Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1943] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HYGIENE 651 ANIMAL PATHOLOGY AND ENTERIC DISEASES OF S W I N E 36. Vera M. Hanawalt (See Animal Pathology and Hygiene, Item 17) D Sub-total, Animal Pathology and Hygiene FORESTRY FORESTRY PLANTATIONS 2 OOO (2 000) 37. J. N. Spaeth (See Forestry, Item 1) 38. R. W . Lorenz (See Forestry, Item 3) 39. Mrs. Ellen L. Fabert (See Forestry, Item 8) Sub-total, Forestry TIMBER T Y P E S A17 B30 D28 B35 A10 B26 I 000 I 320 450 (2 770) I 200 40. R. W. Lorenz (See Forestry, Item 3) FORESTRY UTILIZATION 41. J. N. Spaeth (See Forestry, Item 1) 42. R. W. Lorenz (See Forestry, Item 3) Sub-total, Utilisation Sub-total, Forestry HOME ECONOMICS SOYBEANS AS FOOD 650 880 (1 530) (5 5oo) 43. Mrs. Evelyn C. Faulkner (See Home Economics, Item 38) D91 44. Mrs. Rose K. Watts (See H o m e Economics, Item 6 2 ) . . . D Sub-total, Soybeans as Food PRESERVATION OF FOODS 2 000 1 380 (3 380) 400 850 1 200 45. Frances O. Van Duyne (See H o m e Economics, Item 28) D15 46. Jean T. Chase (See H o m e Economics, Item 46) D47 47. Janet L. Retzer (See H o m e Economics, Item 49) D75 Sub-total, Preservation of Foods Sub-total, Home Economics Total, Salaries 48. Wages H Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment Printing and Publications General Departmental Expense Travel Equipment Contingent Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Bankhead-Jones Fund (2 450) (5 830) (51 231) 13 259 (64 400) 100 9 430 3 542 3 680 5 495 (22 247) $ 86 737 EXTENSION S E R V I C E IN A G R I C U L T U R E AND HOME E C O N O M I C S (Smith-Lever Fund) (Includes Bankhead-Jones F u n d ) Salaries and Wages ADMINISTRATION GENERAL 1. H . P. Rusk (See College of Agriculture, Administration, Item 1) 2. J. C. Spitler (See College of Agriculture, Administration, Item 6) 3. , (See College of Agriculture, Administration, Item 7) 4. D. M. Hall, Assistant Professor, Agricultural Extension . (E) 5. Marion F . Berry (See College of Agriculture, Administration, Item 17) 6. Blanche L. Lewis, Chief Clerk ( E ) (C.S.) B27 $ A42 B50 B D82 D 2600 2 500 1 700 3 400 2 250 2 750