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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962 [PAGE 1262]

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SNADER, DANIEL W., Professor of Education—resignation effective March 1, 1962. STEIN, LASZLO, Instructor in Audiology, Department of Otolaryngology (Medicine) — declination effective September 1, 1961. VAN NOTE, ROY N., Bibliographer in the Library, with rank of Instructor — resignation effective December 22, 1961. WALSH, WILLIAM C , National Science Foundation Mathematics Institute Fellow in Mathematics — resignation effective December 1, 1961. WHITCOMB, ROBERT F., Research Associate in Botany — resignation effective February 1, 1962. LEAVES O F ABSENCE LANDIS, MARTHA, Illini Union Browsing Room Librarian, with rank of Instructor — leave of absence, without pay, beginning February 16 and continuing through August 31, 1962, for European travel. KARLOWICH, ROBERT A., Bibliographer in the Library, with rank of Assistant Professor — leave of absence, without pay, from February 1 through June 30, 1962. CANCELLATION OF LEAVE OF ABSENCE KENNEY, HAROLD E., Professor of Physical Education for Men — sabbatical leave of absence granted him for the second semester of the current academic year cancelled, without prejudice. EXECUTIVE SESSION O n m o t i o n of M r s . W a t k i n s , a n E x e c u t i v e S e s s i o n w a s o r d e r e d for c o n s i d e r a t i o n of t h e f o l l o w i n g m a t t e r s of b u s i n e s s : PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AT l O O l WEST GREEN STREET, URBANA (1) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend purchase of the property at 1001 West Green Street, Urbana, at a price of $42,000. This property is a lot 63.6 feet frontage by 220.56 feet deep with a two-story and basement frame residence presently used as a two-apartment house. The property is in the area approved as the site for the Illinois Street Residence Halls and will be required prior to July, 1962. It is now on the market and should be acquired promptly rather than risk its possible acquisition by others for apartment development with the consequent delays as well as an increase in price which may be encountered if the purchase is deferred. The asking price of $42,000 is within the range of appraisals approved by the Committee on Buildings and Grounds. If purchase is authorized now, possession will be delivered not later than February 28, 1962, and taxes will be prorated. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 for land acquisition from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I concur. O n m o t i o n of M r . H a r e w o o d , t h e p u r c h a s e o f t h i s p r o p e r t y , a t t h e price i n d i c a t e d , w a s a u t h o r i z e d b y t h e f o l l o w i n g v o t e : A y e , M r . Clement, M r . D i l l i a r d , M r . H a r e w o o d , M r . H u g h e s , M r . J o h n s t o n , Mr. P o g u e , M r . S w a i n , M r s . W a t k i n s , M r . W i l k i n s , M r . W i l l i a m s o n ; no, n o n e ; a b s e n t , M r . K e r n e r . CLASSIFIED GOVERNMENT RESEARCH SECURITY CLEARANCES FOR TRUSTEES (2) The Board of Trustees hereby declares and makes said declaration a matter of record, that its Executive Committee shall act for the Board on any contracts, and business incidental thereto, dealing with classified material relating to government research, so that only the members of the Executive Committee will be required to have security clearances and to avoid the necessity of securing such clearances for all the members of the Board. The Board of Trustees further declares that only Trustees Wayne A. Johnston, U. S. Citizen, Mrs. Frances B. Watkins, U. S. Citizen, and Kenney E. Williamson, U. S. Citizen, who are the present members of the Executive Committee, will have access to classified security information, and that Trustees Otto Kerner, U. S. Citizen, George T. Wilkins, U. S. Citizen. Earl M.