UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1304]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950
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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Baker, Mrs. Frances, appointment, 798 Baker, G. T., degree, 851 Baker, H. F., appointment, 757 Baker, H. G., appointment, 790 Baker, H. ]., & Co., purchase, 130 Baker, H. L., appointment, 58, 879 Baker, J. J., degree, 1222 Baker, J. R., degree, 1243 Baker, J. S-, appointment, 635, 830 degree, 432 Baker, J. T., Chemical Co., purchase, 480, 900, 937, 1161 Baker, Mrs. Jean M., t appointment, 737 Baker, Joyce B., appointment, 35, 642 Baker, L. L., certificate, 26 Baker, M. C , appointment, 830 degree, 846 resignation, 1194 Baker, Mary S., degree, 435 Baker, R. H., appointment, 94, 555, 55$, i*39 Baker, Robert J., degree, 1245 Baker, Roger J., degree, 1227 Baker, R. L., certificate, 132 Baker, S. J., degree, 466 Baker, W., Jr., degree, 1239 Baker & Co., Inc., purchase, 63, 280 Balagna, J. A., Jr., degree, 1029 Balagot, R. C , appointment, 251, 881 Balaney, Mrs. Lucille, appointment, 800 Balazs, Grace O., degree, 1238 Balch, B. L., degree, 1231 Balder, R. B., Jr., degree, 1240 Baldry, Joan, degree, 1203 Balduf, M. V-, appointment, 35, 382, 561 Baldwin, C. L., degree, 1206 Baldwin, D. C , degree, 864 Baldwin, J. R., degree, 1245 Baldwin, Mrs. Martha F., appointment, 770 Baldwin, R. P., Jr., degree, 854 Baldwin, S., fellowship, 339 Baldwin, T. W., appointment, 559 book, printing, 1037 Baldwin Locomotive Works, contract, 936 lease, 356 purchase, 352, 490, 1258 Baldwin Piano Co., purchase, 163 Bale, J. C , degree, 932 fellowship, 1136 Baleiko, W. F., appointment, 49 Bales, R. W., degree, 449 Baley, J. A., degree, 161 Balfour, L. G., Co., purchase, 233 Balin, Bernice, appointment, 1005 Balkum, E. T., degree, 1240 Ball, Mrs. Avis A., appointment, 661, 1088 Ball, R. M., degree, 455, 1211 Ball, Virginia, appointment, 752 Ballaert, W. E., degree, 260 Ballard, G. P., appointment, 180, 871 Ballein, Veda A., degree, 847 Ballou, H. W., resignation, 108 Balson, M, M., appointment, 766 degree, 1235 Balthazar, E. E., appointment, 830 Baltz, R. W., certificate, n 26 Baltzer, Susanna, appointment, 389 Balzarini, A., degree, 1231 Balzer, P., gift, 905 Bamber, L. E., appointment, 647, 663, 1088 Bamber, Mrs. Lois R., appointment, 35 Bamberger, A., appointment, 691 Bambini, D. C , degree, 1234 Banas, C. J., degree, 1032 Banche, J. F., degree, 1020 Banchy, M. A., Jr., degree, 276 Bancroft, V. H., degree, 116 Band Building, acoustical treatment, appropriation, 824 tile, installation, 982 remodeling, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 72, 486

Bacteriology, cont'd purchase, cont'd monochromator, 1161 oscillator, 1259 refrigerator, 900 sterilizers, 1116 remodeling, appropriation, 947 contracts, 1081 Medicine, budget, 68o, 782 clinical faculty, 47, 867 department name, 368 graduate curriculum, 1099 purchase, centrifuge, 959 laboratory apparatus, 1038 remodeling, appropriation, 970 research, gift, 166, 908, 1169, 117^ Pharmacy, graduate curriculum, 1099 Bade, E. R., degree, 1233 Badger, C, J., appointment, 583 Badir, M., degree, 158 Badziong, D. M., degree, 461 Baechle, R. J., degree, 860 Baer, J. L., appointment, 51, 872 Baer, Jean C , book, printing, 1164 Baer, Jean G,, appointment, 153 Baer, M. J., degree, 1019 Baer, Mary L,, appointment, 830 degree, 460 Baer, P., fellowship, 43 Baer, Patricia A., degree, 457 Baer, R., appointment, 564 Bagel, J., degree, 473 Bagg, R. L-, degree, 127 Baggett, J. E. F., degree, 10:1 Bagley, C. T., appointment, 94, 830 degree, 1014 resignation, 1008 Bagley, R. W., degree, 1227 Bagott, Alta, appointment, 736 Bahls, J. E., appointment, 748 Bahnsen, A. H., degree, 274 Bahr, D. W., degree, 454 Bahry, G-, degree, 1240 Baigen, Margaret, appointment, 785 Bailar, J. C., Jr., appointment, 377. 556, 11 Bailey, A. D., appointment, 381, 610, 1144 Bailey, Betty L., degree, 1220 Bailey, D., appointment, 757 Bailey, E. C , degree, 1025 Bailey, E. W., appointment, 750 Bailey, H. W., appointment, 564, 717 Bailey, J. D., appointment, 382, 560 Bailey, L., appointment, 636 Bailey, L. E., appointment, 736 Bailey, M. B., degree, 1230 Bailey, P., appointment, 683 Bailey, R. E., degree, 932 Bailey, W. F., degree, 459 Bailie, Elizabeth, appointment, 551 Bailie, H. H., degree, 449 Baily, B. H., degree, 125 Baily, H. H., appointment, 277, 623, 1140 Bain, B. W., certificate, 496 Bain, J. A., appointment, 56, 690, 877 Bain, Melba M., degree, 1222 Bain, P. A., degree, 1240 Bair, T. D., appointment, 251, 644 Baird, Mrs. Allyne H., appointment, 7^8 Baird, C. E., degree, 1231 Baird, D. E., degree, 444 Baird, Evelyn M., degree, 273, Baird, P. E., degree, 448 Baird, T. A., appointment, 49, 869 Baird-Smith, Marilyn, degree, 1222 Baity, Doris L., degree, 446 Baker, A. E., Jr., degree, 1029 Baker, B. L., degree, 459 Baker, B. R.a degree, 1222 Baker, C. E., Jr., degree, 122 Baker, C. \V., degree, 465, 1206 Baker, E. L,, appointment, 744 Baker, Elizabeth S., degree, 1026 Baker, F. F., degree, 862