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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1302 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Blaisdel, D. C , appointment, 180 Blaisdell, Daisy L., appointment, 563 Blakeley, D., degree, 1206 Btakeman, C, E., degree, 1217 Blanchard, Barbara A., degree, 1222 Blanchard, Mrs. Beula, appointment, 736 Blanchard, G. S-, degree, 1240 Blanchard, W. O., appointment, 383, 562, 1145 Bland, G. F., appointment, 423, 1191 degree, 1208 Bland, Lois J., appointment, 831 Bland, R. A., Electric Co., contract, 1126 Bland, Velma M., degree, 1234 Blank, H. J,, degree, 1218 Blanke, D. L., degree, 1025 Blankenberg, W. L, degree, 277 Blanks, J. C., Jr., degree, 112 Blare, H. J., degree, 269 Blase, R. P., degree, 459 Blaski, N. B., degree, 451 Blatt, J. M., appointment, 494, 509, 616 Blau, E. L., degree, 1233 Blaut, Helen, appointment, 794 Blaw-Knox Co., Buflovak Equipment Division, purchase, 1117 Blazaich, Adella M., appointment, 783 Blaze, J. E., appointment, 739 Blazer, Laura N., degree, 462 Blazina, H. E., degree, 277 Bleakney, W., appointment, 967, 976 Blecke, A. E., degree, 1239 Blecke, Mrs. June A,, appointment, 736 Blegen, T. \V., certificate, 132 Bleicher, R. P., certificate, 205 Bleustein, P. K., degree, 1233 Blickenstaff, D.. fellowship, 106, 840 resignation, 980 Bliler, H. S., degree, 857 Blindt, J. J., degree, 432 Bliss, G. B., degree, 258 BHtstein, I. J., degree, 1234 Block, Benjamin, degree, 455 Block, Bernard, appointment, 57, 878 Block, B. P., degree, 257 Block, Bette, appointment, 735 Block, F. E., degree, 1022 Block, G. S., degree, 277 Block, M. Y., degree, 1340 Block, R. F., appointment, 746 Block, \V. J., degree, 434 fellowship, 343, 1095 Block & Kuhl, purchase, 91 Block Electric Co., contract, 948 Blocksma, R., appointment, 58 Blodgett, D. R., member of advisory committee, 191 Blodgett, F. W., degree, 157 Blodgett, R. H., appointment, 625, 1142^ resignation, report of fact-finding committee, 1189, 1269 report of President of University, 1189, 1276 Bloemers, H. W., degree, 476 Blomberg, R. A., degree, 461 Blomquist, C. A., appointment, 94, 57*, J I 9 : Blomstrom, D. C , fellowship, 1090 Blonder, M., certificate, 1034 Blood, methods of estimating nutrients, research, gift, 68 value of ultra-violet irradiation, research, gift, 908, 1168 Blood, N. R., degree, 447 Blood pressure, research, gift, 1172 Bloom, A. J., degree, 1025 Bloom, B., degree, 277 Bloom, Estella M., degree, 45 1 Bloom, L. H., resignation, 44 Bloom, L. R., appointment, 611 Bloom, L. W., appointment, 831 Bloom, Margaret, appointment, 382, 560, H44 Bloom, Milton, degree, 1244 Bloom, Myer, fellowship, 1094 Birch, Mrs. Carroll L., appointment, 35, 682 leave of ahsence, 20,2 Birch, F. A., degree, 1213 Birch, H. J., degree, 850 Birch, Janet W., degree, 1025 Birch, W. D., degree, 862, 1032 Bird, J. R., degree, 1028 Bird Electronic Corp., contract, 355 Birdzell, Ruth, appointment, declination, 44 Bireline, Mrs. Nellie, appointment, 776 Birketand, C. J-, appointment, 94, 594 salary adjustment, 1060 TJirkelbach, A, O., degree, 454 Birkey, W . R., degree, 1021 "Birkhimer, R. O., degree, 262 Birkner, Marion L., appointment, 571 degree, 161 Birr, D. J., degree, 1230 Birr, Doris, appointment, 775 "Birr, R. E., degree, 267 Bischoff, R. D., degree, 126 Tiishop, D. W., resignation, 108 Bishop, H. C , degree, 1216 Bishop, J. E., degree, 1019 Bissell. S. M., appointment, 873 Bissett, J. R., appointment, 373, 608 degree, 1205 Bitten, B. L. degree, 859 Bitter, H. J., degree, 276 Bitterman, X. G., resignation, 108 Bittermann, L. A., Jr., degree, 446 Bitting, Barbara, appointment, 664, 1088 Bittinger, E. M., degree, 269 Bittner. Irene M., degree, 455 Bix, Mary L., appointment, 795 Bixenstine, Anita S., degree, 1017 Bixenstine, V. E., appointment, 1053 degree, 1014 resignation, 1137 Bjelland, Doris R., degree, 451 Bjelland, H. S., degree, 933 Bjelland, R. E., degree, 264 Bjurstrom, Mrs. Dorothy D., appointment, 787 Bjustrom, R. O., degree, 1245 Black, A., appointment, 302, 871 Black, Mrs. Dorothy, appointment, 798 Black, Dorothy M., appointment, 664, 1088 Black. Mrs. Esther, appointment, 379, 660, Black, Lulu S., appointment, 592, 602 Black, M. R., degree, 864 Black, R. E., degree, 1240 Black, R. L., Jr., degree, 1227 Black, W. E., appointment, 618 Black & Co., purchase, 354 Blackboard, Physical Plant, purchase, 1162 Blackburn, Ida E., litigation, legal services, 137, 170 1148 payment, 945 Blackman, Evelyn, degree, 1238 Blackman, T. S., Jr., degree, 461 Blackmore, W. P., appointment, 94. 698, 699. 831 degree, 1249 Blackstone, G. R., appointment, 548 Blackwelder, T- H., degree, 447 Blackwood, R. A., degree, 851 Bladel, B, D., degree, 1227 Blaford, J. S., appointment, 748 Blaha, Mary A. M., degree, 1248 Blaha, R. E., degree, 1032 Blaida, L. J., degree, 1028 Blair, Barbara, appointment, 803 Blair, E. S., degree, 1244 Blair, G. M., appointment, 380, 629 Blair, Jesse C., degree, 458 Blair, John C , degree, 864 Blair. Joseph C., appointment, 575 Blair, J. M., degree, 124 Blair, J. S., degree, 441 Blair, Mrs. Joan B., appointment, 773 Blair, R. M., degree, 1217 Blair, \Y. \ \ \ , degree, 277, 443
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