Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1943] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 621 W A R M A I R FURNACE RESEARCH 1. Seichi Konzo, Special Research Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering ( S ) (Until further notice) G 2. , Special Research Assistant in Mechanical Engineering ( S ) (Until further notice) G Total, Warm Air Furnace Research N.D.R.C. INVESTIGATION 241 (O.E.M. K E R S T ) 4 000 2000 (6 000) 2 640 1800 1 620 (180) (1 800) (6 060) P . Girard, Research Engineer in Physics (Until further notice) G 2. , Special Research Assistant in Physics (Until further notice) G 3. O. H . Marshall, Junior Laboratory Attendant ( S ) (C.S.) Doo (See Physics) Dio (Total salary) Total, O.E.M. Kerst CONCRETE SLAB INVESTIGATION 1. J. 1. V. P . Jensen, Special Research Associate Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ( S ) (Until further notice) ( O n leave without pay, 1943-1944, for approved war work) G 2. C. P . Siess, Special Research Associate in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ( S ) (Until further n o t i c e ) . . . . G Total, Concrete Slab Investigation LEAD S H E A T H MATERIALS (4 200) 3 300 (3 300) 3 450 3 000 2 000 500 (3 Soo) (4 000) (6 400) 2 300 (2 300) (4 600) 2 125 (2 125) (4 250) 1 (1 (2 (S 485 485) 970) 9io) I. C. W . Dollins, Special Research Assistant Professor of Engineering Materials ( S ) (Until further n o t i c e ) . . G N.D.R.C. INVESTIGATION 904 (O.E.M. RICHART) 1. H. C. Roberts, Special Research Associate in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ( S ) (Until further notice) 2. C. F. Shriver, Special Research Assistant in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ( S ) (Until further notice) 3. R. B. Peck, Research Assistant Professor ( S ) (See Civil Engineering) (Total salary) Total, O.E.M. Richart RAILS INVESTIGATION G G D13 D87 1. R. E. Cramer, Special Research Associate Professor of Engineering Materials ( S ) (Until further n o t i c e ) . . (See Wheel Loads and Joint Bars) (Total salary) 2. N. J. Alleman, Special Research Associate Professor of Engineering Materials ( S ) (Until further n o t i c e ) . . (See Wheel Loads and Joint Bars) (Total salary) 3. R. S. Jensen, Special Research Associate in Engineering Materials ( S ) (Until further notice) (See Wheel Loads and Joint Bars) (Total salary) Total, Rails Investigation W H E E L LOADS AND JOINT BARS G50 G50 G50 G50 G50 G50 1. R. E. Cramer, Special Research Associate Professor of Engineering Materials ( S ) (Until further n o t i c e ) . . (See Rails Investigation) (Total salary) 2. N . J. Alleman, Special Research Associate Professor of Engineering Materials ( S ) (Until further n o t i c e ) . . (See Rails Investigation) (Total salary) 3. R. S. Jensen, Special Research Associate in Engineering Materials ( S ) (Until further notice) (See Rails Investigation) (Total salary) Total, Wheel Loads and Joint Bars G50 G50 G50 G50 G50 G50 2 300 (2 300) (4 600) 2 125 (2 125) (4 250) 1 (1 (2 (5 485 485) 970) 910)