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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i95oJ UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS I075 repairs be made by replacing the sidewall water headers with forged steel headers of improved design with suitable changes in the circulation system and firing technic. In as much as the engineering data, details of design, and circulation requirements of the boilers are available only to the Springfield Boiler Company, the manufacturers of the boilers, it is not feasible to secure competition on the redesign recommended, the furnishing of materials and parts, and supervision of repairs. A firm proposal has been received for this part of the repairs from the Springfield Boiler Company in the amount of $17,710. Bids have been received for the erection work as follows: Henry Pratt Company, Inc., Chicago $23 845 Independent Boiler and Tank Company, Chicago 26 160 Chicago Down Draft Furnace Company, Chicago 38 600 Funds are available in the Physical Plant budget for this repair work. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend the award of contracts for $17,710 to the Springfield Boiler Company and for $23,845 to the Henry Pratt Company for erection of the new headers. I concur and request that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute these contracts. On motion of Mr. Livingston, these awards were made and authority given as recommended. CONTRACTS FOR EXTENSION OF UTILITIES DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (13) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend award of contracts for the extension of an underground electrical duct to provide electric service to the new six-story building of the Student and Staff Apartments on Green Street and Goodwin Avenue now under construction, as follows: For furnishing and laying of the duct and providing the electrical cables — Square Deal Electric Company, Urbana $ 865 For excavation, construction of manholes, concrete work, and backfilling— Kuhne-Simmons Company, Inc., Champaign 2 625 The Square Deal Company is the lowest bidder on its division of the work. The Kuhne-Simmons Company, Inc., is the only bidder on the other phase of the work although bids were requested from ten firms. It is the opinion of the architects and Physical Plant Department engineers supervising this construction that in view of the small size of the job and the fact that Kuhne-Simmons Company, Inc., is at present the general contractor for the construction of the building, it will not be possible to secure competitive bids. The Kuhne-Simmons Company, Inc., bid is slightly less per foot than the cost for the same type of work under the contract for the construction of the first six-story building. The price is believed to be fair and reasonable. I concur and recommend that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board execute these contracts. On motion of Dr. Meyer, these contracts were awarded and authority was given as recommended. CONTRACT FOR HOT AND COLD WATER PUMPING FACILITIES IN ILLINOIS SURGICAL INSTITUTE (14) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend the award of a contract for $26,900 to the Dearborn Plumbing and Heating Company, Chicago, the lowest bidder, for installation of hot and cold water pumping facilities in the Illinois Surgical Institute (Orthopaedic Building) of the Research and Educational Hospitals. This work will include complete new installation of city water service from Wolcott Street to the Institute and installation of pumps and pressure tanks and hot water heater plus piping and valves. This is part of the program of modernization and rehabilitation recommended by Holabird and Root in their report on electrical and mechanical survey of the buildings in the Chicago Professional Colleges made in 1945.
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