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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
962 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June I giving M r . Belnap all the help and cooperation possible. T h e proceeding is set for hearing and the taking of further testimony for June 6, 1944. We feel that the position of the University against the switching charges should prevail, but the attack on t h e freight rate from the Danville group to Champaign will be much more difficult to maintain. If we can force a reduction in the switching charge, it will result in a material saving when and if normal deliveries of coal from the Danville group a r e resumed. T h i s report w a s received for record. SETTLEMENT O F WRIGHT ESTATE President Livingston brought up the matter of the Wright estate, and Judge Johnson was requested to prepare a report on the status of the Wright estate before the next meeting of the Board. TERMINATION O F LEAVES OF ABSENCE FOR WAR SERVICE A r e p o r t t h a t t h e f o l l o w i n g m e m b e r s o f t h e staff w h o h a v e b e e n g r a n t e d leaves of absence have been released from w a r service a n d have ret u r n e d t o a c t i v e s t a t u s o n t h e U n i v e r s i t y staff: HERBERT HOWARD A L P , Associate Professor of Poultry Extension, effective September I, 1943. SOL J. BENENSOHN, Assistant in Obstetrics a n d Gynecology, effective February 15, 1944. ARTHUR DIMSCHULTZ, Assistant Clerk, Superintendent's Office, Research and Educational Hospitals, effective August 1, 1943. MAURICE B. EVANS, Sound Technician, Physical Plant Department, effective October 28, 1943. JOSEPH S. FLORES, Instructor in Spanish, effective September 1, 1943. J O H N ELDON GIESEKING, Assistant P r o f e s s o r of Soil Physics a n d Assistant Chief in Soil Physics and Soil Survey, effective October 1, 1943. DENNIS H I L L , Certified Painter in the Physical Plant Department, effective April 3, 1944. ROBERT P . LARSEN, Clinical Counselor in the Personnel Bureau and Associate in Psychology, effective September 1, 1943. D. P H I L I P LOCKLIN, Professor of Economics, effective September 1, 1943. L Y N N H . PACE, employee in the Chicago Physical Plant Department, effective September 1, 1943. RENATO ROSALDO, Instructor in Spanish, effective September 1, 1943. SAM SACHS, Research Assistant in Mechanical Engineering, effective September 24, 1942. ( M r . Sachs subsequently went into military service on January 16, 1944.) LEON S. SHALLA, Assistant in Anatomy, effective September 1, 1943. ANNABEL WHEELER, Senior Clerk-Stenographer in the Department of Surgery, effective December 1, 1943. GRADUATE SCHOLARS A N D FELLOWS The Secretary presented for record the following list of graduate scholars and fellows appointed by the President of the University on May 12, 1944. Terms of Scholarship Fellowship I Chemistry 944-^94S* Stipend Stipend KATHERYNE C. L E V I S EVERETT W. MAYNERT M R S . OLGA NALBANDOV F.W. F.W. S.F.W. F.W. $350 00 $700 00 862 50 350 00 English M A X I N E L. GORDON "Terms of the year are abbreviated as follows: S.—Summer, four months beginning June 1, 1944. F.—Fall, four months beginning October i , 1944. W.—Winter, four months beginning February 1, 1945.
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