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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S 1295 Athletic Director, assistant, appointment, 416 Avery, Mrs. Wanda, appointment, 798 Atkin, Mrs. Estelle, appointment, 830 Aviation, Institute of, budget, 654, 765 Atkins, A. L., Jr., degree, 161 helicopter, gift, 1169 Atkins, C. P., appointment, 60S, 1141 house at airport, remodeling, 23 Atkins, E. L., degree, 1231 liability insurance, 481, 12 61 Atkins, J. E., appointment, 686 name, 227 declination, 841 purchase, airplanes, 63, 352, 482 Atkinson, M. L., degree, 446 furnaces, 479 Atlantic Pact, seminar, grant, 368 gasoline, 235, 480, 984, 1259 Atomic Energy Commission, contract, 65, 525, limestone, 523 935, 1062 lumber, 1260 purchase, 937 Quonset hut, appropriation, 23 Atomic Instrument Co., purchase, 1259 labor and material, 235 Atomizing nozzle, discovery, patent Tights, repurchase, 281 lease, 369 scholarships, gift, 904 Attebery, Barbara M., degree, 1215 steel building, labor and materials for exAttebery, Catherine J., degree, 1215 | cavating and constructing foundation, Attebery, H. C , degree, 1213 1 1164 Attebury, D. H., degree, 863 I purchase, 1164 Atwater, C. D„ Jr., degree, 1032 : Aviation equipment, Psychology, purchase, 481 Aubuchon, L. F., degree, 127 1 Aviation liability insurance, purchase, 481, Aud, F. L., degree, 455 i 1261 1 Audas, J. D., degree, 1032 Aviation psychology, Quonset building, approAudiometer, Speech, appropriation, 17 1 priation, 1077 Auditorium, console for pipe organ, appropria- ' Axel, P., appointment, 229, 616 tion, 148 j degree, 258 I Axelman, Norma G., degree, 451 balance reappropriated, 485 j Axes, Physical Plant, purchase, 354 purchase, 234 electrical distribution system, improvements, ; Ayer, J. P., appointment, 55, 876 J fellowship, 1096 engineering services, 999 Auditors, employed, 210, 1000 j Ayer, N. W., & Son, Inc., contract, 30 \ Ayers, A. R., appointment, 581, 600, 830 report, 210 j Ayers, R. L., appointment, 654 Audrieth, L. F., appointment, 556 ! Aylesworth, R. G., degree, 864 Auerswakl, E., degree, 277 Ayoub, R. G., degree, 1199 Aufdenkamp, E. L., degree, 126 fellowship, 426 Aufdenkamp, Jo Ann, resignation, 44 Azaren, H., degree, 1220 Augustine, C, A., degree, 466 Azzarello, C. A., degree, 466 Augustine, C. L., degree, 121 Azzarello, J. J., degree, 462 Augustine, W. J-, degree, 1227 Augustyn, A. J., degree, 1240 Babb, A. L., degree, 932 Awn an, N. G., degree, 1032 fellowship, 339, 1090 Aumann, R. J., fellowship, 1136 Babb, D. S., appointment, 610, 1144 declination, 1194 degree, 853 Aumilier, Willadean, appointment, 744 Babbitt, H. E., appointment, 94, 608 Ausfahl, Dorothy E., degree, 462 leave of absence, 1047 Ausfahl, R. J., degree, 1222 Babbitt, Valerie R., degree, 1231 Austin, A. G., degree, 466 Babcock, M. L., degree, 262 Austin, Mrs. Aila V., appointment, 760 Babcock, W. D,, degree, 1233 Austin, C. E., degree, 1019 Babcock & Wilcox Co., purchase, 1260 Austin, Dorothy N., degree, 116 Babero, B. B., degree, 277, 1017 Austin, J. O., Jr., degree, 466 Babler, B. J., appointment, 391, 719, 1153 Austin, Julia C , degree, u 6 Bacalar, A. M,, degree, 439 Austin, L. D., degree, 1217 Baccus, M. V., degree, 858 Austin, ^lamie L. S-, degree, 847 Bach, A. E., appointment, 773 Austin, S. D., appointment, S73 Bachem, A., appointment, 688 Austin, W, J., appointment, 608 Bachert, R., appointment, 774 degree, 431 Bachert, R. P., degree, 1231 Auten, D. S., appointment, 58, 880 Bachman, A. A., degree, 857 Authors, contracts with University Press, 813 Bachman, D. H., degree, 858 Automobiles, appropriation, Agriculture, 1049 Bachman, R. C\, degree, 1220 Physical Plant, 191 Bachman, S. J., degree, 451 insurance, purchase, 503 Bachtel, Ruby V., degree, 1201 report of Finance Committee, 366 Backer, P. E., degree, 454 purchase, Agriculture, 164, 1163 Backman, K. E. H.» degree, 1218 Chicago Undergraduate Division, 1163 Backs, Miriam C.s degree, 1231 Division of Services for Crippled ChilBacon, A. R., appointment, 52, 872 dren, 64 Bacteriology, Liberal Arts and Sciences, apExtension Service in Agriculture and propriation, balance reappropriated, 69, Home Economics, 938 483 Forestry, 1064 budget, 555, 74i Horticulture, 235 summer session, 376, n 3 9 Labor and Industrial Relations, 235 equipment, appropriation, 148, 407, 947, Physical Plant, 234, 306, 938, 1117 995 President of University, 494 fellows, 339, 1089 Vice-President, 494 gift, fellowship, 1167 Zoology and Physiology, 901 research, 906, 1168 Auxiliary enterprises, budget, Chicago Prohead of department, appointment, 322 fessional Colleges, 711, 802 purchase, centrifuges, 901 Chicago Undergraduate Division, 728, S07 j incubators, 523 Urban a-Champaign departments, 668, 774 • laboratory equipment, 523, 1161 Avedisian, A. G., degree, 466 I laboratory furniture, 982, 1116 Avery, L. W., appointment, 51, 872 , manometric apparatus, J83 Avery, W, C , Jr., degree, 1029 1
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