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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S Building program, biennial, budget, 142 Building Program Committee, budget, 551, 740 design and placement of new buildings, consultant, 967 Buildings, agricultural, allocation of funds, 965 architectural services, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 486 remodeling for elimination of five hazards, 402 insurance, policy, 199 new, architectural studies, 248 preparation of plans, federal funds, 1043, application, 971 resolution, 981 remodeling, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 71, 72, 484, 486, 530 lapsing of balances, 208 consultant, 967 release of funds, 823 standing contracts, 18 total amount for year, 526 unexpended funds, use, 1133 student and staff housing, preliminary plans, funds, 1187 use for political meetings, 1068 practice of other universities, report, 1123 referred to Committee on General Policy, 1069 Sec also names of buildings. Buildiugs and capital improvements, appropriation, request, 241 revisions in allocation of funds, authority, 360 release of funds, 822, 947, 969, 995, 1048, 1077, 1127, 1180 Buildings and Grounds Committee, Boneyard storm drainage project, recommendations, 99" construction of sidewalks, secure bids and award contracts, 370 contracts for work at Robert Allerton Park, 333 award, 372 members, 287 purchase of land for College of Agriculture, 197 recommendations, 226 sale of land for site of Y.M.C.A., 197 staff housing research project, 196 recommendations, 226 Building Service Employees Union International, Local No. 119, wage rates of janitors, 918 Building trades, wage rates, Eobert Allerton Park, determination, investigation, 1122 state departments, determination, agreement, 1122 Buker, R,, resignation, 108 Bukofzer, R. L., degree, 274 Bukovsky, E. W., degree, 1235 Bulger, R. C , degree, 448 Bulkley, W, F., appointment, 590, 6DO salary adjustment, 1059 Bull, Animal Science, purchase, 480 Bull, Jane, member of advisory committee, 243 Bull, Mary L., appointment, 660 Bull, R. M., degree, 451 Bull, S., appointment, 376, 585, 598 salary adjustment, 1058 Bullard, J. P., Jr., degree, 455 Bullard, S. A., degree, 124 Bullaro, J. J., degree, 1222 Bullington, J., degree, 1019 Bullis, M. C , degree, 1232 Bullock, J. C , Jr., fellowship, 340 declination, 344 Bullock, J. W., degree, 1240 Bumgardner, A. O., degree, 464 Bumstead, R. S., degree, 1240 ii33 I309 Bunch, M. E., appointment, 387 Bunchman, K. A., degree, 459 Bundy, H., degree, 851 Bundy, S., appointment, 749 Bundy, W. W-, degree., 444 Bunke, H. C , appointment, 1142 degree, 437 Bunn, R. I., degree, 1240 Bunnell, L. K., degree, 462 Bunting, L., member of advisory committee, 178 Bunting, R. W., degree, 162 Bunting, T. C , degree, 1017 Burack, E. H., degree, 1226 Burack, L. L,., degree, 934 Burau, C. R., degree, 864 Burch, Ellen F., degree, 1023 Burch, R. L., degree, 1216 Burcham, L. A., degree, 118 Burda, E. S., degree, 1227 Burdett, L. W., degree, 930 Burdick, Annabelle F., degree, 1200 Burdick, Mrs. Helen L., appointment, 755 Burdick, W. L„ degree, 858 Burdick Corp., gift, 1169 Burdon, J., appointment, 59, 88L declination, 928 Burek, A. W., appointment, 967. 976 declination, 980 Burg, K. O., appointment, 364* 3 8 5 degree, 440 Burg, Mrs. Sally T., appointment, 95, 661 declination, 842 Burga, Frances, appointment, 792 Burgart, H. F., degree, 122 Burgdorf, H. A., degree, 1238 Burgener, D. R., degree, 85S, 1208 Burgener, M. L., degree, 849 Burger, A., appointment, 788 Burger, C. L., Jr., degree, 1025 Burger, G. O., degree, 851 Burger, \V. E., degree, 847 Burger, \V. J., degree, 1030 Burger, \V. L., fellowship, 343 Burgeson, Blanche L., degree, 2J2 Burgess, J. D., degree, 466 Burgess, J. E., certificate, 173 Burgess, Mrs. Lila P., appointment, 775 Burgess, M. Edna, appointment, 789 Burgess, R. H., degree, 265 Burgess, R. N., degree, 443 Burgh, J. F., Jr., degree, 469 Burglary insurance, policy, 199 Burgoon, G., Jr., degree, 462 Burgstahlcr, A. W., fellowship, 339 declination, 344 Burgwald, G. M., degree, 122 Buring, Harriet, appointment, 779 Burk, E. H., Jr., degree, 930 Burke, A. L., degree, 117 Burke. Agnes, appointment, 770 Burke, H. E., degree, 446 Burke, Helena, appointment, 789 Burke, J. E., certificate, 206 Burke. K. A., degree, 1197 fellowship, 33Q Burke. M. M., degree, 1025 Burkhardt, G. F., certificate, 132Burkhardt, R. J-, degree, 274 Burkhead, C. A., degree, 277 Burkholder, J. E., degree, 466 Burkholder, P., appointment, 95, 720 Burkitt, P. E., appointment, 747 Burleson, C. E. ( degree, 1014 Burlew, C. Z., degree, 112 Burley, D. D., degree, 267 Burlison, W. L., appointment, 582 Burnell & Co., purchase, 1161 Burnett, D. R., degree, 1023 Burnett, H. R., degree, 1216 Burnett, Mary L., degree, 455
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