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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1152 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 15 whole reconstruction program. Even during the war he remained friendly to the United States and suffered greatly for his devotion. Professor N. M. Newmark has a Chinese student especially needed on a Navy research project and Professor W . M. Wilson has a Chinese student on a project with the Copper and Brass Research Association. Another Chinese is engaged in hydraulic research. However, the above cases are simply illustrations. T h e plain fact is that the University of Illinois increasingly is a leader in research, not only in the United States but over the world. We are building up slowly a reputation which H a r vard, Yale, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have cultivated at great pains and at great cost. While doing so we have ourselves profited richly from the services of able students. These students no longer can help themselves because of the unprecedented value of the American dollar. A truckload of Chinese money would not be enough to support one of these highly selected workers. On June 7 I was appointed by Governor Dwight H. Green as a member of a Commission on Displaced Persons to conduct a survey of employment opportunities for displaced persons in Illinois. The churches of Illinois have taken particular leadership in the formation of this Commission but business, industry, labor, and education are also represented. I mention this only to indicate that there is a general feeling that steps should be taken better to connect the United States with the nationals of friendly countries. I recommend, therefore, that the Board of Trustees rescind its war-time rules concerning the employment of foreigners, reverting to the policy in effect prior to June 28, 1940. If the Board will approve this recommendation, Dean Louis N. Ridenour of the Graduate College will take upon himself the personal responsibility for examining all such appointees with respect to both their research standing and their political acceptability. Joining me in the recommendation above, in addition to Dean Ridenour, are Professor J. F . Jackson, H e a d of the Department of F r e n c h ; Professor John Van H o m e , Head of the Department of Spanish and Italian; Professor W. C. Huntington, Head of the Department of Civil Engineering; and Professor Roger Adams, Head of the Department of Chemistry. On motion of Mr. Williamson, the war-time rules with respect to the employment of foreigners were rescinded, and the President of the University was authorized to revert to the policies and practices in effect prior to June 28, 1940, under the conditions stated above. INTERNAL OPERATING BUDGET FOR 1 9 4 8 - 1 9 4 9 (11) I present the University's internal operating budget for all divisions and funds for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1948, and for academic and administrative appointments beginning September I, 1948. This budget has been prepared by the Provost and the Comptroller in accordance with policies approved by the President and in conference with deans, directors, and other administrative officers. I recommend that: 1. This budget, covering the allocation of the University's operating income from all sources for the year beginning July 1, 1948, be approved (sec Appendix, p a g e 1213)- 2. The President of the University be authorized, in accordance with the needs of the University and the equitable interests involved and within total income, to (a) make such changes and adjustments as are needed, (b) make such additional appointments as are necessary, subject to the provisions of the University Statutes, and (c) accept resignations as are offered. All such changes will be covered in the Comptroller's quarterly financial reports, or in reports of the Secretary of the Board on appointments. The President, the Provost, and the Comptroller discussed the budget. On motion of Mr. Davis, the internal operating budget for 19481949 was approved, authority was granted as requested, and the appropriations made as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Davis, Mr. Fornof, Mrs. Holt, Mr. Livingston, Dr. Luken, Mr. Mc-
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