UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1343]

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UNIVERSITY Driscoll, N. J., degree, 454 Driscoll, P. 0 . , degree, 1223 Driscoll, T. H., appointment, 832, 1144 Driscoll, W. R., degree, 864, 1213 Driskell, D. H., degree, 275 Driver, R. P., degree, 1213 Driveway, contract, Physics Research Laboratory, 76, 810 temporary housing areas, 92 Droba, H. J., resignation, 182 Drolet, R. J., degree, 1211 Drolsum, D. D., degree, 123 Drom, Beulah J., appointment, 630, 642 Drom, W. D., degree, 1222 Drone, L. E., degree, 859 Dronsuth. R. W., degree, 1021 Droste, W. J., degree, 1248 Drugas, T. G., degree, 471 Drug Plant Experiment Station, architectural services, contract, 1002 buildings, appropriation, 970 Drugs, research, anti-asthmatic, 307 effect on renal blood and function, 236 method of control in hospitals, 908 Drumheller, C. E., appointment, 992, 1005 Drummond, N. K., degree, 1207 Drummond, R. L., appointment, 376, 636 Drury, C. E., degree, 268 Dry, Beryle S., degree, 1230 Dry cleaning service, contract, Galesbtirg Undergraduate Division, 237 Men's Residence Hall, 973 Dryden, Wilma J., degree, 113 Drying Systems, Inc., purchase, 62 Dry-Kold Refrigeration Co., purchase, 960 Drysdale, J. J., fellowship, 1090 Dubas, T., certificate, 496 Dubin, M. I)., degree, 1237 Dubin, R., appointment, 568, 657, 1135, 114°,




Dubin, S. S., appointment, 621 degree, 1198 DuBois, L. A., degree, 274 DuBois, T. E., certificate, 132 DuBois Engineering & Manufacturing Co., purchase, 394 Dubosh, T. P., degree, 861 Du Brul, E. L., appointment, 180, 693, 695,


degree, 475 Dubsky, H. J., degree, 448 Dubsky, Marian L., degree, 271 Duccy, H., appointment, 772 Duckett Paper Co., purchase, 354, 1.259 Duckworth, \V, K-, degree, 435 Duczman, Ruth R,, degree, 451 Duda, Dolores M., degree, 455 Duda, F. R., degree, 1234 Dudczak, C. S., degree, 858 Dudcnbostel, D. L., degree, 1237 Due, J. F., appointment, 625, 1142 Duerwachter, Nadine A., degree, 1236 Duff, Mrs. Betty L., appointment, 747 i 1152, 1154 Duff, D. A., degree, 268, 1205 Dunnett, L. W., degree, 127 Duff, R. E., Jr., degree, 1218 Duffey, C. J., Paper Co., purchase, 163, 48!* Dunning, P. E., degree, 1028 901, 960 ' Dunning, W. R., degree, 1218 Duffey, C. T., degree, 127 Dunsmore, J. C , degree, 277 Duffield, Mrs. Helen F., appointment, 7^9 Du Perrieu, W. E-, degree, 862 Dufficld, R. B., appointment, 556, 616 Du Pont, E. I., de Nemours & Co., gift, 166, Duffy, J, C., degree, 1027 906, 1166 Duffy, J. R , degree, 1032 i purchase, 64 Duffy, Ruby W., degree, 438 Dupre, G. T., degree, 864 Duffy, \V. C , degree, 125 Dupuis, J. P., degree, 1025 Duffy, W. F., certificate, 496 Dupuy, C. J., degree, 851 Dufner, M., fellowship, 342 Duran, J. A., Jr., fellowship, 1093 Dufour, F., degree, 464, 1210 DuRapau, J. J-, degree, 122 Dugan, Mrs. Elsie M., appointment, 79 8 Durgans, T. L., degree, 448 Dugan, W. H., degree, 268 Durham, L., degree, 277 Dugas, J. H., appointment, 382 Durham, Mrs. Olga K., appointment, 74 6 Dugas, Marie E., degree, 471 Dugger, Mrs. Dorothy, appointment, 800 degree, 276

Dugger, T. M., degree, 1248 Duke, Betty L., appointment, 955 Duke, W. R., appointment, 383, 612 cancellation, 842 degree, 1207 Dukes, F. R., appointment, 80 r Dukett, Mrs. Dorothy, appointment, 798 DuLaney, D. C , degree, 4SS Dulgeroff, S. A., degree, 463 Dulkin, Marion R., degree, 1230 Dumbwaiters, Research and Educational Hospitals addition, contract, 940 change, 998 Robert Allerton Park, purchase, 481 Veterinary Medicine Building, contract, 996 Dumelow, Lois E., degree, 1223 Dumond, T. P., degree, 1032 Dunbar, Louise B., appointment, 563 Duncan, Betty L., degree, 126 Duncan, C. A. G., degree, 435 Duncan, C. J., degree, 1029 Duncan, Dorothy I., appointment, 781 Duncan, G. W., Jr., degree, 1248 Duncan, J. R., degree, 1240 Duncan, Raymond O., degree, 1199 Duncan, Robert O., degree, 122 Dungan, B. F., appointment, 780 Dungan, G. H., appointment, 582 salary adjustment, 1057 Dunham, L. S., certificate, 205 Dunham, P. O., certificate, 496 Dunham, R. E., degree, 467 Dunhouse, R. F., degree, 467 Dunkin, P. S., appointment, 1146 Dunkle, E. R., degree, 441 Duniap, D. S., degree, 448 Dunlap, Fanny, appointment, 647, 664, 1088 Duniap, H., appointment, 741 Dunlap, Marjorie L., degree, 465 Duniap, Mrs. Martha M-, appointment, 751 Dunlap, P., appointment, 765 lease, 525 Dunlap, R, M., appointment, 36 cancellation, 182 Dunlop, Kathleen E., appointment, 229, 832 degree, 431 leave of absence, 1195 Dunn, C. B., appointment, 741 Dunn, C. L., appointment, 36, zil degree, 114 Dunn, F., degree, 267 Dunn, Helen L., degree, 112 Dunn, J. D., degree, 1213 Dunn, L. J., degree, 1024 i Dunn, Leah M., apointment, 744- 746 Dunn, M. T., degree, 1207 ; Dunn, Nancy, degree, 1223 i Dunn, P. E., degree, 1232 ! Dunn, R. E., degree, 1236 ! Dunn, S. W., appointment, 337, 646 i Dunn, W. F., appointment, 229, 509 i degree, 440 ; Dunne, W. J., appointment, 390, 392, 723,