Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1948] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS "57 Bids have been taken on the construction of this walk. The Director of the Physical Plant Department and the Comptroller recommend award of the contract to the Raymond Construction Company, Champaign, the lowest bidder in the amount of $11,720. Funds are budgeted for this work. I concur and recommend that the Secretary of the Board and the Comptroller be authorized to execute a contract with the Raymond Construction Company. On motion of Mr. McLaughlin, this contract was authorized as recommended. AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR INSULATION ON ABBOTT POWER PLANT ADDITION PIPING (8) Bids were received for insulation on the Abbott Power Plant addition piping. T h e Comptroller and the Director of the Physical Plant Department recommend the award of the contract to the lowest bidder, the Asbestos and Magnesia Materials Company of Chicago, on the basis of their firm bid of $27,648. Funds are available in the State appropriation for the Power Plant addition. I concur. On motion of Mr. Livingston, this contract was awarded as recommended. AWARD OF CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE OF PIPE FOR GOLF COURSE CONSTRUCTION (9) T h e Board of Directors of the Athletic Association requests approval of the award of a contract in the amount of $166,924.58 for the construction of a new golf course to C. D. Wagstaff and Company of Glenview, Illinois, the lowest bidder on the project. The Comptroller has examined all bids and recommends approval of the award of the contract to C. D. Wagstaff and Company. Specifications for the new golf course at the Kimmel Farm to be developed by the Athletic Association provide that the Association shall furnish the pipe required, amounting to 25,050 feet of varying sizes. The Association has invited bids from all sources of supply and has found only one source that will accept an order and assure delivery by July I, 1948. The contractor has stated that the pipe must be available by that time if the work is to be advanced sufficiently to open the course in the 1949 season. T h e Board of Directors of the Athletic Association requests authority to purchase pipe from the Columbia Pipe Supply Company of Chicago at their quoted prices and approval of an appropriation of $33,000 to cover the cost of pipe, transportation, and hauling to the course. Approval of this recommendation is requested. On motion of Mr. McKelvey, the award of contract was approved and the appropriation and the purchase of pipe were authorized as requested. ADDITIONS TO CONTRACT WITH JOHN FELMLEY COMPANY FOR GENERAL WORK ON CHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERING BUILDING (10) The Department of Chemistry has recommended a number of changes in the new Chemistry Building not originally specified but now considered essential. These changes would involve an addition of $5,590.88 to the contract with the John Felmley Company for the general construction work. T h e Director of the Physical Plant Department and the Comptroller recommend these additions to the contract. Funds are available in the State appropriation for the construction of this building. I concur and request that the Comptroller and Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute these changes. On motion of Mr. McLaughlin, these changes in contract were authorized as recommended.