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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1344 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S Finkenbinder, Lois M., degree, 1233 Finkenbinder, P. H., degree, 1214 Finkle, M., degree, 1236 Finkler, R. E-, degree, 459 Finkler, \V. W., degree, 125 Finlay, G. C , appointment, 627, 977 Finlayson, J. L., degree, 857 Finley, Helen A., degree, 1215 Finley, Marion, member of advisory committee, 178 Finley, T. O., degree, 1234 Finley, W. R., degree, 862 Finn, R. K., appointment, 495, 556 Finnerud, C. W., appointment, 47, 868 Finney, Mrs. Mildred I., appointment, 720, Finney, S. I., certificate, 496 Finnigan, Mrs. Ellen, appointment, 792 Fiore, C , Nursery, purchase, 352, 1065 Fippen, J. W., degree, 461 Firebaugh, Martha E., degree, 1226 Fire insurance, buildings, policy, 199 Lincoln Avenue Residence, purchase, 522 Firek, J., appointment, 784 Firemen's Insurance Co., insurance purchased, protection, contract, Chicago Union Building, 949, 973 Chicago Professional Colleges, 32 McKinley Hospital, 1076 Medical and Dental College Laboratories Building, 329 Natural History Building, 1128 Urbana departments, 176, 409 engineering services, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 530 contract, 953 equipment purchased, alarm boxes, 184 fire extinguishers, 232, 351 hydrants, 960 Fire Station, new, plans, 240 remodeling, contract, 30 Firestone, H. B., certificate, 1034 Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., gift, 906, 1166 Firor, D. L., appointment, declination, 44 First National Bank of Chicago, deposit agreement, Men's Residence Hall revenue bonds, 34 facsimile signatures, resolution, 287, 1043 Fisch, M. H., appointment, 386, 565 leave of absence, 1047 Fischer, C. H., degree, 1208 Fischer, E. H., degree, 1226 Fischer, F. A., Jr., degree, 1218 Fischer, F. W., degree, 1244 Fischer, G. A., degree, 1241 Fischer, G. F., degree, 276 Fischer, J. D., degree, 1027 Fischer, J. W., appointment, 48, 869 Fischer, L,, degree, 1031 Fischer, R. F,, fellowship, 340, 1090 Fish, R. E., certificate, 206 Fish, W. D., resignation, 108 Fislibein, A. J., degree, 461 Fishbein, June W., degree, 452 Fishbein, M., appointment, 49, 869 Fisher, A. S., degree, 467 Fisher, C. L., appointment, 755 Fisher, D. J., degree, 1241 Fisher, D. L., appointment, 50, 870 Fisher, Deborah S.. degree. t2o Fisher, Mrs. Dolores, appointment, 751 Fisher, Dorothy H. J., degree, 1239 Fisher, E. A., degree, 1217 Fisher, E, Y., appointment, 782 Fisher, G. B., degree, 1232 Fisher. George L.. degree, 273 Fisher, Gordon L., degree, 276 Fisher, G. W., degree, 125 Fisher, H,, appointment, 774 Fisher, H. I., appointment, 389, 571 Fisher, J. C , appointment, 749 Fire 522 ii54 Fiessel, Esther H., appointment, 783 Fifles, E. G., degree, 1031 Figueras, J., Jr., appointment, 1141 degree, 1014 fellowship, 1090 Figura, L. J., degree, 1227 Fike, C. E., Jr., degree, 1199 Filbey, E. J., appointment, 623 Filbey, N. V., appointment, 37 Filbey, R. W., degree, 459 Filer, E. E., degree, 1227 Files, Botany, purchase, 354 Files, J. J., degree, 467 Filing cases, purchase, Chemistry, 959 Physical Plant, 281 Filip, J. H., appointment, 676 Fillmore, C. L., degree, 447 Film catalog. Extension Division, printing, 902 Film printer, Photographic Laboratory, purchase, 1259 Film processing machine, Photographic Laboratory, purchase, 1116 Films, purchase, 480, 482 rental, 984, 1258 Filter, Chemistry, purchase, 394 Filtration Plant, improvements, contract, $2 Fina, J. E., degree, 1234 Fina, J. J., degree, 863 Finance Committee, automobile fleet insurance, authority to secure bids, 367 report, 366 hospital and medical service insurance, plan, report, 86 insurance report, study, 77 recommendations, 198 Lincoln Avenue Residence revenue bonds, recommendation, 212 members, 288 student and staff apartment addition, financing, authority to act on bids, 406 Finch, Dorothy J., degree, 123 Finch, F. H., appointment, 380, 629, 649, Finch, J. \V\, degree, 125 Finder, E. F., appointment, 774 Findlay, J. E., appointment, 390, 722 Findley, Barbara F., fellowship, 1094 declination, 1096 Findley, W. N\, appointment, 618 Findur, M. A., degree, 1235 Fine, G., appointment, 96, 876 Fine, H. P., degree, 272 Fine and Applied Arts, College of, appropriation. balance reappropriated, 70 architecture curriculum, revisions, 407 Bands, supervision, 1070 budget, 634, 761 bulletin, publication, appropriation, 1048 degrees conferred, 126, 162, 275, 463, 863, . 934, 1030, 1237 equipment, appropriation, 204 industrial design curriculum, admission requirements, revision, 995 paintings, purchase, 280, n 17 property at 1110 West Illinois Street, remodeling, appropriation, 824 Fineberg, H. H., appointment, 57, 878 Finfrock, C. A., degree, 125 Finfrock, L. J., degree, 161 Finger, Ann K., degree, 438 Finger, Donna t)., appointment, 37, 647, 663 Finger, N. B., degree, 460 Fink, A. J., degree, 1244 Fink, J, P., degree, 1202 Fink, Marilyn R., degree, 452 Fink. R. B.. degree, 1243 Finke, W. E., certificate, 206 Finke, W. W., Jr., degree, 1018 Ftnkel, E. B., degree, 1217 Finkelstein, H. L, degree, 1223 Finkelstein, M. N., certificate, 132 1142 10
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