship, California Co., 67, 906 Illinois Clay Products Co., TT66 National Lead Co., Baroid Sales Division, 1166 Shell Fellowship Committee, 166, 1166 laboratory equipment, appropriation, 1077 I '' j j ! [ j !
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