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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1172 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 20 t. $8,ooo for research on isolation and characterization of cardiac myofibrila, in the Department of Pathology at Rush Presbyterian Hospital, under the supervision of Dr. George M. Hass, for one year beginning September 16, 1949 (H-429). u. $4,200 for research on anatomy and pathology of the auriculoventricular musculature of the human heart, in the Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. Maurice Lev, for one year beginning September 16, 1949 (H-430). v. $3,650 for research on attempt to produce right or left ventricular failure in dogs, in the Department of Pathology at Rush Presbyterian Hospital, under the supervision of Dr. George M. Hass, for one year beginning September 16, 1949 (H-432). w. $5,000 for research on blood pressure and peripheral, in the Aeromedical and Physical Environment Laboratory, under the supervision of Dr. John P. Marbarger, for one year beginning September 16, 1949 (H-434). x. $7,500 for research on experimental arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis in young and old rabbits, in the Department of Pathology at Rush Presbyterian Hospital, under the supervision of Dr. George M. Hass, for one year beginning September 16, 1949 (H-452). y. $4,000 for research on influence on environmental factors on capillary circulation in normal and diseased subjects (animals and man), in the Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. Alexander J. Nedzel, for one year beginning September 16, 1949 (H-453). z. $14,000 for cardiovascular training in the Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. Warren H. Cole, for one year beginning September 1, 1949 (HT-300R). aa. $14,184.65 for training in clinical psychology in the Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. David Shakow, for one year beginning July I, 1948 (MH-362). bb. $6,492.87 for continuation of the study of cardiac output and total peripheral resistance to flow under various physiological and pathophysiological conditions, in the Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, undei the supervision of Dr. William V. Whitehorn, for one year beginning January 1, 1949 (RG-170—C-2). cc. $6,171.23 for continuation of research on neurophysiological basis of epilepsy, in the Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. Frederic A. Gibbs, for one year beginning June I, 1949 (RG-865—C). dd. $2,700 for continuation of research on facial growth after removal of mandibular condyle, in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, College of Dentistry, under the supervision of Dr. Bernard G. Sarnat, for the period ending June 30, 1950 (RG-iogr). ee. $3,306 for research on effect of vagotomy and subtotal gastrectomy on the Mann-Williamson ulcer in the dog, in the Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, for one year beginning September 16, 1949 (RG-1639). ff. $8,000 for research on circulation — blood flow in vessels and tissues, in the Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine. 104. United States Public Health Service, National Cancer Institute, $ir,88o for continuation of research on cause of gastric cancer, in the Department of Clinical Science, College of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. Andrew C. Ivy, for one year beginning April 1, 1949 (C-317—C-2R). 105. United States Public Health Service, National Institute of Health: a. $5,939.24 for continuation of research on the isolation of cholecystokinin, in the Department of Clinical Science, College of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. Andrew C. Ivy, for one year beginning July 1, 1949 (RG-518—C-2). b. $5,425.23 for continuation of research on an investigation of the physiological effects of the influenza virus on the host, in the Department of Bacteriology, College of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. John E. Kempf, for one year beginning July I, 1949 (RG-1248—C). c. $4,339.50 for continuation of peptic ulcer studies: a search for a synthetic antagonist of histamine on gastric secretion, in the Department of Clinical Science, College of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. Morton I. Grossman, for one year beginning July 1, 1949 (RG-1613—C). Total, Funds from Private Industry, Foundations, Other Organizations and Government Agencies for Research and Graduate Study $548 161 43
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