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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i95o] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IIOI Admission requirements: ( i ) General regulations of the Graduate College; (2) an M.D. degree. Degree requirements: (1) One full year in residence; (2) nine units of work, including four units of research; (3) an acceptable thesis, plus a comprehensive examination. Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Physiology The objective of this curriculum is to train physicians in the application of basic science to the practice of medicine and to train persons seeking a career in medical research and teaching in the basic medical sciences. Admission requirements: General requirements governing admission of all graduate students. Degree requirements: For the master's degree: (1) One full year in residence; (2) nine units of work, including four units of research; (3) an acceptable thesis, plus a comprehensive examination. For the doctor's degree: (1) General regulations with respect to residence, credit, language proficiencies and preliminary and final examinations; (2) an acceptable thesis. Master of Science in Radiology The aim of this curriculum is to stimulate research in the field and to develop critical investigators and intelligent teachers in this field. Admission requirements: (1) General requirements of the Graduate College; (2) an M.D. degree. (In exceptional cases, an advanced medical student will be permitted to take graduate work in radiology in conjunction with his medical studies. In such cases the graduate degree will not be awarded before the M.D.) Degree requirements: (1) One full year in residence; (2) nine units of work, including four units of research; (3) an acceptable thesis, plus a comprehensive examination. Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Surgery This program is designed to bring the student into contact with scientific phases of surgery by studying methods of correction of malnutrition in surgical diseases, complications in post-operative care and related other phases. The scope of this program lies in the area of the basic sciences. Surgical technique is not involved. Admission requirements: (1) General requirements governing admission of all graduate students; (2) an M.D. degree. ( A medical student with two years of training will be permitted to take graduate work in surgery. In such cases the graduate degree will not be awarded before the M.D.) Degree requirements: For the master's degree: (1) One full year in residence; (2) nine units of work, including four units of research; (3) an acceptable thesis, plus a comprehensive examination. For the doctor's degree: (1) General regulations with respect to residence, credit, language proficiencies and preliminary and final examinations; (2) an acceptable thesis. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE O F $ 7 0 0 , 0 0 0 S T U D E N T - S T A F F APARTMENT ( S E C O N D UNIT) REVENUE B O N D S RESOLUTION authorizing and providing for the issue of #700,000 Student-Staff Apartments (Second Unit) Revenue Bonds for the purpose of defraying part of the cost of constructing the second unit of Student-Staff Apartments located on Green Street in Urbana, Illinois, prescribing all the details of said bonds, and providing for the collection, segregation and distribution of the revenues of the said StudentStaff Apartments (Second Unit), for the purpose of paying the cost of the maintenance and operation thereof, and payment of the principal of and interest on said revenue bonds. * * * * W H E R E A S pursuant to "An Act to authorize the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to acquire by purchase or otherwise, construct, equip, com-
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