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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1943] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 8o 5 resignation be for the period Brumwell was 1936, and since H e recommends that the acceptance of Mrs. Brumwell's rescinded and that she be given a leave of absence without pay of April 6, 1943, through April 5, 1944, because of illness. Mrs. employed by the University from May 15, 1936, to September 15, April 26, 1937. I concur. On motion of Mr. Nickell, the acceptance of this resignation was rescinded and leave of absence was granted as recommended. PERMANENT DISABILITY OF ELSWORTH PARIS (8) The Committee on Accident Compensation for Employees submits a report in the case of Elsworth Paris, formerly employed as a pin setter in the lllini Union Building Bowling Alleys. T h e Committee recommends an award of $1,332.99 for the complete and permanent loss of the use of an eye as provided in the Workmen's Compensation Act, in addition to expenses of temporary disability and medical service already paid amounting to $557.18. T h e expenses already paid have been covered out of Union Building funds. These funds are not adequate to cover the outlay for permanent disability, and the Comptroller recommends an appropriation for this purpose from the lllini Union Building Bowling Alley Account. I concur in these recommendations. O n m o t i o n of M r . F o r n o f , t h e C o m p t r o l l e r w a s a u t h o r i z e d t o m a k e p a y m e n t as r e c o m m e n d e d , by the following vote: Aye, M r . Fornof, M r s . Grigsby, Mr. Jensen, M r . Livingston, M r . McKelvey, M r . Nickell; no, n o n e ; absent, M r . D a v i s , M r . G r e e n , M r . K a r r a k e r , D r . L u k e n , Dr. Meyer. MEDICAL HISTORY FUND (9) A committee of the College of Medicine staff has raised a fund, which now totals $9,450, to endow a lectureship on Medical History in the name of Dr. D. J. Davis, Professor of Pathology and Dean of the College of Medicine, Emeritus. This fund is presented to the University for the following purposes and under the conditions indicated: 1. The fund shall be known as the Medical History Fund of the College of Medicine. 2. The income of this fund shall be used to endow lectures on Medical History to be given at the College of Medicine under the name of "The D. J. Davis Lectures." 3. T h e fund shall be kept open as the nucleus of any broader project of which the lectureship is the first expression, and may be augmented by additional gifts. 4. The fund shall be invested by the University in appropriate securities, and only the income shall be used to pay the honoraria of lecturers and other expenses incidental to the lectureship. 5. T h e lectureship shall be administered by a committee to be appointed by the Dean of the College of Medicine. On behalf of the Board of Trustees I have accepted this fund for the University and have authorized the Comptroller to receive it for the purposes indicated. A letter of appreciation on behalf of the Board of Trustees and the President of the University has been sent to each member of the committee which raised this fund. O n m o t i o n o f M r . N i c k e l l , t h e a c t i o n o f t h e P r e s i d e n t of t h e U n i versity accepting this fund was approved a n d confirmed. APPROPRIATION FOR GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS (10) The Dean of the Graduate School requests an appropriation of $40,000 from funds of 1944-1945 for graduate scholarships and fellowships for that year. It has been customary in past years to make provision for this item in advance
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