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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1944] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 869 at a total cost of approximately $4,480. A request to quote on our March requirements was sent to the Peabody Coal Company, and they replied that they had no coal to offer for March, but had some surplus they could ship this month. They have been granted authorization to sell this surplus coal to industrial users. This coal will store, and it is advisable to maintain our stock at as high a level as possible. Coal from this mine will not be available after March, as the entire output will then be taken by the Big Four Railroad. Order placed February 22, 1944, as an emergency purchase so that deliveries could begin at once. (b) Two thousand tons screenings coal, requested by the Physical Plant Department, to be delivered during March, 1944, from the following firms: 1,500 tons, Globe Coal Company, Chicago (Danville mine), $4,477.50; 500 tons, Nokomis Coal Company, Nokomis (Nokomis mine), $1,450. Invitations to quote were sent to twenty-four sources, but quotations were received from only these two firms. Federal regulations limit our purchases to 50% of our approximate month's requirements, as we have in storage more than 70 days' supply. As of March 1st, we will have on hand approximately 9,500 tons, or about three months' supply. T h e Nokomis coal is bid on the basis of 10,091 b.t.u., or 67,989 b.t.u. for one cent, and the Danville coal 10,818 b.t.u., or 72,052 b.t.u. for one cent. W e have used and tested the Danville coal and, in view of the lower initial cost on the Nokomis coal, wish to purchase a sufficient quantity to obtain boiler tests. Order placed February 22, 1944, as an emergency purchase because federal regulations require that orders for March delivery be placed by February 24. O n m o t i o n of D r . M e y e r , t h e a c t i o n of t h e C o m p t r o l l e r a n d t h e P u r c h a s i n g A g e n t in m a k i n g t h e s e p u r c h a s e s w a s a p p r o v e d a n d confirmed. CONTRACTS EXECUTED BY THE COMPTROLLER JANUARY 2 2 TO FEBRUARY 1 6 , 1 9 4 4 (14) T h e Comptroller's report of contracts. With Whom Army Air Forces (Materiel Command) With Whom King and Petry Reliable Plumbing and Heating Company Purpose Investigation of stresses in hollow propeller blades Purpose Work on Sanitary Engineering Laboratory in connection with research on corrosion in brass and copper pipe Work on Sanitary Engineering Laboratory in connection with research on corrosion in brass and copper pipe Amount to be received by the University $10,000 Date January 29, 1944 Date January 14, 1944 January 14, 1944 Amount to be paid by the University 11.297 Leases executed under general regulations of the Board of Trustees: With Whom C. Hartzell Bloomstrand Purpose Lease to north Carter-Pennell farm Amount to be received by the University Date Share in proceeds January 14, of farm operation This report was received for record. GIFTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH AND OTHER PURPOSES (15) A report of the following gifts and grants of funds for research and other purposes received by the University since the last report: Gifts 1. William E. Levis, Class of 1913, $2,500 (consisting of $2,300 in demand notes bearing interest at five per cent and $200 in cash) as an addition to "The William E. Levis Loan Fund" at the University of Illinois which Mr. Levis established several years ago. These notes represent loans made by Mr.
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