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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

752 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [October 30 It was also the sense of the meeting that in view of this income the Foundation would not need to request funds from the University for the operation of the Foundation after this fiscal year. Sincerely yours, J A M E S C. COLVIN Secretary TREASURER'S REPORT, J U N E 3 0 , 1 9 4 3 The Secretary presented also for record the report of the Treasurer, Mr. Irvin L. Porter, for the year ending June 30, 1943. STATEMENT OF R E C E I P T S AND DISBURSEMENTS Balance July 1, 1942 Receipts: July, 1942 August, 1942 September, 1942 October, 1942 November, 1942 December, 1942 January, 1943 February, 1943 March, 1943 April, 1943 May, 1943 June, 1943 Total Receipts #636 532 97 ?592 810 88 442 322 47 480 771 05 458 114 54 248 075 38 586 469 64 695 183 20 665 706 97 495 936 21 528 413 42 771 298 71 352 066 71 36 317 169 18 36 953 702 15 , Disbursements (as per cancelled checks returned t o Comptroller): July, 1942 3363 495 57 August, 1942 355 711 67 September, 1942 386 740 06 October, 1942 452 231 06 November, 1942 446 265 46 December, 1942 689 811 94 January, 1943 326 766 42 February, 1943 583 666 81 March, 1943 430 614 75 April, 1943 604 231 49 May, 1943 611 562 20 June, 1943 570 000 67 Total Disbursements Balance on hand June 30, 1943 (on deposit at First National Bank of Chicago) 35 821 098 10 3i 132 604 05 IRVIN L . PORTER, Treasurer Correct: LLOYD M O R E Y , Comptroller SALE OF ROSELAWN CEMETERY LOTS The Secretary presented the following report of the sale of lots in Roselawn Cemetery since the last report of such sales: Date August 21, 1943 August 31, 1943 April 26, 1943 J u n e 21, 1943 September 23, 1943 Description N J ^ Lot 6 Section E N W X Lot 70 Section G N W X Lot 154 Section G E}i Lot 25 Section E W>£ Lot 14 Section E Purchaser John Lierman, Sr. R.G.Smith G. E . Phillips Mrs. Edith Sidell L. Roy Stout Sale Price 3i°5 T0 5 105 105 105
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