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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1348]

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BOARD O F TRUSTEES Erickson, A. F., certificate, 496 Erickson, B. W., degree, 1239 Erickson, C. E., degree, 265 Erickson, D. E., degree, 1.208 Erickson, Ethel E., appointment, 876 Erickson, E. L., appointment, 563 leave of absence, extension, 23 Erickson, Ethel E., appointment, 55 Erickson, Mrs. Frances E., appointment, 798 Erickson, H. L., degree, 1220 Erickson, J. A., degree, 1237 Erickson, J. E., degree, 1028 Erickson, Jean, appointment, 748 Erickson, Jean E., degree, 1227 Erickson, Margaret L., appointment, 758 Erickson, Miriam L., degree, 1230 Erickson, O. H., appointment, 649, 657 Erickson, S. D., degree, 1213 Ericson, Elizabeth V., degree, 451 Ericson, H, C-, degree, 455 Ericson, J. VV.? degree, 454 Ericson, S. D., degree, 1234 Eriksen, T. C., degree, 442 Erikson, E. W., degree, 1220 Erispaha, S- M., degree, 441 Erjavac, J. E., degree, 1220 Erkman, Efne C , degree, 438 Erkman, J. O., appointment, 423, 925 resignation, 980 Erlanger, Margaret, appointment, 37, 642 Erley, P. A., degree, 1032 Ermisch, Linda L., degree, 276 Ernest, L. E., degree, 467 Ernst, E. W., degree, 448, 1208 discovery, patent application, 1068 Ernst, Helen J., degree, 275 Ern=t, Wilma E., degree, 451 Erskine, D. E., degree, 459 Erskine, E. B., appointment, 716, 925 Ertel, J. W., degree, 1227 Ertel, Mary L., degree, 473 Erwin, C, C , fellowship, 255, 303, 338 Erwtn, June B., degree, 849 Erwin, VV. W., degree, 265 Erzinger, H. J., Jr., degree, 1240 Escobar, D., degree, 1203 Esenther, Shirley E., degree, 470 Eskengren, E., Jr., degree, 447 Esmond, R. V., degree, 863 Esposito, Frances, appointment, 786 Esposito, M., appointment, 784 Esposito, R. G. P., degree, 1227 Espy. W. N., appointment, 613 Esselstyn, T. C , appointment, 96, 388, 569 Esserman, N. S., degree, 856 Esserman, R. E., degree, 272 Esserman, Ruth C , degree, 433 Esslinger, W. F., degree, 466 Estes, C. R., degree, 1020 Etchings, Art, gift, 1169 Etges, F. J., degree, 856 Ether, Chemical Storeroom, purchase, 234 Etheredge, Maude L., appointment, 547 Etheridge, V. W., appointment, 750 Ethyl Corp., gift, 1166 Etler, A. D., lease, 187 resignation, 375 Etler, H. P,, appointment, 746 Etscheid, E. G., certificate, 496 Etter, J. E., appointment, 96, 612, 955 Eubanks, R. D., degree, 272 Eubanks, R. K., degree, 1213 Euler, M. H., degree, 1218 Eureka Street, improvements, University's share of cost, appropriation, 300 European Culture Museum, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 70 budget, 572 Eustice, E. P., Jr., certificate, 205 Eustice, H. L., degree, 127 Evaluation Unit, Bureau of Research and Service, revolving account, 634, 761

Engineering services, cont'd contracts, cont'd temporary housing oil distribution system,


Utilities Distribution System addition, 90 Vivarium Building, refrigeration system, 41S water supply system, 483 fire protection, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 530 Gregory Hall, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 486 Englis, D. T., appointment, 556, 1140 Englis. R. M., degree, 467 English, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 483 budget, 559, 742 summer session, 382, 1144 fellows, 341, 1092 head of department, appointment, 205, 968 English, P. V., degree, 1223 English, W . J., authority to sign name of President of Board, 287 English, W. K., degree, 1220 English and Germanic Philology, Journal of, microfilms, license to photograph and sell, 1118 English requirements, foreign students, 15 English, students' use, committee, budget, 551, 740 Englund, B. E., degree, 1010 fellowship, 340 declination, 344 Englund, E., appointment, 757 Engstrom, Elaine, appointment, 785 Ensign, N. E., appointment, 618 Entler, B., appointment, 749 Entomology, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 484 budget, 561, 742 summer session, 382, 1145 fellows, 341, 1093 head of department, appointment, 243 humidity cases, appropriation, 148 research, nutrition of insects, gift, 1168 Entin, A. J., degree, 448 Entrance examinations, budget, 553 law, fees, 367 Entwistle, Ruth, appointment, 793 Entwistle, W. W., degree, 455 Envelopes, Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics, purchase, 1063 Environment, psychological adjustments of human beings to rapid changes, research, 936 Enzymes, research, gift, 1168 Epilepsy, research, gift, 167, 912, 1172, **73 Epilepsy clinic, gift of funds, 68, 910, 1170 Epperson, Geraldine, appointment, 745 Epperson, Mrs. Vera B., appointment, 744 Epstein, E. S., degree, 1206 Epstein. H. D., degree, 122 Epstein, I. G., degree, 1021 Epstein, J. F., degree, 444 Epstein, M. J., degree, 1240 Equipment, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 69, 70, 485 nonrecurring, budget, 552 loan, agreement, 65 Equitable Life Assurance Society, housing project in Chicago, financing, 402 application for loan, 7 procedure, 311 report, 403 Erb, Hester E., certificate, 407 Erbach, Doris, appointment, 797 Erbes, R. G., Jr., degree, 124 Erdelyan, L. A., degree, 864 Erdman, Mildred W., degree, 1208 Erdman, R. L., degree, 116 Erdos, P., appointment, 423 Erhardt, Beatrice E., degree, 461 Erickson, A. E., degree, 1205