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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1294 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Ash. M. A,, degree, 1212 Ashbrook, D. J., degree, 1032 Ashby, R. C.» appointment, 578 retirement, 256 Ashdown, R. H., certificate, 292 Ashe, D. H.. degree, 459 Asheim, L. E., appointment, 364, 385 Ashelford, L. E., appointment, 643 Ashelford, Mrs. Laura M., appointment, 762 Asher, H-, degree, 123 Asher, H. H., degree, 1235 Asher, L. H., degree, 466, 1211 Asherman, Mrs. Blanche B., appointment, 737 Asherman, J. W,, degree, 861 Ashland Boulevard and Harrison Street, apartment building, construction endorsed by University, 6 Ashley, C. A,, appointment, 876 fellowship, 1096 Ashworth, Betty J., appointment, 251, 379, 660, 1005, 1148 Ashworth, Mrs. Ruth, appointment, 792 Askins, L. E., degree, 459 Asmus, R. C , degree, 459 Aspden, R. G., degree, 1222 Aspley, J. C., member of advisory committee, 416 Asplund, Beverly J., degree, 1225 Asselin, G. F., degree, 1009 Assistants, research graduate, Engineering, budget, 619 Associated Military Stores, purchase, 85, 482, 983 Association of Governing Boards of State Universities and Allied Institutions, membership, 918 Astheimer, C., certificate, 1034 Asthmatic Children's Aid of Chicago, gift, 165, 909, 912, 1173 Astronomy, budget, 555 summer session, 376, 1139 Astroth, L. L., degree, 1206 Ataman, A., degree, 1198 Atamer, M. M., degree, 266, 1014 Atay, S. A., degree, 1217 Atchison, J ean, appointment, 662 Atchison, \V. F., appointment, 385, 565 leave of absence, 1047 Ater, L. D., degree, 125 Atherton, J. C , degree, 846, 1199 Athey, Lila J., degree, 446 Athletic Activities Committee, members, 287 Athletic Association, appropriation, band expenditures, 17 baseball team awards, 17 coaches clinic, 1188 field work by Alumni Association, 17 golf team expenses, 1188 handling of pension and insurance accounts, 331 paving at golf course, 413 property at 301 West Pennsylvania Avenue, purchase, 17 road between golf course and airport, 1078 Stadium, recalk expansion joints, 17 wiring improvements, 17 well at golf course, 17 completion, 413 auditors, employed, 210, 1000 Board of Directors, appointment, 293, 1046 budget, adjustments, 87, 194, 996 approved, 495 authority to make changes, 495 by-laws, revision, 1130, 1154 referred to President and Comptroller, 1078 funds, assignment, 194, 248, 921 laundry equipment, 31 retirement system, funds, 194 television privileges for football games, contract, 30 underground irrigation system for gridiron, contract, 417 Armstrong, Nancy J., degree, 850 Armstrong, R. C , degree, 461 Armstrong, R. G., degree, 455 Armstrong, R. W., degree, 1217 Armstrong, S. H., Jr., appointment, 48, 868 Armstrong, T. R,, degree, 122 Armstrong, \V. G., degree, 1023 Armstrong Cork Co., contract, 246 Army, contract, 131, 984, 1062, 1117* *15& Ordnance Department, negotiations for construction of electronic digital computer, Arndt, K. J., purchase, 1039 Arndt, M. V., degree, 438 Arne, I. C , degree, 432 Arner, R. D., degree, 1030 Arneson, Mabel L., appointment, 783 Arnholt, Mrs. Lois L., appointment, 747 degree, 127 Arnholt, W. G., degree, 1032 Arnicar, Mrs. Kathryn C , appointment, 778 Arnicar, R. L., degree, 1022 Arnold, A., fellowship, 512 Arnold, C. Y., appointment, 595 Arnold, D. L., degree, 264 Arnold, D. W., appointment, 650 declination, 841 Arnold, Mrs. Elizabeth A., appointment, declination, 44 resignation, 108 Arnold, J., appointment, 780 Arnold, N., Jr., degree, 847 Arnold, O. J., certificate, 1126 Arnold, R. A., appointment, 695 resignation, 958 Arnold, U. B.-, Jr., degree, 1206 Arnold, W. E,, degree, 461 Arnote, R. M., degree, 462 Arnote, R. W., degree, 466 Arnow, C. L., degree, 448 Aron, K,, degree, 277 Aronczyk, J., degree, 449, 1210 Aronson, R., certificate, 205 Arquilla, E. R., degree, 442 Art, administrative committee, appointment, 2 appropriation, balance reappropriated, 484 budget, 636, 761 summer session, 376, 1139 equipment, appropriation, 17, 1127 etchings, gift, 1169 head of department, appointment, 322 McLellan scholarship, regulations, change, 499 purchase, drawing tables, 352 kiln, 394 Arteriosclerosis, research, gift, 1171, 1172, ii73 Arthritis, research, gift, 68, 69, 167 Arthur, J. F. S., certificate, 1035 Arthur, R. E., degree, 1235 Arthur, R. J., degree, 854 Arthur, W. H., Jr., degree, 1237 Arvan, P. G., degree, 257 Arvidson, D. R., degree, 1240 Asa, W. J., degree, 1020 Asay, A. H,, appointment, 624 Asbestos & Magnesia Materials Co., contract, 9, 420 addition, 85 Asbury, C. E., degree, 464 Asch, M., degree, 471 Asch, M. D., degree, 462 Aschan, H. R., degree, 466, 1220 Aschbacher, E. F., appointment, 1140 Aschenbrenner, F. A., fellowship, 1094 declination, 1096 Ascherman, J. C , degree, 261 Ascherman, N. R.t degree, 1244 , Ascherman, Ruby J., degree, 272 Ascherman, S. W., degree, 1245 Asgeirson, P. G., certificate, 205 Ash, ) . K, appointment, 35 declination, 44 204
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