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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1943] 7. 8. 9. 10. H. H. C. F. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS A B B B B B B D D D D D D D D D20 D D D50 Dso Dso Dso Dso D50 D D D D D D D H 689 4 Boo 3 600 3 800 2 800 2 800 3 000 2 800 L. Davis, Associate Professor of Chemistry M. Emig, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy W . Clarke, Assistant Professor of Chemistry T. Maher, Assistant Professor of Pharmacognosy and Pharmacology 11. E. R. Kirch, Assistant Professor of Chemistry 12. R. F. Voigt, Assistant Professor of Pharmacognosy and Pharmacology 13. , Associate in Chemistry 14. P. D. Carpenter, Associate in Botany and Zoology 15. L. E. Martin, Associate in Pharmacy 16. R. W. Spence, Associate in Chemistry ( O n leave without pay, 1943-1944, for approved war work) 17. M. L. Fierke, Associate in Physics 18. Lawrence Templeton, Associate in Pharmacy 19. J. E. Davis, Associate in Mathematics 20. L. C. Dolk, Associate in English 21. B. E. Benton, Instructor in Pharmacy 22. Samuel Shkolnik, Lecturer in Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence 23. W. J. Sharka, Jr., Assistant in Physics 24. B. B. Brody, Assistant in Pharmacy 25. , Graduate Assistant, Department of P h a r macognosy and Pharmacology 26. H . F. Schloemer, Graduate Assistant, Department of Pharmacognosy and Pharmacology 27. R. O. Sebek, Graduate Assistant, Department of Chemistry 28. O. W. Neiditch, Graduate Assistant, Department of Chemistry 29. J. A. Koren, Graduate Assistant, Department of Pharmacy 30. G. L. Heller, Graduate Assistant, Department of Pharmacy 31. Andrew Burger, Storekeeper (C.S.) 32. , Storekeeper (C.S.) 33. , Supply Attendant (C.S.) 34. Eleanor F. Larson, Secretary (C.S.) 35. Mary M. Scanlan, Senior Clerk-Typist (C.S.) 36. Mrs. Marcella M. Walker, Junior Clerk-Stenographer (C.S.) 37. Julia M. Connors, Junior Clerk-Stenographer (C.S.) Total, Salaries 38. Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment General Departmental Expense Travel Equipment Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Pharmacy Hospital Pharmacy Revolving Account Salaries and Wages 1. S. W . Morrison, Associate in Pharmacy and Chief Pharmacist in Hospital Pharmacy 2. W . R. Collins, Assistant in Pharmacy and Assistant P h a r macist in Hospital Pharmacy 3. • , Assistant Registered Pharmacist 4. —, Graduate Assistant 5. j Graduate Assistant 6. — ., Graduate Assistant 1 2 860 3 200 (2 3 3 2 2 2 800) 000 200 900 700 900 700 2 300 1 920 6601 6601 6601 6601 66o' 66o' 1 860 1 1 2 1 620 500 000 900 1 5°o 1 380 (87 56o) 600 (88 160) 16 000 400 2 000 (18 400) $106 560 D D D Hso Hso Hso $ 3 600 3 000 1 500 6601 6601 6601 With privilege of two weeks vacation.
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