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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1943] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 8o3 I concur in this recommendation. On motion of Mrs. Grigsby, these fees were approved as recommended. LEAVES O F ABSENCE (6) A recommendation that the following leaves of absence be granted members of the staff in accordance with the regulations of the University governing such leaves and for the reason indicated in each case: ROBERT FRANCIS SEYBOLT, Professor of History of Education, sick leave with full pay for the period September I, 1943, to March 1, 1944. T h e College of Education will provide for his instructional services without additional expense to the University. OSCAR ADOLPH LEUTWILER, Professor of Mechanical Engineering Design and Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, sick leave from October 11, 1943, through January 31, 1944, with full pay. T h e Department will carry on his work during his absence without additional expense to the University. WALTER JOHN RICHARD CAMP, Professor of Pharmacology, sick leave with full pay from December 1, 1943, through March 31, 1944, in accordance with the rules of the Board covering such leaves. T h e Department, with the help of the College of Pharmacy, will carry on his work without additional expense to the University. MRS. BEATRICE CURRIER SIEMON, Senior Medical Technologist in the Hospital Laboratory, leave without pay for the period March 1, 1943, through May 31, 1943, in order to regain her health subsequent to several recent periods of illness. (This leave was recommended to the Comptroller's Office by the Dean of the College of Medicine prior to March I, when it became effective, and was approved, but it has not previously been reported to the Board for record.) MRS. MILDRED BOOTZ BATTISTE, Assistant Office Appliance Operator in the Department of Agricultural Economics, leave without pay for the period October 1 through November 30, 1943. During this period she will be employed by Dr. R, W. Bartlctt (who is also on leave without pay) on the Bartlett Foundation Study. MARY ABECAIL MANN, Senior Library Assistant in the University Library, sick leave with pay from July 9 through November 4, 1043, and without pay from November 5 through December 31, 1943. MARIE BIGOS, Assistant Clerk in the Chicago Physical Plant Department, sick leave without pay from October 13 through December 31, 1043, this being in addition to vacation and sick leave with pay already taken under University regulations. J. E. BARNES, Farm Laborer in the Dairy Husbandry Department, disability leave with pay from July 31 through October 15, 1943. MRS. ELLEN E. FINNIGAN, Supervising Nurse in the Research and Educational Hospitals, sick leave without pay from July 12 through August 31, 1943, this being in addition to vacation and sick leave with pay already taken under University regulations. MOLLIE HALL, Staff Nurse in the Research and Educational Hospitals, disability leave without pay from July 8 through December 31, 1943, this being in addition to vacation and sick leave with pay already taken under University regulations. EVERETT GILLHAM YOUNG, Professor of Railway Mechanical Engineering, sick leave from November 3, 1043, to February 1, 1944, with pay, less any expenses resulting from the employment of a substitute. BESSIE EUNICE PACKARD, Senior Clerk-Stenographer in the Department of Home Economics, sick leave with pay, March 13 to September 1, 1943, and without pay from September I, 1943, to September I, 1944. Under the rules of the Board, Miss Packard is entitled to the leave with pay indicated because of the length of her service. (She has been employed by the University since December 1, 1006.) She will also receive disability benefits from the University Retirement System during the period of her leave of absence without pay. In the following cases the individuals are eligible for disability benefits
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