UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1353]

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Fisher, J. H., degree, 853 Fisher, Julie J., degree, 462 Fisher, L. B., appointment, 96, 545, 629 Fisher, M., Jr., appointment, 925 degree, 1208 Fisher, M. H., degree, i a i Fisher, Marguerite R., appointment, 742 Fisher, Mane, appointment, 796 Fisher, Natalie, degree, 124 Fisher, N. J., degree, 450 Fisher, R, W., degree, 260 Fisher, Ruth G., degree, 1223 Fisher, S. H,, degree, 862 Fisher, Mrs. Virginia B., appointment, 768 Fisher Scientific Co., purchase, 62, 480 Fishkin, M., appointment, 49 resignation, 231 Fishman, J. J._, degree, 450, 1210 Fishman, R. L., degree, 455 Fishner, S., degree, 1235 Fisk, Q. G., degree, 1245 Fissel, J. K., degree, 847 Fissinger, J. K., degree, 277 Fitch, H. M., appointment, 389, 618, 1151 Fitch, J. G.. degree, 450 Fitch, R. F,, appointment, 547 declination, 842 Fitzgerald, A., appointment, 747 Fitzgerald, Dorothy J. H., degree, 861 Fitzgerald, G. T., appointment, 53 Fitzgerald, H. E., degree, 1241 Fitzgerald, J. B., degree, 452 Fitzgerald, J. D., degree, 1032 Fitzgerald, P. M., certificate, 292 Fitz-Gerald, Rovenia, appointment, 774 Fitzgerald, T. J., Jr., degree, 437 Fitzgerald, W. L., fellowship, 338, 1089 Fitzgerald, W. W., degree, 276 Fitzgibbon, R. J., degree^ 1236 Fitzgibbons, Irene, appointment, 794 FttzGibbons, J. P., appointment, 683 Fitzmaurice, Loretta M., degree, 1024 Fitzmaurice, T. P-, Jr., degree, 443 Fitz Mill Corp,, purchase, 35s Fitzpatrick, J. D., degree, 452 Fitzpatrick, \V. D., degree, 1197 fellowship, 106, 426 Fitzwater, R. M., degree, 459 Fix, L-. W., appointment, 180, 423, 876 Fixed point sets for nonlinear operators, study, 131 Fjelde, 0- S.f appointment, 376, 635, " 3 9 Flabb, Betty J.f appointment, 1191 degree, 1206 Flach, Florence M., appointment, 380, 1143 Flach, Marie T., degree, 1216 Flachs, N. E., degree, 1021 Flagstone, Electrical Engineering Building, purchase, 233 Flaherty, D. E., degree, 864 Flakice machine, Illini Union, purchase, 1063 Flaks, R. E., degree, 266 Flanagan, E. D., appointment, 780 Flanagan, J. E,, degree, 271, 1016 Flanagan, J. T., appointment, 382, 559 Flanagan, Mildred B., appointment, 733 Flanders, D. P., appointment, 626, 1142 declination, 1194 Flanigan, J^ A., degree, 461 Flannery, E, J., Jr., degree, 1218 Flannery, J. F., degree, 1218 Flannery, J. S., certificate, 206 Flatley, L. T., certificate, 103s Flax, B. S., degree, 461 " Flegel, G. M., certificate, 1034 Fleharty, Burta A., degree, 452 Fleischer, F., degree, 1248 Fleishman, N. A., degree, 1213 Fleishman, P. N., degree, 125 Fleming, A. N., appointment, 37, 614 degree, 118 Fleming, Doris, resignation, 156


Fleming, Geneva, appointment, 773 Fleming, Helen, appointment, 793 Fleming, J. S., degree, 276 Fleming, J. T., fellowship, declination, 44 Fleming, Joan, appointment, 251, 878 Fleming, Margaret M., degree, 857 Fleming, Mrs. Marilyn M., appointment, 423* 832 Fleming, Shirley G., degree, 452 Fleming, W. B., degree, 125 Fleming, W, W., degree, 1017 Fleming Co., purchase, 1162 Fleming Coal Co., contract, 984 change, 984 purchase, 902, 975 Flemming, G. E., certificate, 292 Flesch, H. K., appointment, 1147 degree, 1202 Flesch, Judith C , degree, 1030 Flesch, Kathrynlee, degree, 1230 Flesher, H., appointment, 771 Flesher, J. E., degree, 1028 Flesner, H. E., degree, 127 Fletcher, C. II., appointment, 992, T005 Fletcher, Mrs. Florence, appointment, 572 Fletcher, G. D., degree, 438 Fletcher, Gloria V., degree, 1223 Fletcher, H. F., appointment, 382, 559 Fletcher, J. E., certificate, 206 Fletcher, Ralph Emerson, appointment, 640 Fletcher, Ralph Emerson, Jr., degree, 1233 Fletcher, R. G., degree, 267 Fletcher, S., appointment, 637 Fletcher, W. J., degree, 1021 Flexboard, Physical Plant, purchase, 482 Flexmati, R. E., appointment, 654 degree, 1203 Flick. IT. W., degree, 112 Flick, R. F., appointment, 770 Fling, D. A., degree, 433 Flink, R. B., degree, 459 Flitcraft, A. J., degree, 1032 Flock. J., degree, 1230 Flom, G. T., appointment, 559 Flood, F. T., degree, 1250 fellowship, 106, 344 Flood, Rosemary, degree, 272 Flook, S. J., degree, 1217 Flora. R. F., appointment, 757 Florek, J. J., degree, 450 Florcs, J. S., appointment, 388, 569, 632, 1150 Flores, S. S., appointment, 229, 695 salary adjustment, 1136 Flori, Beatrice M., appointment, 96, 389, 57i Floriculture, advisory committee, 178 Floriculture Building, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 71, 486 Florida Avenue and Race Street housing project, annexation to city of Urbana and to Urbana-Champaign Sanitary District, 326 appropriation, 196, 227 balance reappropriated, 485, 487 architectural services, 196 authorization, 196, 226 bond issue, 817 bids, 886 _ legal services, 326 resolution authorizing, 887 contract, genera! work, 312, 358 rejection of bids, 313 landscaping, 312, 951, 1081 site improvements, 312 utilities installation, 501 estimated cost and allocation of funds, revision, 27 loan, extension of amortization period, 313 nursery stock for landscaping, purchase, 1065 revenue bonds, deposit agreement, 1004 sanitary sewer, 827 streets, dedication, 501