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THE NEWS-GAZETTE JULY 28, 1961.- I V %^ A i J \Vi<':iiaotb MARCIA NEUGEBAUER . . . space scientist Blonde lllini In Vital Space Role PAiADENA. Cain 'P'-Guc-s bl.i-,. ofi irum C.ipe Canaveral n™' S > r " ^ ' , " " ° l % S l a r i One o, the m.uumrnl a^emcA thaA «'bo n a m C M a l '"i b l l e '> " ' " - " I is called an decern, tnats who iLostaiic analyzer. One of its Ranker I — An unmanned nobs is to probe solar winds space cxplorcr-is poised 1ol T h a l . s w h e r e M a r c l a N o u g ( J . bauer comes in. "I'm a co-experimenter with the olecnostatic analyzer," says Marcia, 28. She looks like a well-scrubbed, freckle-faced college -freshman. Bui she's a sen-1 lor scientist who is among the j key personnel responsible ior! Rangei's complex machinery. . Marcia works at 1he Califor-1 nia Umvei-uy of Technology's1 .lei Propulsion Laboratory here.' She is m charge of coouhnafing rhe various experiments being pei formed by instiuments on Ranger. , " I m Ihe only one that worries about the scientinc aspects all together," she said. , She said it's up to her division—the division of the space ! sciences ai JPL — to determine .where the scientific instruments ,310 placed in the spacecraft I and hoiv often a teadmg is , taken from eacn j M a m a received a bachelor I of aits degree in phjvics from1 | Cornell University in 3951 and1 .'master of science decree, also in physics, from the University I of Illinois two years later. I ! She is married to Dr. Gerry iNeusebauer, 2S, JPL project isc.ienlisi for Mariner B, a i>roj posed ]9B4 unmanned expedi|tion to Mars. The couple, who ^ e i ai Cornell and have been .married for five years, live in 'Altadena.
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