Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
690 7. 8. p. 10. BOARD OF T R U S T E E S [August 31 H50 H50 H50 D H 6601 6601 6601 I 380 (13 440) 500 $ 13 940 Total, 11. Wages Total, Salaries and Wages , Graduate Assistant , Graduate Assistant 1 Graduate Assistant , Supply Attendant (C.S.) Salaries SCHOOL OF NURSING Expense and Equipment Unassigned allotment for School of Nursing to be released only on approval of detail budget Total, School of Nursing RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL HOSPITALS Summary Other Salaries and Wages Expense Superintendent Contingent Opening of Unused Wing of Hospital. . . . Anaesthesia Dietary Hospital Laboratory Nursing Operating Room Orthopaedics Outpatient: General Orthopaedics Tumor Clinic Total, Outpatient Total, Research and Educational Hospitals #46 016 ?38 5 25 4 92 9 235 000 890 090 000 240 800 200 400 $ 25 000 $ 25 000 Total $84 5 25 4 165 41 226 6 16 57 4 3 (65 251 000 890 190 944 610 936 200 740 200 880 36o 440) 100 73 944 32 370 221 136 u 51 4 1 (57 340 200 180 860 240) 6 000 700 I 500 (8 200) $200 055 #442 I46 #642 201 Superintendent Salaries and Wages 1. M. H . Worthington, Superintendent of Research and Educational Hospitals (C.S.) (See Outpatient Department) (Total salary) 2. M. C. Benford, Assistant Superintendent of Research and Educational Hospitals (C.S.) (See Outpatient Department) (Total salary) 3. Mrs. Winifred W. Merrill, Junior Clerk-Stenographer (C.S.) 4. Mrs. Lydia Conrad, Senior Record Clerk (C.S.) 5. Mrs. Fae M. Dillman, Junior Clerk-Typist (C.S.) 6. Mrs. Ellen H . Addison, Assistant File Clerk (C.S.) 7. Virginia Kenny, Medical Social W o r k e r (C.S.) 8. , Assistant Medical Social W o r k e r ( C . S . ) . . 9. • • , Junior Clerk-Stenographer (C.S.) 10. , Second-Year Resident in O r t h o p a e d i c s . . . . 11. , Third-Year Resident in Orthopaedics 12. , First-Year Resident in Surgery 13. , Second-Year Resident in Surgery 14. , Third-Year Resident in Surgery 15. , Second-Year Resident in D e r m a t o l o g y . . . *With privilege of two weeks vacation. D50 D50 D17 D83 D D D D D D D H H H H H H 3 100 (2 800) (5 900) 900 (3 600) (4 500) 1 2 1 1 2 I 1 500 100 620 320 100 620 320 880 I 100 660 880 I 100 880