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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S Chicago Professional Colleges, cont'd power plant, negotiations with Commonwealth Edison Co., 290 remodeling, appropriation, 191, 204, 245 steam line to Illini Union Building, permission, 185 steam service, contract, 358, 810, 865 changes, 49-2, 5*6 resolutions, 492, 513, 810, 865 tour by members of the Board, 954 utility extension, release of funds, 970 Vice-President, automobile, purchase, 494 Chicago Professional Colleges Women's Auxiliary, gift, 911, 1170 Chicago Railroad Fair, exhibition of dynamometer test car, appropriation, 296 Chicago Rotary Club Women, gift, 165, 913 Chicago Seating Co., purchase, 91 Chicago Square Z Electric Co., contract, 22 Chicago Title & Trust Co., deposit agreement, revenue bonds, student and staff apartments, 1190 Chicago Undergraduate Division, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 72, 81 architectural library, remodeling, 76 architectural services, building improvements. 89 Drill Hall, 65 books, gift, 300, 908 budget, 713* 803 summer session, 390, 1151 catalog, printing, 523, 1163 contracts, exhibit from Museum of Modern Art, 936 installation of barrier, 192 lighting installation in shops, 329 refrigerator, 83 tabulating machine equipment, 83 core-blowing machine, gift, 165 foreign language office, additional space, appropriation, 175 library shelving, appropriation, 499 napkin dispensers, loan, 237 physical education facilities, remodeling, appropriation, 174 contract, 211, 329 purchase, automobiles, 1163 display cases, 240 fireproof canvas for gymnasium, 354 football equipment, 1258 fuel oil, 901 paper, 937 piano, 163 reserve books service station, appropriation, 81 R.O.T.C. program, approved, 1072 funds, 1072 quarters, 1187 student activities fee, change, 1073 X-ray equipment, appropriation, 995 Chicago Vitreous Enamel Product Co., contract, 307 Chickris, C. H., degree, 1021 Chief HHni Cleaners, contract, 973 Child, J. R., degree, 1032 Chiklers, C. W., fellowship, 1090 Childers, Mrs. Clarice J., appointment, 734 Childress, J. W., appointment, 744 Childs. M. E., appointment, 615, 831 Chilenskas, A. A., degree, 454 Chilenskas, R. L. L., degree, 270 Chiles, H. M., Jr., degree, 1227 Chin, Lucy M., degree, 269 Chin, Te-Ning, degree, 262 China, Illini Union, purehase, 959 Chittenden, Jean S., degree, 160 Chittenden, R. A., degree, 273 Chittenden, W. A., degree, 1220 Choa, B. T., appointment, 614 Chobar, Esther M., degree, 272 Chock. P. W. H., appointment, 874 Chodakowski, A. S., appointment, 95, 381, 509, 611, 1144 W7 Choke coil, Physics, purchase, 353 IQ I J 2 Cholecystokin, research, gift, 909. 9 » 7 Chopra, B., degree, 469, 475 Chou, Wen-Yen, degree, 1017 Chow, V. T., degree, 1198 Christ, J. H., degree, 1019 Christ, Janie A. C , degree, 441 Christ, O. J. W., degree, 466 Christen, C. P., degree, 1019 Christensen, Marjorie J., degree, 859 Christensen, R. H., degree, 269 Christensen, Shirley A., degree, 1229 Christian, R., appointment, 785 Christian, R. C, degree, 1223 Christian, W. A., appointment, 180 resignation, 842 Christiansen, Barbara A., degree, 1229 Christiansen, J. V., degree, 463 Christiansen, Jennifer J., degree, 1026 Christiansen, Phyllis, appointment, 793 Christiansen, R., degree, 1021 Christie, Catherine M., degree, 1213 Christman, N. C , degree, 1027 Christmas Neighbors Club of Prairie Farmer Station WLS, gift, 66 Christoffers, W. H., appointment, 755 degree, 1022 I Christopher, L. C , degree, 1206 j Christy, B. N., degree, 1223 Christy, Barbara appointment, 423, 557 Christy, L. J., degree, 1210 Christy, M. G., degree, 1248 Chu, Chia-chen, degree, 261 fellowship, 254, 339, 979, 1090 Chu, II. Yuan-shing, degree, 437 Chu, Kuang-Han, degree, 1010 Chu, Tsun-Hwei, degree, 161 fellowship, 254 declination, 256 Chuang, D., degree, 436 Chukerman, H., degree, ro.29 Chulay, Claire M., degree, 261 ; Chubck, W. J., degree, 116 Chulock, K. E., degree, 861 Chum, Elaine A., degree, 445 Chun, T. W. N., degree, 1023 Chung, Kai-Lai, appointment, 423 ! Church, Jeanne H., degree, 451 i Churchill, R. V., degree, 265 Church Street, property at 608 West, lease, 132 1 i ; j j I ChurilJo, B. F., degree, 1022 Churitch, P., degree, 1226 Ciba Pharmaceutical Products, gift, 167 Cicardo, S-, appointment, cancellation, 10S Cicirelli, V. G., degree, 1202 Ciereszko, L. A., resignation, 108 Cierley, M. B., degree, 846 Ciesla, R. D., degree, 1217 Ciesla, Sophie, appointment, 792 Cikas, J. G., appointment, 799 Cina, A. F., certificate, 205 Cinabro, Antoinette D., degree, 1223 Cincinnati Chemical Works, Inc., gift, 166 Cincinnati Milling & Grinding Machines, Inc., purchase, 1:64 Cincinnati Shaper Co., purchase, 184 Cinkoske, B. F., certificate, 205 Cioni, Ann E., degree, 112 Ciorba, N., degree, 447 Cipolla, A. F., appointment, 47, 867 Cipolle, N. F., degree, 1248 Ciral, S. J., degree, 1030 Circulation, research, gift, 1172 Ciske, V. A., degree, 267 Ciszek, R. A., degree, 851 Citek, F. J., degree, 1220 Citizens Committee, budget, 552 members, igo, 416 Civil Engineering, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 484 budget, 608, 753 summer session, 37®* 1 ] [ 4i
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