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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1328 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Dahlstrom, Iris J., diploma, 1247 Dahlstrom, S. A., appointment, 773 Daigger, A., & Co., purchase, 25, 62, 394, 480, 482, 900, 1160, 1161 Currie, R. D., degree, 1021 Currie, R. G., degree, IOZI Currier, F. P., Jr., degree, 932 Currier, J. W., degree, 1227 Currin, Gwendolyn, appointment, 786 Curry, Ann, degree, 455 Curry, E. T., appointment, 96, 388, 570, 1150 Curry, James W., degree, 1205 fellowship, 339 Curry, John W., degree, 1213 Curry, R. F., certificate, 133 Curtin, Dorothy A., degree, 272 Curtis, Charles Carey, appointment, 377, 624 Curtis, Charles Carey, Jr., degree, 447 Curtis, Charles Clifford, degree, 864 Curtis, C. D«, fellowship, 343 Curtis, E. L., degree, 1218 Curtis, Elaine, degree, 269 Curtis, G. C , degree, 122 Curtis, Mrs. Helen U., appointment, 36, 663 Curtis, J. A., appointment, 773 Curtis, J. J., Jr., degree, 1217 Curtis, J, O., appointment, 376, 581 salary adjustment, 1057 Curtis, Jo Anne, appointment, 803 Curtis, W. A., degree, 162 Curtiss, J. C , degree, 450 Curtiss, Mrs. Jeanne, appointment, 750 Curtiss Candy Co., contract, 235 Cushing-Malloy, Inc., purchase, 902, 959, 1163 Cushman, E. A., appointment, 654 Cushman, J. R., degree, 450 Cushman, Margery M., degree, 1230 Cusick, J. F., degree, 277 Cusimano, W. R., certificate, 26 Cutchin, Mrs. Betty W., appointment, 740, 7 53 Cutler, H. A., appointment, 36, 626, 925 Cutler, K. L., appointment, 766 Cutler, M. H., appointment, 54, 875 Cutler, Mildred L.. degree, 123 Cutler & Price, bid, 19S Cutshall, A. D., appointment, 392, 720, 1153 declination, 1194 leave of absence, 1047 Cutter Laboratories, gift, 69 Cyclotron, exposure to neutron radiation, claim of L. Smith, 493 Cylinders, Physics, purchase, 522 Cyrier, Frances M., degree, 118 Cytochemical studies, gift, 68 Cytogenetics, equipment, appropriation, 148 Cytoplasm and nucleus, relation, research, gift, 1170 Dailey, A. D., appointment, 1142 Daily, E. J., appointment, 379, 608, 1141 Daily, H. J., degree, 445 Daily, Lillian, appointment, 792 Daily, Martha A., degree, 847 Dairy Creamery, budget, 590, 74.8 Dairy Industries Supply Association, Inc., contract, 961 Dairy marketing research, gift, 905 Dairy Production, See Dairy Science. Dairy products judging team, expenses, gift, 1165 Czaja. T. R., degree, 1240 Czarnecki, R. B., degree, 157 Czarnick, E., appointment, 780 Czwalinski. Marie, appointment, 798 Czyl, J. L., degree, 1220 Czyryk, C. S., degree, 1020 Czyzewski, H., appointment, 615 degree, roi6 lease, 187 Daanen, J. W., degree, 455 fellowship, 343, 1136 declination, 375 DaCosta, Mrs. Elizabeth, appointment, 780 Dadant, P. M., degree, 439 Daehler, Eileene L., degree, 1203 Daggett, T. E., degree, 1218 Dagner, R. E., degree, 1206 Dahl, D. A., degree, 1029 Dahl, J. P., degree, 1025 Dahlan, J. G., fellowship, 1136 declination, 1194 Dahlenburg, L. M., appointment, 733 authority to sign name of President of Board, 287, 1042 Dahlgren, C. L., degree, 1232 Dahlgren, C. S., degree, 1028 Dahlgren, I. R., degree, 467 Dahlquist, \V. G., degree, 277 Dairy Science, advisory committee, 178 appropriations, balances reappropriated, 70, 530 budget, 587, 747 salary adjustments, 1059 summer session, 379, 1142 building and remodeling, funds, 966 department name, 332 laboratory equipment and furniture, purchase, 280, 1038 research, gift, 905, 1167 use of corn and soya products, study, 961 Dairy Technology, gift, scholarship, Brook Hill Farms, Inc., 904, 1164 Dakin, T. R., appointment, 1005 Dalbey, R. C , appointment, 739 Dale, F e m e C , degree, 438 Dale, R. E., degree, 1235 Dale, W. A., fellowship, 1092 declination, 1137 Dales, D. D., degree, 1024 D'Alessandro, J. P., degree, 1235 Dalessandro, \V., degree, 471 Daley, C. J., degree, 272 Daley, R. D., degree, 455 Daley, W. J., degree, 858 Dallenbach, F. D., appointment, 251, 876 Dallenbach, W. C , degree, 461 Dalrymple, G. B., degree, 267 Dalton, C. E., appointment, 741 Dalton, R. L., degree, 436 fellowship, 339 declination, 344 Daly, Alice C , degree, 473 Damaskus, Mrs. Marion L., appointment, 791 Darner, V. R., degree, 1243 Hammers, \V. R., appointment, 229, 686 Damore, J. F., degree, 461 Damrin, Dora E., appointment, 832 degree, i o n Dana, Mrs. Ann S., appointment, declination, 928 Dana, G. R., degree, 467 Dancoff, S. M., appointment, 616 leave of absence, 3047 Dancy, Joanne, appointment, 794 Danforth, P., appointment, 77, 180, 651, 652 Dangerfield, R., appointment, 968 Daniel, C. M., Jr., degree, 854 Daniel, J. R-, degree, 463 Daniel, Patricia G., degree, 451 Daniel, T. R,, degree, 463 Danielak, A. P., degree, 1220 Daniell, Hope G., degree, 465 Danielowski, J., gift, 911 Danielowski gift fund, addition, 912 Daniels, A. C., degree, 1216 Daniels, E. \V., appointment, 390 degree, 1199 fellowship, 343 Daniels, P. W., degree, 459 Daniels, S. IX, Jr., degree, 455 Danielson, J. E., degree, 1234 . t Daniel Street, improvements, University s share of cost, appropriation, 300 balance reappropriated, 486 Danko, \V. J., degree, 1032
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