Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i95o] Period Ending: Tonnage UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 3/19/50 73125 Actual 13-4% 9-45% 3.18% 13,018 22.98% 3/26/50 1794-65 Actual 13-25% 9-46% 3*7% 13,113 23.98% Il85 4/2/5° 2061.30 Actual 13-7% 8 -7% 3-06% 13.3*8 22.24% Guaranteed Moisture H-7% Ash (moisture free) 8.7%±i% Sulfur (moisture free) 2.8%±i% B.T.U./lb. (moisture free).. 13,150 + 2 % Percentage of Fines 20%±2% Moisture and per cent of fines have been above guarantee. No penalty is provided for excess moisture. Contract provides tests for "fines" will be made from samples from conveyor belt. Since this coal was placed in storage such tests were impossible, but tests shown were made from the stockpile and indicate coal was substantially in accordance with the specifications. This report was received for record. AUTHORITY TO PURCHASE CATTLE (25) The program for the purchase of feeding cattle for the Wright Farms for the 1950-1951 feeding season will be approximately as shown by the following schedule: W R I G H T FARMS, D E K A L B COUNTY, CATTLE FEEDING PROGRAM 1950-1951 Buying Period August August September-October October-November Total August-September August-September Total August-September October-November October-December Total T o t a l , All F a r m s Average Weight {pounds) Price per Hundred Pounds a t #30 00 a t 27 50 a t 30 00 a t 27 50 $ 6 6 8 7 #28 Total Cost 000 875 100 700 675 00 00 00 00 00 $3 3 4 3 $14 University Share 000 43 7 050 S50 337 00 So 00 00 So Number 50 40 60 35 185 50 50 100 50 25 25 100 385 Kind Farm No. 3 Calves 400 Yearling Steers 625 Calves 450 H e a v y Steers 800 Farm No. 4 Steer Calves 425 Heifer Calves 400 a t #30 00 a t 28 00 $ 6 375 00 5 600 00 i l l 975 00 $6 4 5 S16 #57 37s 631 500 506 156 00 25 00 2; 25 J j ? 3 187 s o 2 800 00 987 S° I j 2 2 J 8 S28 187 315 750 253 578 50 62 00 12 12 Farms Nos. 6 and 7 Steer Calves 425 a t S30 00 Yearling Steers 650 a t 28 50 H e a v y Steers 800 a t 27 50 Purchases are made on the basis of current market prices when suitable stock is available and payment is due immediately. Under such conditions, it is impracticable to request the approval of the Board of Trustees prior to each transaction. The Director of Purchases, the Comptroller, and Professor J. B. Andrews of the College of Agriculture request authority to purchase feeding cattle substantially in accordance with the above schedule when purchases are recommended by the farm manager. All such purchases will be reported to the Board of Trustees, and will be paid for from the Wright Farms operation income. I concur. On motion of Mr. McLaughlin, these purchases were authorized as recommended. PURCHASES (26) A report of ( A ) emergency purchases authorized and (B) purchases recommended (see Appendix, page 1258). On motion of Mrs. Watkins, the action of the President of the University in authorizing emergency purchases was approved and confirmed, and the purchases recommended were authorized.