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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S Fry, M. H., degree, 1241 Fry, T. S., degree, 1217 Fry, W. J., appointment, 611 Fryburger, V. R., Jr., appointment, 646, 1146 degree, 1198 Frye, B. J. C , appointment, 925 Fryman, L. R., appointment, 97, 588, 600 Fuchs, Mrs. Dorothy, appointment, 794 Fuchs, Edwina, M., appointment, 790 Fuchs, J., appointment, 1141 degree, 1197 Fuchs, L., appointment, 621 declination, 842 Fuchs, R. G., Jr., degree, 1235 Fuchs, Mrs. Rose, appointment, 734 Fucik, J. E., degree, 444 Fudemberg, P. \V\, certificate, 969 Fuehring, P. H., degree, 1226 Fuelleman, R, F., appointment, 582 salary adjustment, 1058 Fuel oil, distribution system, Drill Field housing area, contract, 197 purchase, Chicago Undergraduate Division, residence halls, 481 temporary housing, 20 Fuhrberg, Amy, degree, 1238 Fuhrman, D. L., appointment, 153 Fuhrmeister, J. C,, degree, 263 Fujita, Jessie, degree, 1239 Fukami, Marguerite, appointment, 806 Fulk, B. E., appointment, 568 degree, 434 Fulk, L, A,, degree, 269 Fulkerson, D. H-, degree, 1025 Fulkerson, J. R., member of advisory committee, 178 Full, J. K., degree, 467 Full and Removable Partial Dentures, budget, 694, 787 salary adjustments, 1136 Fuller, E. C , Co., purchase, 1259 Fuller, E. G., api>ointment, 833 degree, 1010 Fuller, Evelyn L., appointment, 660 resignation, 980 Fuller, G., fellowship, 1090 Fuller, H. J., appointment, 555, 631 Fuller, J. A., Jr., appointment, 1191 degree, 436 fellowship, 1137 scholarship, 25s Fuller, John Bernard, appointment, 391, 718, Fuller, John Burt, appointment, 1005 Fuller, J. E., degree, 1244 Fuller, P. N., degree, 1216 Fuller, R. C , certificate, 1034 Fuller, Ruth, appointment, 791 Fuller, V. K-, degree, 1241 Fullerton, W. H., degree, 1214 Fulrath, Mrs. Marilyn, appointrflent, 766 Fulrath, R. M., degree, 1217 Fulton, C. D., degree, 1230 Fulton, Marian P., degree, 272 Fulton, Mrs. Patricia, appointment, 732 Fume hoods, Physical Plant, purchase, 482 Fumi, F. G., appointment, 955 fellowship, 979 Funckes, H., degree, 1022 Funckes, J. T., degree, 450 Funderburk, Elizabeth, degree, 934 Funderburk, W. H., degree, 1249 fellowship, 979 Funds, petty cash, handling, 10 working, handling, court decision, 1000 Fungicides, copper, research gift, 905, 1167 fluorinated compounds, study, 1158 Funk, J. A., degree, 1208 Funk, J. W., degree, 433 Funk, V. M., degree, 1214 Funk, W. C , degree, 444 1152 901 1349 Funk Brothers Seed Co., gift, 905 Funk Forest Natural Area, acquisition, 815, 1082 donors, appreciation, 1083 list, 1118 Funke, Loretta P., appointment, 793 Funkhouser, R. H., degree, 1020 Funnekotter, T., degree, 1241 Furlong, Elizabeth J., appointment, declination, 44 Furlow, W. F., appointment, 796 Furman, N. J., degree, 269 Furnaces, Institute of Aviation, purchase, 479 Furnell, W. W., certificate, 26 Furniture, East Chemistry Building, contract, increase, 412 purchase, Commerce, 394 Physical Plant, 280, 479, 522, 523 Research and Educational Hospitals, 4&1 Robert Aflerton Park, 306, 351, 352 Furst, Nathalie J., degree, 1223 Furtkamp, R. W., degree, 1232 Furuta, W. J., appointment, 679 Fuson, R. C, appointment, 556 Fussell, L, E., degree, 447 Future Farmers of America, scholarship, 1165 Future Farmers of America of Amboy High School, gift, 904 Fuzak, J. A. appointment, 37 declination, 44 Fyalka, J. J., degree, 265 Gaa, C. J., appointment, 97, 377, 623, 1140 Gabbert, B. L., degree, 1216 Gabert, L. M., degree, 1205 Gabis, S. T., appointment, 833* i*54 Gabler, Mrs. Barbara, appointment, 805 Gabor, J. R., degree, 461 Gabriel, H. R., degree, 1237 Gabriel?on, G. E., degree, 1216 Gachi, T. D, ( degree, 1239 Gadbury, C. A., appointment, 765 Gaddis, A. H., degree, 268 Gaddis, \V. J., degree, 467 Gaebe, Martha \V., degree, 864 Gaebe, O. F,, appointment, 603, 833 salary adjustment, 1061 Gafngan, \V. P., degree, 448 Gaffney, E. C , certificate, 132 Gaffney, M. P., member of advisory committee, 191 Gaffron, Marie E., appointment, 1053 Gage, Mrs. Jeannet, appointment, 803 Gage, N. L., appointment, 633 Gagnon, J. A., appointment, 180, 695, 696 Gagnon, R. J., degree, 276 Gahan, M. E., degree, 116 Gahm, Dorothy M., degree, 1230 Galley, W., member of advisory committee, •243 Gaines, A. A., degree, 455 Gaines, J. A., degree, 263 Gaines, R. B., appointment, 59, 881 Gaines, Rena S., degree, 860 Gaines, W. L., appointment, 587 Gaines Hardwood Lumber Co., purchase, 983, 1162 Gaiser, J. T., certificate, 206 Gaisford, C. M., degree, 467 Gaither, H. E., degree, 268 Galavan, T. E-, appointment, 801 Galbraith, C. L., degree, 1207 Galbraith, M. J., appointment, 677 Galbreath, Dorothy J., degree, 266 Gale, H. R., degree, 1214 Gale, R. M., degree, 1221 Galeener, C. C , degree, 1013
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