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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

786 BOARD OF TRUSTEES REQUEST OF MR. MERLE J . TREES [December 18 T h e President of the University introduced M r . Merle J. Trees, a former member and President of the Board and the donor, with his wife, M r s . Emily Nichols Trees, of the "Emily Nichols Trees (Class of 1905) and Merle Jay Trees (Class of 1907) Collection of Paintings." M r . Trees stated that he and M r s . Trees were highly interested in continuing their annual gifts of paintings, but that they felt that the purpose of their gifts required that the paintings be made available at the University as soon as possible, and that they would be greatly encouraged if there were a prospect that suitable gallery space would be added to the building for Architecture and Kindred Subjects as soon as construction becomes possible. M r . Trees called attention to the Annetta Ayers Saunders bequest to the University of Illinois Foundation, and requested that the Board give consideration to the matter of requesting the Board of Directors of the Foundation to set aside this bequest for the construction of galleries for the T r e e s and other collections. M r . Trees announced the gift of " P o r t r a i t of a Girl" by Ambrosius Holbein as the 1943 addition to the T r e e s collection, and withdrew. On motion of M r s . Grigsby, the President of the University was requested to communicate to the Directors of the University of Illinois Foundation the opinion of the Board that the Annetta Ayers Saunders bequest might properly be reserved to the extent necessary to provide for the housing of the T r e e s collection of paintings. MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT WILLARD T h e Board continued in executive session and considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. GIFT OF MR. AND MRS. MERLE J . TREES (1) Pursuant to the terras of the resolution of the Executive Committee adopted December 18, 1937 (Minutes, page 587), Mr. and Mrs. Merle J. Trees offer as their gift for 1943, to be added to the "Emily Nichols Trees (Class of 1905) and Merle Jay Trees (Class of 1907) Collection," a painting "Portrait of a Girl" by Ambrosius Holbein. A photostatic copy of an appraisal by the Art Institute of Chicago, which is hereby given to the Secretary of the Board for official record, shows that this painting is valued at $17,000. I recommend acceptance of this offer. On motion of Mr. Jensen, this gift was accepted, and the President of the University was requested to convey to M r . and M r s . Trees an expression of the appreciation of the University for their continued generosity. RESEARCH INVESTIGATION FOR NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS (2) On the recommendation of the Dean of the College of Engineering and with the approval of the President, the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board have executed an agreement with the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, for a special investigation. This sum is based on a budget of estimated costs, both direct and indirect, totaling $14,865. O n motion of Mr. Nickell, this contract was approved and confirmed.
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