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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i95o] U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S IO99 work, including four units of research; (3) an acceptable thesis, plus a comprehensive examination. For the doctor's degree: (1) General regulations with respect to residence, credit, language proficiencies, and preliminary and final examinations; (2) an acceptable thesis. Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Bacteriology This curriculum is intended to train students for future careers in medical research and teaching, in the fundamentals and applied technique in diagnostic work and investigators suitable for research positions in industry. Admission requirements: General requirements governing admission of all graduate students. Degree requirements: For the master's degree: (1) One full year in residence; (2) nine units of work, including four units of research; (3) an acceptable thesis, plus a comprehensive examination. For the doctor's degree: (1) General regulations with respect to residence, credit, language proficiencies and preliminary and final examination; (2) an acceptable thesis. Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Chemistry This program is designed to train teachers of the subject for colleges of medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy. Admission requirements: General requirements governing admission of all graduate students. Degree requirements: For the master's degree: (1) One full year in residence; (2) nine units of work, including four units of research; (3) an acceptable thesis, plus a comprehensive examination. For the doctor's degree: (1) General regulations with respect to residence, credit, language proficiencies and preliminary and final examinations; (2) an acceptable thesis. Master of Science in Medicine This program is devised to train students for a keener approach to the theory and practice of medicine by emphasis on the basic sciences, to provide experience in research method in the clinical field and to develop clinical teachers. Admission requirements: (1) General requirements governing admission of all graduate students; (2) an M.D. degree. (Medical students who have received the bachelor's degree will be permitted to take graduate work in medicine. In such cases the graduate degree will not be awarded before the M.D.) Degree requirements: (1) One full year in residence; (2) nine units of work, including four units of research; (3) an acceptable thesis, plus a comprehensive examination. Master of Science in Obstetrics and Gynecology This curriculum is devised to train investigators and teachers for medical colleges and to stimulate a keener scientific approach to the practice of the specialty of obstetrics and gynecology. Admission requirements: (1) General requirements of the Graduate College; (2) an M.D. degree. Degree requirements: (1) One full year in residence; (2) nine units of work, including four units of research; (3) an acceptable thesis, plus a comprehensive examination. Master of Science in Ophthalmology This curriculum is designed for the student who is interested in pursuing investigational phases relating to the eye. Admission requirements: (1) General requirements governing admission of all graduate students; (2) an M.D. degree; (3) one year of postgraduate work or residency in ophthalmology. Degree requirements: (1) One full year in residence; (2) nine units of work,
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