UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1335]

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UNIVERSITY OP I L L I N O I S Cronheim, E., appointment, 49, 870 Crookham Co., contract, 236 Crookston, J. A., degree, 929 fellowship, 43 Crop storage plan catalogs, Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics, purchase, 523 Crop storage research, utility building, appropriation, 97° Crosby, D. P., degree, 1217 Crosby, Janet L„ degree, 157 fellowship, 43 Crosby, M. E., degree, 116 Cross, B. L., degree, 864 Cross, Betty L., fellowship, 341, 1092 Cross, Dorothy M., appointment, 180, 688 fellowship, 254, 1007 resignation, 1008 Cross, H. E., degree, 1240 Cross, J. H., appointment, 1053 Cross, J. M., degree, 461 Cross, L. L., degree, 124 Cross, Richard R., degree, 265, 277 Cross, Roland R., member of advisory committee, 243 Crossley, A., and Associates, purchase, 234, 960, 1259 Crossman, R. S., appointment, 612 Crothers, M. H., appointment, 381, 6 t i , 1144 degree, 262 Crouch, Alice C , degree, 853 Crouch, W. L., appointment, 880 Crouse, Feme S-, degree, 458 Crouse, H. L., appointment, 377, 1140 Crouse, J. L., degree, 1240 Crow, Mrs. Catherine L., appointment, 754 Crowder, Mrs. Mathe C , appointment, 738 Crowell, J. E., degree, 1240 Crowell, W. J., appointment, 509 Crowley, J. T., certificate, 496 Crowley, Ruth K., appointment, 736 Crowns and Fixed Partial Dentures, budget, 694, 786 salary adjustments, 1136 Croxvtlle, W. B., degree, r22 Crowder, R. T., degree, 269 Cruikshank, P. W,. appointment, 771 Crull, I. E-. degree, 1201 Crum, C. D., degree, 1027 Crum, E. L., degree, 125 Crum, N. J., degree, 1233 Crum, Mrs. Nola W., appointment, 778 Crumb, Mrs. Lois, appointment, 806 Crume, J. W., degree, 464 Crump, A. W., degree, 127 Crumrine, K. D., degree, 116 Cruse, Barbara J., degree, 1227 Crusius, Emily J., degree, 455 Cryder, Cylinda A., degree, 1223 Cryder, R, W., degree, 434 Cryostat, Graduate College, purchase, 3°7 Cuburnek, L., degree, 1248 Cuda, W. K,, degree, 459 Cuddeback, R. B., appointment, 1141 Cudnowski, Loretta, appointment, 792 Culbert, J. R., appointment, 595 salary adjustment, 1060 Culbertson, A. L,, Jr., degree, 127 Culbertson, H. E., appointment, 775 Culligan, D. O., degree, 858 Cullin, V.. illness, g3 Cullison, A. E., degree, 157 Cullison, C. W., appointment, 36, 373 resignation, 427 Cully, Claribel, degree, 1201 Culotta, J., degree, 467, 1238 Culp, Patricia A., degree, 454 Cultra, D. B., degree, 467 Culver, A. A., degree, 265 Culver, L. B., appointment, 590, 603 Cummings, A. E., appointment, 609 engineering circular, publication, funds, 1165


Cummings, J. R., degree, 160 Cummings, R. L., degree, 121 Cummins, R. YV., degree, 277 Cumpton, J. W., certificate, 1034 Cunat, Mrs. Madelyn, appointment, 807 Cundiff, J. W., certificate, 132 Cunion, E. E., degree, 1234. Cunningham, D. F., degree, 1030 Cunningham, E. J., Jr., certificate, 1034 Cunningham, G. R., appointment, 832 Cunningham, H. E., appointment, 541, 549 appreciation of services, 1189 elected Secretary of Board, 286, 1042 illness, expression of sympathy, 422 leave of absence, 1189 signature, delegation, 287, 1043 facsimile, 287, 1043 Cunningham, Irene, appointment, y$€ degree, 274 Cunningham, J. A,, degree, 1032 Cunningham, J. B., appointment, 578, 603 Cunningham, L. W„, Jr., degree, 261 Cunningham, Martha, appointment, 785 Cunningham, N. W., degree, 269 Cunningham, S. G., degree, 1236 Cunningham, T., certificate, 496 Cunningham, T. E., degree, 125 Cunningham, T. P., degree, 445 Cunningham, T. R., appointment, 52, 873 Cunz, D. L., degree, 124 Cunz, R. W., degree, 863 Cuppy, Rachel, degree, i o n Curare, antidote, research, gift, 1169 Cureton, T. K., Jr., appointment, 386, 640, 1148 Curfman, J. W., degree, 277 Curless, W. T., degree, 271 Curran, R. F., degree, 265 Curran, R. J-, degree, 268 Current, R. N., appointment, 992, 1005 Currey, F., degree, 861 Currey's Flying Service, purchase, 63 Curricula, agricultural science, 15 anatomy, 1098 architecture, 407, 477 bacteriology, 1099 biological chemistry, 1099 business, 1180, 1256 education, 1179, 1254 electrical engineering, changes, 1179 food technology, n 7 9 , 1252, 1253 geography, 1097 health education, 79, 128 histology, 1098 industrial design, admission requirements, revision, 995 law, 1178 medicine, 1099 nurses training, 315, 350 obstetrics and gynecology, 1099 ophthalmology, 1099 oral surgery, 1098 orthodontia, 109S pathology, 1100 pedodontics, 1098 pharmaceutical chemistry, 1100 pharmacognosy, 1 TOO pharmacology, 1100 pharmacy, revision, n 79, 1250 physical medicine and rehabilitation, 1100 physiology, 1097* I I D 1 pre-veterinary, 16, 60 professional work experience requirements, policy, 972 radiology. 1101 recreation, 207 restaurant management, 294 secretarial training, 299 statistics, 1180, 1255 surgery, 1101 teaching in elementary schools, 994. I 0 36 veterinary, 16, 60 Currie, G. R., certificate, 1034