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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1944] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 921 CHICAGO ILLINAE CLUB LOAN FUND (10) On June 26, 1031 (Minutes, page 372), the Board accepted a gift from the Chicago Illinae Club to establish a loan fund for women students. As of January 1, 1944, the principal of this fund amounted to $1,011.50, of which $150 was on loan. T h e Chicago Illinae Club requests the release of $200 from this fund for use in refinishing and redecorating the recreation room in the Orthopaedic Department of the Research and Educational Hospitals. I am glad to submit this request with my approval, provided it is not contrary to legal restrictions under which our trust funds are handled. There is practically no need at this time for the loan fund, as there is a great deal of money in other student loan funds which is not now being used. J u d g e J o h n s o n s t a t e d t h a t t h e u s e of f u n d s a s r e q u e s t e d c o u l d b e authorized by application to the p r o p e r court. N o action w a s taken on the matter. TAX SETTLEMENTS ON LAND PURCHASES (CHICAGO) (11) Recent purchases of properties adjoining the Chicago campus have been made in several instances subject to unpaid delinquent taxes and penalties thereon. The total amount outstanding is about $10,000 on five properties. F a r r & Company, who have acted as agents of the University in the purchase of these properties, recommend that the details of foreclosure and settlement of these liens be handled through Chapman and Cutler, although the actual work probably would be placed by them with firms which specialize in this type of work. T h e Director of the Physical Plant Department and the Comptroller recommend that the employment of Chapman and Cutler to take charge of this work be authorized, the expense of this service as well as the settlements necessary to be paid out of appropriations already made for the purchase of these properties. I concur and recommend approval. O n m o t i o n of M r . K a r r a k e r , t h e s e r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s w e r e a d o p t e d . STUDIES OF POWER PLANT REHABILITATION AND EXPANSION (12) The Director of the Physical Plant Department and the Chairman of the Building Program Committee call attention to the need for studies incident to rehabilitation and expansion of power plant and distribution systems in both Urbana and Chicago. The problems consist of: (1) Present lack of "firm capacity." (2) Necessity of increasing capacity to provide for additional load resulting from building modernization, such as increasing the intensity of illumination, additions of departmental equipment, etc. (3) Necessity of increasing capacity to provide for new buildings contemplated in the future. T h e engineering firm of Sargent & Lundy of Chicago served very satisfactorily in studies relating to the new power plant at Urbana-Champaign. T h e Director of the Physical Plant recommends that they be engaged for the studies now required. T h e following proposals have been submitted: (1) A survey and recommendations concerning the Urbana campus—$2,500. (2) A survey and complete study of problems at the Chicago campus, with recommendation— $3,000. In each case the sum of $500 is payable when the proposal is accepted, the balance on delivery of the report. Funds are available in the budget appropriation for Building Studies amounting to $25,000 a year for each year of the current biennium. I recommend approval of this proposal and that authority be granted to the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board to execute the necessary contracts. On motion of Mr. Karraker, the execution of these contracts was authorized as recommended. PURCHASES RECOMMENDED (13) T h e Comptroller recommends that the following purchases submitted by the Purchasing Agent be authorized:
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