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jr, / Associate Highway Engineer Marilyn Reece, w h o supervised design of 3-level San Diego-Sanfa Monica Freeway w i f h Assistant Resident Engineer Thomas McKinley. i n t e r c h a n g e in Los Angeles, has on-site discussion have a definite advantage in the field of engineering, and, says she, "if there's any prejudice toward women, I've not encountered it. Men have always been very helpful; and being a woman has never hampered me in my career." Then there's Carol Schumaker, slender, brunette, and 32 years old. She, too, is an associate highway engineer; lias been with the division for eight years, and is eligible for appointment to the position of senior highway engineer by virtue of having passed the required civil service examination. Via night classes, she's working on her master of science degree which she expects to receive by June of 1964. Her desire to become an engineer had already formed in high school, because of her liking for math, physics, and the sciences. Following her course of study at Purdue University, she graduated in 1952, with the degree of B.S.C.E. About half way through her senior year she married Bernard Schumaker—also a Purdue graduate, and also an engineer. Husband a Teacher one segment) of the San Diego Freeway. This is a 4.8-mile section near the San Gabriel River which will incorporate several important interchanges. The biggest thing she's been involved in is the interchange of the San Gabriel, Garden Grove, and San Diego Freeways—a really big interchange near the Los Angeles-Orange county line. Although only two levels, it has many complicated connections. Outsiders who make appointments with an engineer by the name of Schumaker invariably do a "double take" when they find themselves face to face with a 5-foot-2 miss who weighs scarcely more than 100 pounds. The Schumakers take son Paul (age 9) on carefully planned vacation trips Bernard has recently taken leave of active engineering to become a high school math teacher at Garden Grove. But Carol remains in highway work. At the present time her main project is working out plans for another segment (she's just completed work on 2 California Highways and Public Works
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