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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1346 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Food Technology, cont'd # remodeling, appropriation, 966, 1077 research, effect of high temperatures on enzymes, gift, 1168 Foos, R. A., certificate, 132 Football, clinic, funds, 248 dinner for teams, 194 equipment, 194, 1258 games, television, contract, 30 practice field, irrigation system, ig4 Foote, B. R., appointment, 386, 637, 1147 piano, purchase, 234 Foote, E. J., appointment, 654 cancellation, 842 Foote, J. J., fellowship, 1095 Foote, Jane M., degree, 1 o 11 Footh, D. L., degree, 467 Footlik, S. G., degree, 1237 Forage harvester, Dixon Springs Experiment Station, purchase, 1161 Foran, F. L., appointment, 48, 869 Forbes, D. M., degree, 1241 Forbes, J. E., scholarship, 1094 declination, 1138 Forbes, J. L., degree, 127 Forbes, L. G., degree, 117 Forbes, R. M., appointment, 811, 833 Ford, A. T., appointment, 977 Ford, D. E., Jr., degree, 1021 Ford F. C , degree, 849 Ford, Jennie E., degree, 1215 Ford, Joy, appointment, 793 Ford, Louistine E., degree, 458 Ford, Mrs. Madeline, appointment, 708 Ford, Mary D., appointment, 798 Ford, R. C., degree, 859 Ford, R. D., degree, 1234 Fordham, S. L., appointment, 724, H53 degree, 855 Fordon, Leona R-, appointment, 53, 87 + Fordonski, J., degree, 1230 Forecki, R. P., degree, 1218 Foreign students, English requirement, 15 Foreign trade, advisory committee, 416 Foreman, E., appointment, 97 degree, 1200 Foreman, G. L., appointment, 747 Foreman, G. W., degree, 1218 Foreman, J. L., degree, 1233 Foreman, W. J., degree, 932 Forest plantation, McCullough Farm, appropriation, 1049 Forestry, advisory committee, 178 appropriation, balance reappropriated, 70. 530 budget, 590, 748 salary adjustments, 1059 land at Lincoln and Pennsylvania Avenue-. transfer, 993 purchase, station wagon, 1064 truck, 281 Forestry area, Urbana, transfer for general purposes, g93 McLean County, acquisition, 815 Forman, L. M., degree, 1020 Forman, Mrs. Martha, appointment, 795 Formfit Co., contract, 65 gift, 69 Fornof, J. R., appreciation of services, 289 elected member of executive committee, 286 member of committees, 287, 28S Forr, W . A., degree, 1016 Forrest, E. A., Jr., appointment, 37, 661, 1088 Forrest, R. A., appointment, 252, 871 Forrest, S. M., degree, 443 Forsgren, J. T>.f degree, 463 Forshey, Doris A., appointment, 738 Forster, G. F., appointment, 47, 867 Forsyth, A. C , appointment, 386, 615 Forsythe, Janet I. S., degree, 1230 Forsythe, R, W., degree, 1237 Forsythe, R. W-, Jr., degree, 1218 Florio, A. E., appointment, 632, 641, 1148 fellowship, 155 declination, 156 Florio, Mrs. Marian, appointment, 791 Floro, C. T., degree, 450, 1210 Florschuetz, E., gift, 904 Flostrom, B. L., degree, 1223 Flournoy, W. N„ appointment, 37, 654 Flournoy Street, property at 1745 West, exchange, 1045 resolution, 1061 Flower, G. H., degree, 1241 Flowers, L. P., degree, 1030 Flowers, Mrs. Mary, appointment, 763 Floyd, G., appointment, 53, 874 Floyd, O. C , degree, 1207 Floyd, Robert Allan, certificate, 1034 Floyd, Robert Arley, Jr., degree, 122 Fluder. C. H., degree, 121S Fluor Corp,, Ltd., contract, 826 Fluorescent fixtures, Physical Plant, purchase, j 1260 1 Fluorinated compounds as fungicides, study, | 1158 I Flusch, Barbara J., degree, 1245 1 Flynn, C. T., Jr., appointment, 54, 875 Flynn, Doris, appointment, 806 Flynn, E. H., degree, 430 fellowship, 43 Flynn, Mrs. Kathryn, appointment, 780 Foell, R. R., degree, 1234 Foerster, M. V., degree, 125 Foerster, R. A., degree, 473 Fogel, N., degree, 1025 Fogle, Catherine L., appointment, 96, 252, 685 j Fogleman, G. E., degree, 1203 [ Foil, P. J., appointment, 734 Foley, E. F., appointment, 682 Foley, J. P., degree, 1234 Foley, M. K., degree, 459 Foley, R. H., degree, 447 Folgate, H. E., Jr., degree, 120 Folger, E., degree, 126 Folk, E. R-, degree, 1245 Folk, Elaine, degree, 275 Folk, F. A., degree, 471 Folk, Martha R., appointment, 52 Folkerts, T. M., degree, 1227 Folks, R. J., degree, 277 Folliard, Marilyn J., degree, 120 Follmer, Emma, appointment, 797 i Folse, C. L., appointment, 568, 579 j Fonner, R, C , appointment, 777 Fonner, W. E., appointment, 302, 654 termination, 1138 Fontana, R. E., degree, 258 Food laboratory, Home Economics, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 530 Food Machinery & Chemical Corp., John Bean Division, purchase, 392 Food service, University Club, operation byUniversity, report, 361 ' Food service employees, wage adjustments, 414 Foodstuff, occurrence of quinoline acid, study, 903 . . . , Food Technology, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 484, 530 budget, 589, 748 salary adjustments. 1059 summer session, 383 •curricula, 1179, 1252 equipment, appropriation, 995 head of department, appointment, 13 purchase, apparatus, _ 1116 comminuting machine, 355 ice builder system, 982 ice cream freezer, 354 laboratory furniture, 1117 laboratory vacuum pan, 1117 milk condensing pan, 522 milk solids tester, 353 pasteurizer, 902, 1259 steam generator, 1117 truck, 306
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