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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1943] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 511 premises described in the conveyance by David T. Miles, et ah, to G. A. Goodenough, trustee, as aforesaid; Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Board of Directors of the Athletic Association of the University of Illinois, in meeting duly assembled, that the officers of the corporation be directed and they are hereby authorized to execute a quit claim deed, conveying to Jay C. Hackleman the South 50 feet of the East 82 feet of Lot 39 in Lincoln Place, being an addition to the City of Urbana, in Champaign County, Illinois, thereby releasing, remising and quit claiming any and all interest whatsoever in said property to the said J a y C. Hackleman. It has been suggested and I so recommend that the Board of Trustees approve this action of the Board of Directors of the Athletic Association. On motion of Mr. Davis, the Board approved and concurred in the action of the Board of Directors of the Athletic Association. BEQUEST OF DR. CHARLES P. H O W A R D (24) The will of the late Dr. Charles P . Howard, of Champaign, who passed away on July 21, 1043, includes an important bequest to the University of Illinois. It provides that the residuary estate, after payment of certain specific legacies, shall be held by his brother, Hartwell C. Howard, and the First National Bank of Chicago, as trustees for the benefit of the former during his natural life. Upon the death of Hartwell C. Howard one-half of the principal of the estate, together with any accumulated or unpaid net income therefrom, shall be paid by the First National Bank of Chicago as survivor trustee to T h e Young Men's Christian Association of Champaign, and the other one-half of the estate, together with any accumulated or unpaid net income therefrom, shall be paid to the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to establish the " D r . Hartwell C. Howard Memorial F u n d " in honor of the testator's father. This shall be an endowment or trust fund, the income therefrom to be used to aid pre-medical and pre-dental students at the University of Illinois in any way the Board of Trustees deems proper. In the event the purposes of this trust become obsolete or undesirable then the Board of Trustees may use the income for any purpose it sees fit. The Board shall not be limited by any Statute or rule of law regarding investments by trustees in the investment, reinvestment, or operation of this trust fund. Dr. Charles P. Howard attended the University of Illinois from 1883 to 1884 as an engineering student and later studied dentistry at the University of Pennsylvania. H e was for many years a practicing dentist in Champaign. His surviving brother, Hartwell C. Howard, is also a former student of the University and was, until his retirement from business, a successful contractor in Champaign. Their father, the late Dr. Hartwell C. Howard, was for many years a practicing physician in Champaign. This is being submitted for the information of the Board and for record; it requires no action at this time. This report was received for record. TERMINATION OF ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF MUTUAL BENEFIT HOSPITAL FUND (25) The Advisory Committee of the University of Illinois Mutual Benefit Hospital Fund was established by action of the Board of Trustees on January 27, 1940. Its function was to determine policies and procedures for the administration of the Mutual Benefit Hospital Fund which the Board of Trustees agreed to receive and to disburse as a trust fund in accordance with regulations then approved. On April 29, 1943 (Minutes, page 325), the Board of Trustees approved a uniform hospital and medical service fee for all students in the Urbana departments effective at the fall semester, 1943. As a result of this action, there will be no further additions to the Mutual Benefit Hospital Fund, and there is no need for the continuance of the Advisory Committee of that fund. The regulations governing the receipt of memberships state that "any unexpended balances remaining in the fund in any year beyond the amount deemed
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