Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

640 Expense and Equipment COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES [August 31 General Departmental Expense Travel Equipment Contingent Total, College STATION 31 437 400 4 250 1 000 (37 087) 12 133 300 3 150 I 000 (16 583) (53 670) $145 835 General Departmental Expense Travel Equipment Contingent Total, Station Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Dairy Husbandry Restricted Gift Funds DIVERSEY CORPORATION (use of various abrasives) : 1. W . E. Snyder, Special Research Assistant (Until further notice) AERATION PROCESSES, I N C . (problems of ice cream manufacture) : 1. H a r r y Pyenson, Special Research Assistant (Until further notice) Dairy Creamery Salaries and Wages 1. P . H . Tracy (See Dairy Husbandry, Item 7) 2. Dorothy J. Bragg (See Dairy Husbandry, Item 31) Total, Salaries 3. Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment General Departmental Expense Equipment Contingent Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Dairy Creamery Official T e s t Revolving Fund Salaries and Wages 1. A. F. Kuhlman (See Dairy Husbandry, Item 13) ( O n leave without pay, 1943-1944, for military s e r v i c e ) . . 2. • — , Assistant (Vice Kuhlman on leave without pay) 3. Helen M. H a w k (See Dairy Husbandry, Item 29) Total, Salaries 4. W a g e s Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment General Departmental Expense Travel Equipment Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Dairy Official Test Revolving Fund G $ (1 600) G A66 $ D H (2 500) 3 300 1 440 (4 740) 17 000 (21 740) 91 460 5 000 3 000 (99 460) $121 200 D38 $ (1 000) D33 500 D44 H 620 (1 120) s 400 (6 520) 300 1 900 150 (2 350) $ 8 870 Salaries and Wages Forestry 1. J. N . Spaeth, Professor ( C ) and Chief ( S ) ; H e a d of Department A73 $ 4 350 (See Bankhead-Jones fund) A27 (1 650) (Total salary) (6 000)