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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1098 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 19 Admission requirements: (1) General requirements governing admission of all graduate students; (2) approximately fifteen hours of biology and twenty hours of chemistry. Degree requirements: For the master's degree: (1) General requirements of the Graduate College; (2) at least four units of graduate work in physiology or closely related subjects; (3) at least two units representing an outside minor. For the doctor's degree: (1) General requirements of the Graduate College with respect to residence, credit, minor work, and preliminary and final examinations ; (2) an acceptable thesis. GRADUATE CURRICULA IN T H E CHICAGO PROFESSIONAL COLLEGES DENTISTRY Master of Science in Histology This program is designed to provide graduate training for dental teachers and for investigators in the basic sciences related to dentistry. Admission requirements: (1) General requirements governing admission of all graduate students; (2) D.D.S. from fully accredited institution. (In special cases, a dental student who has not yet received his D.D.S. degree may be accepted for graduate work in this area providing his scholastic average is B or better.) Degree requirements: (1) One full year in residence; (2) nine units of work. including four units of research; (3) an acceptable thesis, plus a comprehensive examination. Master of Science in Orthodontia This curriculum is devised to train men for teaching and research in orthodontia. Admission requirements: (1) General requirements governing admission of all graduate students; (2) D.D.S. degree from fully accredited institution; (3) three quarters of organized postgraduate program in orthodontia. Degree requirements: (1) One full year in residence: (2) nine units of work, including four units of research; (3) an acceptable thesis, plus a comprehensive examination. Master of Science in Oral Surgery The purpose of this program is to train teachers and research workers in the field of oral surgery. Admission requirements: (1) General requirements governing admission of all graduate students; (2) D.D.S. or M.D. degree from fully accepted institution; (3) three quarters of organized postgraduate work in oral surgery. Degree requirements: (1) One full year in residence; (2) nine units of work, including four units of research; (3) an acceptable thesis. Master of Science in Pedodontics The purpose of this program is to train teachers and research workers in the field of pedodontics. Admission requirements: (1) General requirements governing admission of all graduate students; (2) D.D.S. degree from fully accredited institution; (3) three quarters of organized postgraduate program in pedodontics. Degree requirements: (1) One full year in residence; (2) nine units of work, including four units of research; (3) an acceptable thesis, plus a comprehensive examination. MEDICINE AND PHARMACY Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Anatomy This program is designed to train teachers for colleges of medicine and to stimulate and develop research in the basic medical sciences. Admission requirements: (1) General requirements governing admission of all graduate students; (2) premedical training in the fundamental basic sciences. Degree requirements: For the master's degree: (1) One full year in residence; (2) nine units of
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