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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1943] With Whom Magnaflux Corporation Metropolitan Lite Insurance Company Mueller Construction Company Teaching Films Custodians Rantoul Sanitary Milk Company UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Amount to be paid by the University 745 Dale August 6, 1943 August io, 1943 2 283 Purpose License agreement for use by Engineering departments of patented inventions Agreement for use of company motion picture films Work on Taylor Street property sidewalks License to exhibit motion pictures for educational purposes by the Visual Aids Service Agreement for purchase of milk and milk products for Army messed in the Ice Rink August 23, 1943 August 18, 1943 September 16, 1943 Fixed sums for each film Unit prices listed in contract Leases executed under general regulations of the Board of Trustees: With Whom Central Life Insurance Company of Illinois Properly Lease of premises for Chicago district office for Division of Services for Crippled Children Amount to be paid by the University Date ?l 7SS July 20, 1943 This report was received for record. SETTLEMENT OF WRIGHT ESTATES Mr. McKelvey, for the Committee on Agriculture, r e c o m m e n d e d that t h e B o a r d of T r u s t e e s a d o p t t h e f o l l o w i n g r e s o l u t i o n t o c a r r y o u t a n d effectuate t h e s e t t l e m e n t of t h e W r i g h t E s t a t e s : Whereas, the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois did on March 20, 1943, appoint a special committee (consisting of Mr. Davis, Dr. Luken, and Dr. Meyer) to secure all the facts and make recommendations to the Board to effect a settlement of all controversies and disputes in the matter of the wills and the estates of Dr. H a r r y G. Wright, deceased, and Mrs. Harriette A. Wright, deceased; and Whereas, after numerous conferences and discussions the terms of a settlement were reached and approved by the Board on August 31, 1943, and pursuant thereto, on the same date, a contract was executed between the Board and Posie T. Wright, as residuary devisee and legatee under the Last Will and Testament of Harriette A. Wright, deceased; and Whereas, subsequently in accordance with said contract an agreement was executed on September 20, 1943, by the duly authorized representatives of the Board and Posie T. Wright, providing for a division of the farms contained in the Estate of H a r r y G. Wright between the said parties, and Whereas, subsequently the said Posie T. Wright, in accordance with the right reserved to him by said contracts of August 31, 1943, and September 20, 1943, elected to allocate a certain farm by him selected to the University to apply upon the cash payment required of him by said contract of August 31, 1943, and Whereas, it is now desirable and necessary in order to carry out said agreement between the University of Illinois and the said Posie T. Wright, dated August 31, 1943, that there be an exchange of deeds between the said parties conveying the real estate in the Estate of H a r r y G. Wright to the respective parties entitled to receive the same under the terms of said agreement of August 3i. 1943, Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois does hereby ratify and approve in all things the action taken in respect to the division of the real estate contained in the Estate of H a r r y G. Wright, deceased, and does hereby authorize and direct the President and Secretary to accept from Posie T. Wright and Harriette C. Wright a quitclaim deed conveying all of their right, title, and interest in and to the following described property: T h e Southwest Fractional Quarter (SWfr}4) of Section Nineteen (19) and the Southeast Quarter (SE$4) of Section Nineteen (19) and so much of the Northeast Quarter ( N E J 4 ) of Section Nineteen (19) as lies South of the South
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