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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1326 BOARD OF T R U S T E E S Crawford, Isabelle M., degree, 455 Crawford, J. W., degree, 454 fellowship, 339 declination, 344 Crawford, Jean V., degree, 1197 fellowship, 339 declination, 344 Crawford, L. R., degree, 274 Crawford, Lura E., appointment, . 364, 385, 1146 Crawford, M. N,, degree, 447 Crawford, Margaret K., degree, 436 Crawford, Mrs. Marilyn, appointment, 776 Crawford, Mary M., appointment, 774 Crawford, Mary R., degree, 1223 Crawford, R. C , Jr., degree, 451 Crawford, R. D., degree, 1220 Crawford, W. B., degree, 1201 Crawford, W. E., appointment, 73s degree, 127 Crawford, W. L., member of advisory committee, 243 Crawford, Y. E., degree, 1013 Crays, C. D., appointment, 772 Creamer, Mrs. Jessie L., appointment, 774 Creamery, See Dairy Creamery. Creamery Package Manufacturing Co., purchase, 902, 982 Credit, W. M., degree, 1234 Creech, H. S., appointment, 733 Creep testing machine, lease, 356 Creek, R. O., degree, 1227 Creek. W. E., degree, 1240 Creekbaum, C. F., degree, 1031 Creighton, A. J,, Jr., degree, 1240 Creighton, Jean M., degree, 458 Cremeans, C. D., book printing, 480 Cremer, Marian E., degree, 123 Crescent Electric Supply Co., purchase, 1260 Cress, A. M., appointment, 1145 fellowship, 342 Crevier, P. H., appointment, 1005 Crews, H. M., & Son, purchase, 353 Crews, Mrs. Janice M., appointment, 718 Crews, T. R.( degree, 269 Crews, W. A., Jr., certificate, 132 Cribbet, J. E., appointment, 384, 645, 1146 Crichton, G. K., Jr., degree, 1240 Crichton, Mary C , fellowship, 1093 declination, 1096 Crichton, Margaret S., degree, 440 Criminology and Legal Medicine, budget, 68i, 782 clinical faculty, 47, 867 Crippled Children, Division of Services for, advisory committee, 243 appropriation bill, 527 automobiles, purchase, 64 budget, 708, 79B biennial, 14s office space, lease, 238, 308, 525, 526, 1039, Cripps, H. N., fellowship, 1090 Cripps, Mrs. Jean H., appointment, 760 Crisp, S. D., degree, 1206 Crispin, S. B., degree, 1240 Criss, D. E., degree, 1208 Crissey, Lois L., appointment, 663 resignation, 1096 Crist, Mrs. Hilda P., appointment, 768 Crist, R. L., degree, 858 Crist, Velma J., degree, 1223 Crites, C. F., degree, 1015 Crites, Frances L., appointment, 798 Crittenden, Doris, appointment, 774 Crockett, W. H., fellowship, 343 declination, 344 Croft, Betty M. E,, degree, 112 Croft, Marjorie L., appointment, 39*» 7*9 resignation, 1194 Croll, R. K., degree, 454 Cronbach, L. J., appointment, 633 1160 Coy, J. T., degree, 274 Coyer, F. P., Jr., certificate, 1034 Coyle, Helen, appointment, 976 Coyle, Margaret F., appointment, 786 Coyle, R. H., degree, 449 Coyne, A. D., appointment, 50 Coyne, Nadene, degree, 1245 Craft, C. F., degree, 1236 Craft, Gara A., degree, 1215 Craft, Donna H., degree, 1223 Craft, L. J., Jr., degree, 267, 268, 1208 Craft, R. E., degree, 1213 Craftsman Line-Up Table Corp., purchase, 522 Craig, C. E., degree, 1249 Craig, C. W., degree, 1021 Craig, Frances V., appointment, 789 Craig, J., degree, 444 Craig, J. M., appointment, 876 Craig, J. V. ( degree, 436 Craig, Jean A., degree, 440 Craig, W. J., appointment, 619 Craig, W, L., appointment, 756 Craig & Craig, legal services, employment, 945 payment, 1076 Crain, A. R., appointment, 54, 875 Crain, G. D., Jr., member of advisory committee, 4 r 6 Crain, H. V., appointment, 806 Crain, Helen M., degree, 451 Crain, J. B., degree, 1018 Crain, Mrs. Ruth, appointment, 777 Crain, Sue C , appointment, 96, 380, 633, 1143 degree, 932 Craine, A. H., degree, 1223 Craine, E. M., degree, 269 Cram, C. D., degree, 275 Cramer, E. F., degree, 1022 Cramer, G. E., appointment, 955, 976 Cramer, H. R., degree, 271, 1209 Cramer, J. W., degree, 1218 Cramer, Johanna, degree, 1225 Cramer, M. C , degree, 1209 Cramer, M. L., degree, 1030 Cramer, Mary J., degree, 934 Cramer, R. A., Jr., degree, 1227 Cramer, R. E., appointment, 619 Crandall, L. A., Jr., appointment, 56, 877 Crandall, P. H., appointment, 509, 872 fellowship, 344 resignation, 427 Crandell, J. S., appointment, 608 Crane, Physical Plant, purchase, 1116 Crane, C. V., appointment, 53, 873 Crane, E. B., degree, 1016 Crane, F. H., resignation, 513 Crane, M. A., appointment, 1135 Crane, W. B., Jr., certificate, 496 Crane Co., purchase, 9°o» 1160 stock, sale, 1003, 1079 resolution, 1004 Crank, G. L., appointment, 763 Crank. Mrs. Shirley L., appointment, 761 Crannell, J. M., appointment, 766 degree, 275 Cratz, C. H., degree, 1213 Craven, A. H., fellowship, 512 Craven, J. C , degree, 443 Cravey, G. T., degree, 450 Craw, J. T., certificate, 496 Crawford, C. M., appointment, 377 degree, 854 Crawford, C. W., appointment, 585 salary adjustment, 1059 Crawford, F., degree, 266 Crawford, F. M., appointment, 582 resignation, 1008 Crawford, G. D., degree, 858 Crawford, G. F., degree, 1233 Crawford, G. L., degree, 1217 Crawford, Mrs. Hazel M., appointment, 754
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