UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1349]

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UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S Evans, C degree, 1248 Evans, Carlisle E.f degree, 934 Evans, Chester E., degree, 264, 1213 Evans, C. H., Jr., degree, 162 Evans, C. K„ degree, 862 Evans, D. G., Jr., degree, 467 Evans, D. L., degree, 125 Evans, Doris J., degree, 464 Evans, E., appointment, 76$ Evans, Mrs. Faye E., appointment, 747 Evans, G. B., appointment, 559, 1144 Evans, G. J., certificate, 132 Evans, H. M., degree, 1029 Evans, I. G., degree, 858 Evans, J. C , degree, 450 Evans, Jean D., fellowship, 340 declination, 344 Evans, Mrs. Josephine F., appointment, 382, 560, 1144 declination, 1194 Evans, K, H., appointment, 423 declination, 427 Evans, Norma, degree, 270 Evans, R- El-, degree, 451 Evans, K. N., appointment, 1125, 1135 Evans, R. \V\, appointment, 766 degree, 864 Evans, Rosemary, degree, 458 Evans, W. B., degree, 1010 Evans Residence Hall, budget, 670, 777 purchase, furniture, 233 screens, 481 Evanston Drama Club, gift, 165 Eveland, H. E., Jr., degree, J I 8 , 1198 fellowship, 341 Eveland, R. J., degree, 1218 Everett, J- E.. purchase, 1161 Everhart, J. W., Jr., degree, 1240 Everingham, W. A., degree, 273, 1213 Everitt, B. W., degree, 1218 Everitt, \V. L., appointment, 79, 605. 610 Evers. \V. J., degree, 454 Eversole, J. F., degree, 1022 Everson, T. C , appointment, 58, 832, 88n. jo.53, 1191 cancellation, 1055 degree. 1249 Everts, W. E., degree, 860 Ewald, F. W., degree, 433 Ewalt, G. C , certificate, 496 Ewbank. F. C , degree, 464 Ewell, R. \Y., degree, 454 Ewers, J. E., appointment, 549 Ewes, Agriculture, purchase, 64, 1258 Ewing, II. L., degree, 272 Ewing. J. W., degree, 467 Fwing, Marilyn L.. degree, 445 Ewing, P. L., appointment, 1143 member of advisory committee, 191 Ewing, T. N., appointment, 542, 567 Ewing, W. R., degree, 272 Ex, E. S., degree, 274 Examinations, entrance, budget, 553 law, fees, 367 Executive Committee, actions, report to members of Board, 242 authority, award of construction contracts on addition to apartment building, 406 election, 286, 1042 meeting, 190, 226, 240, 3T0 Exhibit, medical, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 72 Exhibitions, Museum of Modern Art, contract,

2 3 7


Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics, associate director, appointment, 491 budget, 572, 599, 744, 75i federal funds, additional, 295 insurance, 4-II Memorial Camp building, 1260 purchase, automobile, 938 crop storage plan catalogs, 523 envelopes, 1063 paper, 130 truck, 234 revolving account, 604 scholarships in agriculture and home economics, regulations, amendment, recommendation, 325 tents, rental, 352, 1163 Extractor, Chemistry, purchase, 983 Extramural Courses and Conferences, budget, 648, 764 Eye, effects of betatron radiation, research, gift, 910 Eye and Ear Infirmary, See Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary. Eycrly, J. B., appointment, 48, 868 Eyerly, J. L., degree, 851 Eygabroad, \V. R., Jr., degree, 445 Eyler, M. H., appointment, 640 Eyler, W. H., appointment, 387 Eyman, E. D., degree, 277, 1210 fellowship, 342, 1094 Eymann, A. P., degree, 1213 Eyster. M. B., degree, 1212 Ezell, C. L., degree, 1245

Fabick, J., Tractor Co., purchase, 61 Fabricant, X., appointment, 54, 875 I Fabry. R. J., degree, 1025 Facial growth, research, gift, g n , 1172 Factor, Helen, appointment, 798 Faculty, publications, annual compilation, disi continued, 1130 ; Faeth, H. C , degree, 863 Fagaly, R. D., degree, 1240 Fagan, G. E., appointment, 873 Fagan, \V. S.3 certificate, 1034 Fagerburg, Joan, degree, 1239 Fagerburg, R. G,, degree, 467 Faggetti, ) . , degree, 1019 Fahey, J. J., appointment, 684 gift, 911 Fahlberg, Mrs. Eleanor M., appointment, 743 Fahlberg, J. W., degree, 1218 Fahnestock, M. K., appointment, 613, 700 Fain, H., degree, 434 Fainer, D. C , degree, 476 j fellowship, TO6, 512 resignation, 928 Fair, F. V., appointment, 1141 Fairbairn, J. L., degree, 1213 Fairbank, G., degree, 862 Fairbank, R. L., degree, 269 Fairbanks, C. W., fellowship, 340 Fairbanks, G., appointment, 388, 510, 569, 1053 Fairchild, R. L., certificate, 26 Fairchild, Eliza A., degree, 276 Fairfield, J. L., degree, 1027 Fairview Nursery, purchase, 1065 Fairweather, E. \V\, Jr., degree, 1021 Fairweather, Helen G., degree, 112 Faist, Patricia K., appointment, 660, 1148 Falconer, R. W., degree, 121 Falder, G. H., Jr., degree, 1233 Falduto, A. P., certificate, 205 Exit devices, Physical Plant, purchase, 480 Falecki, J. W., degree, 1244 Exstein, Mariette F., degree, 859 Faler, Elizabeth L., appointment, 782 Extension, University, budget, 648, 763 Faletti, G. P., degree, 272 duplicator, purchase, 130 Faletti, M. J., degree, 448 films, catalog, printing, 902 Faletti, R. J., appointment, n 7 7 , n 9 i lease, 821 degree, 120 health education program, funds, gift, 1167 resignation, 256 textbook packages, lumber dealers short Falk, C. F., degree, 459 course, 393