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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

668 BOABD OF TRUSTEES [ A u g u s t 31 Expense and Equipment General Departmental Expense Equipment Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Physical Education for Women MILITARY DEPARTMENT Summary Salaries Other and Wages Expense Military S13 200 ?3 300 Revolving Account 800 Total, Military Department $13 200 $4 100 Salaries 1. L. 2. 3. C. 4. G. Military Science and Tactics and Wages C. Sparks, Professor of Military Science and T a c t i c s . . , Supply Officer, R.O.T.C A. Chapman, Adjutant, R.O.T.C E. Musgrave, Storekeeper (C.S.) (Vice Pinsenshaum on leave without pay) (Total salary) 5. Adam Pinsenshaum, Senior Stores Clerk (C.S.) (On leave without pay, 1943-194/|, for military service) . . . 6. F . W . Kistenmacher, Assistant Record Clerk (C.S.) 7. Joseph Kruger, Assistant Stores Clerk (C.S.) 8. Marie Doyle, Senior Clerk-Stenographer (C.S.) 9. Helen Byland, Junior Clerk-Stenographer (C.S.) 10. R. W. Sticklen, Junior Clerk-Typist (C.S.) 11. Mrs, Josephine Murphy, Assistant Clerk-Stenographer (C.S.) Total, Salaries 12. Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment General Departmental Expense Equipment Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Military Science and Tactics Military Clothing and Equipment Expense and Equipment General Departmental Expense Total, Military Clothing and Equipment MILITARY BANDS Salaries Other and Wages Expense #14 127 $2 500 4 800 £14 127 $7 300 Military B a n d s 6 255 400 (6 655) $ 35 295 Total J16 500 800 £17 300 D D D D $ 9001 6001 6001 680 1 5°° (2 180) (1 500)' 6001 4801 1 680 I 420 1 320 1 (10 2 (13 200 980) 340 320) D D D D D D D H 3 000 300 (3 300) $ 16 500 $ $ 800 800 Military Bands Revolving Account Total, Military Bands Salaries and Wages 1. A. A. Harding, Director (See School of Music) (Total salary) Total J i 6 627 4 800 $21 427 A67 $ 4 4&7 A33 (2 233) (6 7°°) ' I n addition to compensation from the United States Government. *Also receives retiring allowance from United States Government.
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